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BD 50mg D-bol...opinions/feedback..?


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 4, 2003
I had a friend ask Me about the 50mg D-bols floating around these days I'm not real familiar with them these days...any feedback or opinions would be appreciated, Thanks
I just got off a 4 week kick start on the BD 50's. I am also on 500mg Test E and 400mg EQ EW.

They worked well - terrific strength increases and that general feeling of being "juiced out" an hour or so after taking a dosage (I split them in half and took one half during the day and one at night). Not much bloat/sides (probably due to my AI). When the Test E started kicking in however I did not feel the DBol effect as significantly as the first few weeks. I would sometimes get semi-painful pumps during workouts randomly but not really anything debilitating.

Overall a good experience, I would do them again.
I honestly don't believe them to not be dbol but rather methyl test. I have taken a lot of dbol in my day and must say that I did not get any of the common tell tale signs that this was dbol. I was actually taking 4 of the 50's a day and still no low back pumps that typically plague me from dbol. I typically run 50mg a day on good pinks. I was also running 1200mg of test ew with a 2500mg frontload. I could deff tell I was blasting from test, but the dbol was not as expected.
Same here. I've tried other brands of dbol in the past and have to say I was very disappointed with the BD's!
I honestly don't believe them to not be dbol but rather methyl test. I have taken a lot of dbol in my day and must say that I did not get any of the common tell tale signs that this was dbol. I was actually taking 4 of the 50's a day and still no low back pumps that typically plague me from dbol. I typically run 50mg a day on good pinks. I was also running 1200mg of test ew with a 2500mg frontload. I could deff tell I was blasting from test, but the dbol was not as expected.

I agree. Its the nose bleeds, lack of should I say, that leads me to believe these 50mg tabs are not Dbol. Mex Used to sell the green 10's, I'd start off with 2 per week and my nose would goush with blood 2-3 times a day. Im sensitive to it obviously lol. After eating 2 of IP's 50mg tabs a day for 3 weeks and not getting a single nosebleed, need I say more.
I agree. Its the nose bleeds, lack of should I say, that leads me to believe these 50mg tabs are not Dbol. Mex Used to sell the green 10's, I'd start off with 2 per week and my nose would goush with blood 2-3 times a day. Im sensitive to it obviously lol. After eating 2 of IP's 50mg tabs a day for 3 weeks and not getting a single nosebleed, need I say more.

didnt you say you took the walgreens home test and it showed negative in another post?
thanks....for all the feedback guys...maybe methyltest....also honestly My friend got them....any chance he recieved BD Dbol from BD still or are all of them floating around these days from our chinese friend...?
Same here. I've tried other brands of dbol in the past and have to say I was very disappointed with the BD's!

i guess the next question is not the the quality of a specific dvd, but just anything from BD. with all the controversy going on.:confused:
5mg thai's work 100 times better than 50mg BD

translation - BD 50's dont work - at all
Methyl test is what I suspect since it is the most comonly subbed compound found in fake gear. It will fool most of the newer guys as it will still yield results, it's just not dbol. When I blast I run pretty high test so a tiny bit of methyltest is not noticeable to me, but to someone running 400-500mg a week they might notice a spike in test before their injectable test starts to kick in. I however frontloaded 2.5g and had over your 500mg/wk peak running from day 2.

Bottom line, BD 50's are bogus imo. If you just want something to jumpstart a low dose cylcle. It will most likly do what you want it to, but just know it's not dbol.
I honestly would probably frontload test Myself(d-bol give Me heartburn & acid reflux) but thansk for the info I will let My friend know
i got some and have done them many times in the past....all i know for a fact is that they are not producing/making me feel like they should
obviously its different in the US due to the laws but over here in the UK, I'd rather buy some raw methandeione (SP) and cap it myself at 50mg just to eliminate the risk of getting methyl test.

For the cost of raw dbol as well its so worth it.
dammit i called this out months ago. .I knew there was something wrong with them..
obviously its different in the US due to the laws but over here in the UK, I'd rather buy some raw methandeione (SP) and cap it myself at 50mg just to eliminate the risk of getting methyl test.

For the cost of raw dbol as well its so worth it.

how do you know that the raw is legit?
how do you know that the raw is legit?

Good point Stewie.

But then, I guess we gotta trust someone, somewhere, sometime, or we wouldn't ever use anything...

Time tells though, assuming prior experience to go by.
I had a friend ask Me about the 50mg D-bols floating around these days I'm not real familiar with them these days...any feedback or opinions would be appreciated, Thanks
They work for me, I love em
Nothing but a Big Dissappiontment (BD) for me. I have had d-bol a few times in the past and these BD did not even scratch the surface , I would not ever touch the BD brand of the d-bol again. No strength ,no water bloat ,no lower back pumps and i even tried them at 100mgs for a few weeks. Since then i haven't even purchased from the source again. Also the yellow winny"s didn't seem to be true either.
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im not pimping anyones products guys but seriously try the 10mg dbols thats napsgear is selling i havent heard one bad thing about them all good!

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