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Best Sleep aids? HELP..BBB

Jun 24, 2003
ZMA, melatonin, Kava Kava, Nitol...all those things do not help me sleep more then 4 hours..i sleep sound as hell for 4 hours then wake up after 4 hours well rested...well as rested as one can feel after four hours...

I have not slept 8 straight hours in over 5 years...i want to sleep guys..HELP!!!!

Pittbull™ said:
Have you tried the hammer method? j/k bro.
I've got the same problem so I'd love to know too.
I have found that:

6mgs of melatonin
7,200 mgs of ZMA
2ius of HGH

45 minutes before bed and there is no fighting the sleep that hits you hard..but 4 hours later PITTBULL your up and walking the floors as you know all to well....

I have thought about slamming my head in a door more then once...the hammer idea is looking better each night to be honest.......
Hey BBB,

I don't have it as bad as you but I would like to know as well.

Back when Renetrient was legal that stuff was great! Wake up, reach over take a cap full and 10 minutes later start feeling tingly. Five minutes later WHAM back to sleep for another 4 or so hours.

Anyone make a legal version of this stuff?

Yeah..............I've had this problem for years. Nothing keeps me asleep longer than a few hours and then I'm restless for the rest of the night. Some meds work well, but I've learned to deal with it as I do not want to be dependent on meds to sleep.

Did I mention that I get the CRAZIEST dreams from all the over the counter crap. Shit that I've never dreamed of...............FREAKS ME OUT sometimes!

patk said:
Did I mention that I get the CRAZIEST dreams from all the over the counter crap. Shit that I've never dreamed of...............FREAKS ME OUT sometimes!

Yeah I get really fucked up dreams on some, but find most nights it's probally 3-4hrs then awake then anything from every 30min awake, I feel totally drained all day every day & training is a real struggle sometimes, then if you have a nap during the day it makes trying to get to sleep at night so much harder.
I've been told melatonin works a treat, is it OTC. I'm pretty sure it's not here in New Zealand. ZMA does nothing for me & HGH down here is way too expensive!
Ambien has a new timed release formula

I know its a prescription med, but it does work much better than anything else i have tried. I am up like like clockwork after 3-4 hrs of sleep. At least now I get like 5 straight hours then maybe another 2 after eatin something. Good luck!

Pittbull™ said:
Or you could look up some of Pete Rose Jr's friends, I'm sure they'll be able to give you something to help with sleep & grow at the same time. Bwahahahaha
I'd love to see what it does to be honest with you..

I am glad to se but at the same time sad to see alot of us are effected this way...
I've found it gives you a really deep sleep but you still end waking up, maybe not in 3-4hrs but 4-5hrs. However a lot more refreshed.

The major down side is it's addictive as are most rec drugs & the stuff is used as a industrial cleaner on printing presses, to name one, so think what it's doing to your gut!

I think for the sake of this thread we move away from this now as we don't want a "rec" type thread getting started.
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Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 tablet
Servings Per Container: 50

Amount per Serving % Daily Value

Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 0.5 mg 25%

Calcium (as calcium carbonate) 200 mg 20%

Magnesium (as magnesium hydroxide) 10 mg 3%

Melatonin 3 mg*

Glycine 40 mg*

L-Theanine 50 mg*

Valerian Root Extract (Valerian officinallis) 100 mg*

Valerenic Acids 0.8 mg*

Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)


  • ko.jpg
    10 KB · Views: 270
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Or you can make your own.

Taurine 10-15 gm.

-Theanine 500 mg.

-Glycine 500 mg.

mixed with soem decaf soda.

Originally poste by Brooklynjuice, RIP
you know what guys, i did tryed a lot of stuff,sleeping pils and so on.the stuff doesnt work for me.i still dont sleep,and if i do i will be up untill 3 am and i will sleep few hours and will be up at 6 or 7 if i am lucky and here my new day begins.
the funny shit was,when i took 2 sleeping pils,i had a chance to see what one pill does with some people and they do work.so anyway i took them,i was watching movie(i thought i will fall asleep faster)after the movie was over i wet to kitchen have big meal,and that was a few hour after i took pils,i finish my food,then went to bed and tryed fall asleep,we i did,but i was up in 3 hours :D :D and i did that few time.and every time the same thing

so now i just sit by the computer till 2 or 3 am and then go to bed and sleep for few hours and i am up,and like that every day.

so i hope guys you have your magic pils ;)
BBB have you ever had sleep apneia(sp?) ruled out?
jerrywear said:
you know what guys, i did tryed a lot of stuff,sleeping pils and so on.the stuff doesnt work for me.i still dont sleep,and if i do i will be up untill 3 am and i will sleep few hours and will be up at 6 or 7 if i am lucky and here my new day begins.
the funny shit was,when i took 2 sleeping pils,i had a chance to see what one pill does with some people and they do work.so anyway i took them,i was watching movie(i thought i will fall asleep faster)after the movie was over i wet to kitchen have big meal,and that was a few hour after i took pils,i finish my food,then went to bed and tryed fall asleep,we i did,but i was up in 3 hours :D :D and i did that few time.and every time the same thing

so now i just sit by the computer till 2 or 3 am and then go to bed and sleep for few hours and i am up,and like that every day.

so i hope guys you have your magic pils ;)

This has always been a problem of mine as well. Research suggests that humans can function well with a wide range of sleep patterns. The actual amount of sleep a person requires is pretty subjective (depends on the person).

I have noticed that when I'm cycling, I can get sleepy during the day and be restless at night. People who train hard have to pay special attention to their sleep whether on AAS or not. I believe for AAS users, their natural rhythms, circadian and diurnal, are thrown off as their own bodies are not fully in control of the hormonal balance. They have a constantly "on" state of testosterone vs. the natural pulses that your own body will produce endogenously.

Avoid caffeine
Don't watch Rambo and then try to go to sleep
Avoid bright lights
Don't exercise late
Don't eat a power meal before bed, have something light
Set the clock and don't look at it again
Don't toss and turn. Instead, get up and do something boring in near dark
Don't drink alcohol... EVER (lol)

Personally, I use L-tryptophan (2gms) and a 5mg Ambien - but only ambien on the really tough nights. Be careful with melatonin. Remember that this is something your body produces in very trace amounts at very specific times. You don't want to reduce your levels of melatonin. I had to get trypto by mail. A bad batch killed a bunch of folks and they pulled it - an isolated incident. Trypto is a precurser for serotonin and aids in synthesis of B vitamins. And we all know how important they are...

If none of that works, pendulate a pocket watch in front of your eyes and repeat "you're feeling sleeeeeee....."
I take 50mg of trazadone and 10mg of ambien and i sleep pretty good.:) Even 200mg of benadryl doesnt do shit for me now. I dont always take the ambien tho, but i do take the trazadone. Plus its a anti depressant so its important to. The thing with trazadone is that a low dose is just as effective for sleep as a higher dose.
bigbaldbulldog said:
I'd love to see what it does to be honest with you..

I am glad to se but at the same time sad to see alot of us are effected this way...

It worked really well for me BBB, I posted on the Pete rose Jr. thread. I don't have the problem all the time but I esp have sleeping problems when I am dieting for a show then I wake up every two hours for the last 12 weeks before my show and it wreaks havoc on me as i always end up getting sick along the way.

Yeah renutrient was great, it came in both pill and liquid and I would sleep the best on it and wake up not hungover from other drugs like ambien, restoril, etc.
bulldog21 said:
It worked really well for me BBB, I posted on the Pete rose Jr. thread. I don't have the problem all the time but I esp have sleeping problems when I am dieting for a show then I wake up every two hours for the last 12 weeks before my show and it wreaks havoc on me as i always end up getting sick along the way.

Yeah renutrient was great, it came in both pill and liquid and I would sleep the best on it and wake up not hungover from other drugs like ambien, restoril, etc.
I know of a few people who use it to sleep now & say it's a very deep, peaceful sleep & you wake refreshed from a 3hr sleep like it had been 6hrs. It's also kept them much leaner & they swear on it to assist in some really good gains at the gym.
Pittbull™ said:

I know of a few people who use it to sleep now & say it's a very deep, peaceful sleep & you wake refreshed from a 3hr sleep like it had been 6hrs. It's also kept them much leaner & they swear on it to assist in some really good gains at the gym.

Very true!!! you just can't find it ANYWHERE here in the US, plus getting caught with it now the penalty is so steep that it is not worth the trouble.

When I used it I noticed that I did stay leaner and I stayed strong and healthy through a whole baseball season, and I never used any AAS back then ( not that I didn't want to I just didn't know what to use) but everyone on my baseball team thought I was using, only thing I was using was renutrient or Rejuv the old liquid form.
Pittbull, melatonin is no longer available otc in NZ. I have ordered it from the States and find it quite good. That Knock-out mentioned in this thread sounds promising.

I get a prescription drug in NZ called Zopiclone (Imovane) which is apparently not marketed in the States. I know of people who don't like it at all, mainly because it can leave an aftertaste the next morning, but it's a lifesaver for me. I'm a terrible sleeper too and when I have a particularly bad run I'll take 1/2 tb of Imovane a night until I feel I've caught up a bit. It gives me a good few hours sleep. It's prescribed quite a lot in hospitals here.

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