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Big A and other vets, what do you think????

Squat Ass

New member
Sep 12, 2004
I am getting ready for my 5th show. This is what I am planning on doing in a few weeks.. I have tried this before and it has worked well for me. The only problem is that sat night after the night show(and lots of junk food) I look super vascular and pumped... I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you can give me. Thanks :) Squat Ass

One week out assuming prejuding is sat morning

Training (no legs 1 week out)
Sat morning cardio/ evening cardio
Sun totally off
Mon am cardio jog pm circuit training back bi pm cardio jog
Tues am cardio jog pm circuit training chest tri shoulders jog
Wed nothing
Thurs nothing
Fri nothing
Sat pump up before show

Diet (I will have dropped all carbs by now)
Mon-Tues start drinking distilled water
Meal 1 egg whites with veg
Meal 2 chicken with veg
Meal 3 chicken with veg
Meal 4 tuna with veg
Meal 5tuna with veg

Totally drop sodium
2.5 gallons distilled per day
liquid K and Calcium pills almost every time I pee
Meals 1-5 chicken (boiled in distilled water)
Salt free rice cakes to meals 1&2 on Wed about 40g
Salt free rice cakes to meals 1, 2 & 3 on Thur about 60g carbs

Last water thurs night

Sauna first thing in morning then rest all day
Eat when hungry chicken and rice cakes ??? not sure of quantity????
Only sips of water no more then 5 -6 oz

?????Maybe shitload fri night???? (never did it)

?????Eat big breakfast, maybe pancakes with syrup?????
Keep eating ricecakes and honey or jam..
20 minutes before stage get some kind of simple sugar usually candy…
After prejuding out to eat somewhere, little to drink
Have sexy posing routine at Night show
Kick Ass
You might tell us your size, that might put things into persepective better.

My last show was first time I used distilled water to load and deplete. I got cramps so bad, I didn't think I could go on stage. I used aldactone the week before (potassium sparing) and diazide thur afternoon and evening. I even used AMP as it was suppose to help w/cramps (both pre and evening).

I think it was Phil that posted you shouldn't drink distilled water because it'll flush tyour system of needed minerals. I saw the guy that won my class was drinking spring water and was f*ckin ripped and dry.

Without knowing your size, your carb load seems a bit light.
Squat Ass said:
I am getting ready for my 5th show. This is what I am planning on doing in a few weeks.. I have tried this before and it has worked well for me. The only problem is that sat night after the night show(and lots of junk food) I look super vascular and pumped... I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you can give me. Thanks :) Squat Ass

One week out assuming prejuding is sat morning

Training (no legs 1 week out)
Sat morning cardio/ evening cardio
Sun totally off
Mon am cardio jog pm circuit training back bi pm cardio jog
Tues am cardio jog pm circuit training chest tri shoulders jog
Wed nothing
Thurs nothing
Fri nothing
Sat pump up before show

Diet (I will have dropped all carbs by now)
Mon-Tues start drinking distilled water
Meal 1 egg whites with veg
Meal 2 chicken with veg
Meal 3 chicken with veg
Meal 4 tuna with veg
Meal 5tuna with veg

Totally drop sodium
2.5 gallons distilled per day
liquid K and Calcium pills almost every time I pee
Meals 1-5 chicken (boiled in distilled water)
Salt free rice cakes to meals 1&2 on Wed about 40g
Salt free rice cakes to meals 1, 2 & 3 on Thur about 60g carbs

Last water thurs night

Sauna first thing in morning then rest all day
Eat when hungry chicken and rice cakes ??? not sure of quantity????
Only sips of water no more then 5 -6 oz

?????Maybe shitload fri night???? (never did it)

?????Eat big breakfast, maybe pancakes with syrup?????
Keep eating ricecakes and honey or jam..
20 minutes before stage get some kind of simple sugar usually candy…
After prejuding out to eat somewhere, little to drink
Have sexy posing routine at Night show
Kick Ass
Well i see many flaws , but simple ones .

TUNA??? what kind of tuna? i disagree with this .
EGG whites??? totally disagree.
Cutting the water on thursday?? you should have been ready on thursday no need to cut until friday unless you were unprepared.
saturdays big breakfast = big mistake , you shouldnt be eating pancakes your a smaller girl and you want your waist as small as possible nO pancakes thats just dough sitting in your stomach , id say eat twinkies, frosting ect.these things will have no problem disolving very quickly and easly.

just what i think im sure EVERYBODYS does it differnt. :)
Last edited:

I am 130 right now and will probably get to 125 before water drop. I know you said my carb load seems light, (but I am a little afraid of carbs :eek: )haha

I never had any problems cramping with distilled, I only cramped up for days after.(really bad too)

My soduim and water drop was recommended to me by my first trainer, he was an old school bodybuiler.. I just think that maybe there is a better way to do it.

Thanks xcel for the links.

Squat Ass
Squat Ass said:
I never had any problems cramping with distilled, I only cramped up for days after.(really bad too)
Have a large bottle of Pedialyte (generic works fine) for right after the night show. This should help with that and water-rebound.
Vander_V said:
TUNA??? what kind of tuna? i disagree with this .
EGG whites??? totally disagree.
Canned tuna has a ton of sodium - but is there something wrong with plain cooked tuna?

What wrong with egg white, other than they have a bit of natural sodium?
Thanks for your advice Vander

Why do you disagree with tuna (regular in water and washed)and eggs? Sodium??? Would you say chicken is better on mon and tues?

Also thanks for remembering that I am little chickie. Many times guys give girls avice according to his body the end result is that she looks like shit. The more I think about it, guys and girls need to do alot of things differnt.

Twinkies and frosting it is!!! :)

Squat Ass
Squat Ass said:
Thanks for your advice Vander

Why do you disagree with tuna (regular in water and washed)and eggs? Sodium??? Would you say chicken is better on mon and tues?

Also thanks for remembering that I am little chickie. Many times guys give girls avice according to his body the end result is that she looks like shit. The more I think about it, guys and girls need to do alot of things differnt.

Twinkies and frosting it is!!! :)

Squat Ass

like you just said your a little chickie so lets bring you in little in the waist peeled to the bone , i belive that the tuna will carry to much sodium and your body will react to this in its last week for sure , also your egg whites have natural sodium , your a girl and a small girl so this will definatly show on you, try eating fish like COD or fresh turkey or chicken , i belive turkey will give you a harder look.

Twinkies and frosting + cinnamon grahm crackers with frosting spread on them , candy corn MnMs pop tarts every hour eat 2 of these starting on friday night from 5 in the evening till 11 , this is what a 120-130 lbs girl should be eating , as for me well i dont even eat pancakes but i will eat a bit more of other things.

let me ask you this have you ever poored warm water on a twinkie? the danm thing nearly melts before your eyes , this is what you want very quick dissoling easy digesting carbs.

like i said this is totally just my thoughts im sure people have there own ways of doing shit.
so fri morning and early afternoon should I be eating just chicken and rice cakes?
Squat Ass
Squat Ass said:
so fri morning and early afternoon should I be eating just chicken and rice cakes?
Squat Ass

add in brown rice throughout the day .
Hey Vander

Hey Vander What do you think I should do the day of the show??? Keep junk eating every 2 hours? What about honey or jam??

Squat Ass
Squat Ass said:
Hey Vander What do you think I should do the day of the show??? Keep junk eating every 2 hours? What about honey or jam??

Squat Ass

yes jam and honey are fine , just make sure you are eating the things that are easy to digest and dissolve and you should be fine.

Also DO NOT USE THE SAUNA i forgot to tell you that.trust me. :)

As for the sauna thing, I have used it an not used it.. The show I looked the best at I couldnt even get inthe danm thing with out almost keeling over. it was too hot for me. But there was a carzy lady in there wearing sweat shirt and sweat pants covered with towels. Strange. I kept thinking how can she be in here all covered, when I can barely make it in almost nothing..I guess younever know what youare going to see in a locker room,haha

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