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blood work and trt


Dec 1, 2005
wow so i am at 5'10" 199 lbs lean as hell benching 355 with a previous pec surgery squatting 315 atg for 12 reps not much but i like form over weight
deadlift 405x5 raw
db shoulder press 75 for 15 reps easy

my point is if im this tough and big how are my levels this low 253!!! have not touched aas in 5 months and it was weak sauce! Free is 5 when it should be 9 or higher !!!!
i have no tumors on my pituitary gland no atrophy just low production and perfect estro levels and prolactin is average so ???
lol i suck
they want to give me 200mg test a week thats low so i am going to see if it helps at all if not then i will as for more he said its as high as he can go for now until he does more blood work
is this going to help or not? 200 mg seems fing low and wont do shit even for libido which i dont have
200mg/week put my Test levels at 1300ng and my lab range is 280-800ng. 200mg will most likely put you on the high or over high end range for test.
200mg/week will put most people over the top of the "normal" range.
Your levels are technically in the low end of normal according to some charts like quest labs.
200mg per week is the max most endos or uros will prescribe.As others have said that will bump most up and over the normal range limits.

i was thinking trt was a joke til you guys say this and 1k i can handle lol hcg did not work after 1 year daa did not work nor did clomid or nolva so trt for like :( at 25 thats bad
It seems to be pretty individual, but 100mg a week put me in the middle 500s on a 280-800ng scale. Of course, I'll need to "supplement" to get strength/size, but I felt 1000 percent better at those levels. If the doc will give you 200 a week, I'd go for it, though I may take less until he retests you, as he may want to lower it. For me, low test, I got really really frustrated easy, that's way down...
my symptoms

low tolerance to little things
lack of motivation
no i mean no sexual desire
loss of mass less full looking
no focus factor
low tolerance to little things
lack of motivation
no i mean no sexual desire
loss of mass less full looking
no focus factor

Yeah, to some small degree I had all of those. BIG, on the first on, any little thing would set me off. It improved 1000 percent. I would definitely go for it if I were you. The frustration I had was REALLY impacting me at work and life out of work....
donehes even letting me take the kit home haha

i called him an hour ago he is going to show me all spots to inject and give me a precription for ten weeks at at time
i will add

he is only doing this because i have emt certification in ny and also prior medic experience to boot
Your lucky, I only get 200mg a month.

You should seriously try to get more, IMO you should minimally be getting 400mg/month (at least 100mg/week). You're talking roughly 50mg/week which is almost pointless, at that low of a dosage your test levels are going to be in the low-middle range.
My doc will only give me 200mg every 2 weeks, and damn insurance will not cover it, unless I have a bone density test, showing I need it or have HIV.
I have the script, where is the cheapest pharamcy to purchase Test Cyp? Walgreens quoted me a $110 bucks for 10ml.
Ditto to what the others are saying. 200 mg/wk is a hefty dose and will put you out of reference range. Im surprised he offered you that much. I do 120 mg/wk and that puts me in the 800s. My endo just ordered me to lower mine, as ive been having trouble with high hematocrit. If you end up taking 200mg/wk for life, youre going to probably need to have phlebotomies on a regular basis unless youre very very lucky. Im having to do them now.
You should seriously try to get more, IMO you should minimally be getting 400mg/month (at least 100mg/week). You're talking roughly 50mg/week which is almost pointless, at that low of a dosage your test levels are going to be in the low-middle range.

Yeah thats what id like. I have blood work in 6 weeks, hopefully he ll increase the dosage.

Im just happy he prescribed me some.
My doc will only give me 200mg every 2 weeks, and damn insurance will not cover it, unless I have a bone density test, showing I need it or have HIV.
I have the script, where is the cheapest pharamcy to purchase Test Cyp? Walgreens quoted me a $110 bucks for 10ml.

Sav-on or albertsons was around $75. Everywhere else is around 100-115.

They told me my insurance would only pay for 1ml a month, but when i went to walmart to pick it up it was 15 bucks for 10ml. I hurry and left.

So id go to another place and try.

yea i do blood work often now im nervous about my health so i keep track

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