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Blood work in Japan


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
did mine in Japan and
they do things a bit differently.
but here are my levels
ALT 56
AST 48 (could be high because I had been really pushing myself at the gym the last 4 days before the test)
r-GTP 47〔no idea、I can’t even find it online
TP 6.8 (not sure what this is, but one of the Kanji is "white"...and this is not the white blood count line)
Albumin 4.1
Albumin/Globulin ratio 1.5
total cholesterol 160 (for some reason, they don't separate the LDL and HDL, and the ration is most important)
RBC 475
Hb 15
Hematocrit 42.7
MCV 89.9 (no idea!)
MCH 31.6 (something to do with hemoglobin)
MCHC 35.1 (similar to above I can assume)
WBC 55
PLT 26.5

The only thing that really concerns me is the AST and ALT levels. they are not severely high, but I am taking two LIV 52 and some milk thistle everyday. I had hoped for lower. BTW, the last 4 days before the test I really pushed myself hard in the weight room, and I know that can raise some numbers.
I am also taking d-bol and quite a few prescription drugs.
I am seriously thinking of going to synthetek for some support.
any comments would be nice!
AST, ALT the more I read the crazier the variations are. I think a fool proof would be to get a ultra sound or even better an MRI, and maybe check bilirubin levels if u are worried bout hte liver..

MCV is mean cell volume of Red blood cell, MCh is mean cell hemoglobin, and MCHC is mean cell hemoglobin concentration. They are all fine.

r-GTP never heard that either, maybe Guanosine tri phosphate
leave it to the JAPANESE to make it more complicated, cheaper, more user friendly, and half the price you'd pay in the US. Those bastards are making my life way too convenient.
I think that r-GTP is the same as GGT.
TP is Total Protein
When was your last workout before the blood draw? Not really sure from your post. There are not really high, especially since you are "on" an oral.

did mine in Japan and
they do things a bit differently.
but here are my levels
ALT 56
AST 48 (could be high because I had been really pushing myself at the gym the last 4 days before the test)
r-GTP 47〔no idea、I can’t even find it online
TP 6.8 (not sure what this is, but one of the Kanji is "white"...and this is not the white blood count line)
Albumin 4.1
Albumin/Globulin ratio 1.5
total cholesterol 160 (for some reason, they don't separate the LDL and HDL, and the ration is most important)
RBC 475
Hb 15
Hematocrit 42.7
MCV 89.9 (no idea!)
MCH 31.6 (something to do with hemoglobin)
MCHC 35.1 (similar to above I can assume)
WBC 55
PLT 26.5

The only thing that really concerns me is the AST and ALT levels. they are not severely high, but I am taking two LIV 52 and some milk thistle everyday. I had hoped for lower. BTW, the last 4 days before the test I really pushed myself hard in the weight room, and I know that can raise some numbers.
I am also taking d-bol and quite a few prescription drugs.
I am seriously thinking of going to synthetek for some support.
any comments would be nice!
did mine in Japan and
they do things a bit differently.
but here are my levels
ALT 56
AST 48 (could be high because I had been really pushing myself at the gym the last 4 days before the test)
r-GTP 47〔no idea、I can’t even find it online
TP 6.8 (not sure what this is, but one of the Kanji is "white"...and this is not the white blood count line)
Albumin 4.1
Albumin/Globulin ratio 1.5
total cholesterol 160 (for some reason, they don't separate the LDL and HDL, and the ration is most important)
RBC 475
Hb 15
Hematocrit 42.7
MCV 89.9 (no idea!)
MCH 31.6 (something to do with hemoglobin)
MCHC 35.1 (similar to above I can assume)
WBC 55
PLT 26.5

The only thing that really concerns me is the AST and ALT levels. they are not severely high, but I am taking two LIV 52 and some milk thistle everyday. I had hoped for lower. BTW, the last 4 days before the test I really pushed myself hard in the weight room, and I know that can raise some numbers.
I am also taking d-bol and quite a few prescription drugs.
I am seriously thinking of going to synthetek for some support.
any comments would be nice!

your alt and ast are not that bad for what you are doing. mine have come back higher than that while on. if you are worried go see a doc.
These are not bad at all then.
I test my blood monthly (somtimes more often) just to get a feel
for what effect different things have on my body. I have had much MUCH higher levels than that, just from just a heavy workout within 2-3 days prior.
Remember, these enzymes are not liver specific (although they do have a high corelation).

day before
These are not bad at all then.
I test my blood monthly (somtimes more often) just to get a feel
for what effect different things have on my body. I have had much MUCH higher levels than that, just from just a heavy workout within 2-3 days prior.
Remember, these enzymes are not liver specific (although they do have a high corelation).

thanks to everyone that commented, it makes me feel better. I try to avoid alcohol and take liv 52 even while off. I have had 2 relatives die of liver failure/cancer and I don't want that to happen to me.

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