Listen to this: I got sentenced to 2 years for 2nd degree assault. I then got a Habeas Corpus and was amended to 9 months...
I was in the state penn for 2 weeks then transfered to the county clink. I actually did not mind the penn, there was life there. The jail-----It was the WORST time of my life....all the guards were power tripped, and were generally miserable people, so they LOVED coming to work to just FUCK with the inmates, I was their favorite target..7 SEVEN FUCKING times my mom tried to visit me and each time some complete BULLSHIT excuse was used... I was not allowed calls 'cept to my lawyer. I was classified as Max. Celli so I had a "Jack - Shack" to myself. 23 1/2 hrs of solitude. I got so damn lonely...I got maced onece IN MY CELL --- get this; for being too loud when I found out a good friend had shot his head off... All I wanted was a phonecall...This bitch stuck the nozzle in the tray slot and went to town. I had my head in the toilet. Pretty much the only time in my life where I was calculating on how to kill them all --- talk about homicidal urges!
These people get off on seeing others suffer, not to mention the DISGUSTING state the jail was was SO nasty, even taking a shower was repulsive....After 3 months in solitary I got 1 month w/ the population...
Ps -- I could go on and on w/ stories about these places, people...but it brings back some very hard memories. Even if it was 4 months, it seemed like forever. The food was also horrible.
I was in there for a BS reason too.