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PJ Braun released from prison today

What I remember most from that period after Titus went to prison was how gitty Hernon would get posting about it. Man when that video of Titus’s cell extraction came out he was loving it!
Well they had a very heavy competition history. One contest Phil told me about was where he was sure Titus beat him but Phil was given the win by judges. Well Titus went crazy and ran off stage and grabbed a chair and smashed it to the ground.

I think Titus beat Phil more then Phil beat him...Phil always respected his physique, but I consider Phil a good friend.. the only person I ever recall him speaking badly about was Titus.

Which says a lot...Phil helped me start and run one of my forums and I still deal w totalrx through his wife and still get stuff from Emeric. Great people...Phil and I always have very diff political views but he was a good person and if he says Titus was a bad bad person...I believe him.

Screenshot_20240202-174055-128.png Screenshot_20240202-174116-020.png
Well they had a very heavy competition history. One contest Phil told me about was where he was sure Titus beat him but Phil was given the win by judges. Well Titus went crazy and ran off stage and grabbed a chair and smashed it to the ground.

I think Titus beat Phil more then Phil beat him...Phil always respected his physique, but I consider Phil a good friend.. the only person I ever recall him speaking badly about was Titus.

Which says a lot...Phil helped me start and run one of my forums and I still deal w totalrx through his wife and still get stuff from Emeric. Great people...Phil and I always have very diff political views but he was a good person and if he says Titus was a bad bad person...I believe him.

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Not to mention the “towel incident”
I was sitting on getbig forums as it was going down and Craig and Kelly were on the run. First post by "gh15" was on that 'Titus on the run' thread and as I recall it was vitriolic, very personal. Easy to think there was some personal connection, I think so at least. He referred to Titus as "the murderer" henceforth. There was malice and then glee as Titus got caught. That's why I was always very curious as to who was sitting behind that computer, still bothers me lol.
IIRC, Benoit had the cognitive capacity of an apricot from all the blows to the head he took from his WWE years

CTE, mixed with drugs is a bad combination

He worked out with my coach a few times when WWE was in town. Coach said he was a nice dude but a little odd. Same impression I got when I met him one time in the locker room. Dude gave the biggest grin and the missing tooth made it scary as fuck.
Well they had a very heavy competition history. One contest Phil told me about was where he was sure Titus beat him but Phil was given the win by judges. Well Titus went crazy and ran off stage and grabbed a chair and smashed it to the ground.

I think Titus beat Phil more then Phil beat him...Phil always respected his physique, but I consider Phil a good friend.. the only person I ever recall him speaking badly about was Titus.

Which says a lot...Phil helped me start and run one of my forums and I still deal w totalrx through his wife and still get stuff from Emeric. Great people...Phil and I always have very diff political views but he was a good person and if he says Titus was a bad bad person...I believe him.

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Hernon had unbelievable density. He was Fantastic! I saw him in the magazines making Palumbo look small at Nationals lol.. Awesome physique. Titus sucked as a pro.
He was sleeping w his personal assistant...girl was super hot...he and his wife a famous fitness competitor murdered her. Put her in the trunk of a jaguar in the Vegas area and set it on fire

They tried to evade capture but a bodybuilding fan in Boston turned them in. Kelly got out years ago ..Titus still in.

Basically he had an affair...wife got furious. They murdered her and burned her body and got caught.

Some people argue they deserve the death penalty.
I support the death penalty, saves me tax dollars. He sounds like a good candidate for it
I think it was @FrancisK who is a member here that knew.the people involved as I think he was as well of gh15. Hopefully he'll chime in to tell the story.
I was sitting on getbig forums as it was going down and Craig and Kelly were on the run. First post by "gh15" was on that 'Titus on the run' thread and as I recall it was vitriolic, very personal. Easy to think there was some personal connection, I think so at least. He referred to Titus as "the murderer" henceforth. There was malice and then glee as Titus got caught. That's why I was always very curious as to who was sitting behind that computer, still bothers me lol.
I think it was @FrancisK who is a member here that knew.the people involved as I think he was as well of gh15. Hopefully he'll chime in to tell the story.
I highly doubt it. There was someone else here who claimed he was writing under the account. Well, write something here in "gh15 style" I said. Oh, he was just giving ideas to someone else writing it. LOL this saga hasn't been answered to my satisfaction yet. There was some connection to Nasser in the beginning I think. Most who once checked a few posts thought it was just some kid writing jibberish but if you read closely there were lots of things indicating high familiarity with gear. Nothing special, but enough to say it wasn't just some "kid." Otherwise, why would all these pros read him? Which they denied of course LOL, but they did read him. His, or their, influence was big.
🍿 🍿 🍿
I highly doubt it. There was someone else here who claimed he was writing under the account. Well, write something here in "gh15 style" I said. Oh, he was just giving ideas to someone else writing it. LOL this saga hasn't been answered to my satisfaction yet. There was some connection to Nasser in the beginning I think. Most who once checked a few posts thought it was just some kid writing jibberish but if you read closely there were lots of things indicating high familiarity with gear. Nothing special, but enough to say it wasn't just some "kid." Otherwise, why would all these pros read him? Which they denied of course LOL, but they did read him. His, or their, influence was big.
I think we are talking about the same guy. If it wasn't FrancisK than I am sorry to have disturbed you. Anyway I have been on this bored 20 plus years and have only heard one person say anything about gh15 in regards to who they knew who it was, not suspected but knew. Not that I have read every post since I joined though. I thought it to be fascinating personally as I remember all the hype on getbig at the time as everyone was always guessing who it was. i would love to hear the story again but totally understand if they don't want to post just to get into an argument with someone as to its validity. Maybe I'll just search for it. I also hoe read the GH15 bible a week earlier for the first time
I highly doubt it. There was someone else here who claimed he was writing under the account. Well, write something here in "gh15 style" I said. Oh, he was just giving ideas to someone else writing it. LOL this saga hasn't been answered to my satisfaction yet. There was some connection to Nasser in the beginning I think. Most who once checked a few posts thought it was just some kid writing jibberish but if you read closely there were lots of things indicating high familiarity with gear. Nothing special, but enough to say it wasn't just some "kid." Otherwise, why would all these pros read him? Which they denied of course LOL, but they did read him. His, or their, influence was big.
Yes agreed, lots of people claiming to know conclusively who it was, but all fall short of providing any proof.

I, too, think it was a pro or top amateur to start and then it got sold ~2010-11 or so. Well, sold for the first time LOL. In a way, he might have been the first social media influencer scammer, 10 years before Logan Paul 😁
I think we are talking about the same guy. If it wasn't FrancisK than I am sorry to have disturbed you. Anyway I have been on this bored 20 plus years and have only heard one person say anything about gh15 in regards to who they knew who it was, not suspected but knew. Not that I have read every post since I joined though. I thought it to be fascinating personally as I remember all the hype on getbig at the time as everyone was always guessing who it was. i would love to hear the story again but totally understand if they don't want to post just to get into an argument with someone as to its validity. Maybe I'll just search for it. I also hoe read the GH15 bible a week earlier for the first time
A certain prominent member thought it was me LOL. It's a mystery, a funny story, but some get so bent out of shape when he is mentioned. No one supposedly read it but then years and years later you have even pros speculating who it was on their podcast haha. Milos actually asked Dennis James if it was him, so there was "something" there, Nasser didn't give a straight answer, he just said, "yes I can confirm I've used 15iu of GH." Funny shit, at least to me. Something European about him, which American says "ananas" instead of pineapple? Little things like that.
A certain prominent member thought it was me LOL. It's a mystery, a funny story, but some get so bent out of shape when he is mentioned. No one supposedly read it but then years and years later you have even pros speculating who it was on their podcast haha. Milos actually asked Dennis James if it was him, so there was "something" there, Nasser didn't give a straight answer, he just said, "yes I can confirm I've used 15iu of GH." Funny shit, at least to me. Something European about him, which American says "ananas" instead of pineapple? Little things like that.
It was Nasser 😀
most of the yards in CA are 5050 now meaning they have PCs on there, personally I would never function on a PC yard there are things you do intentionally to get removed,

unless you want to be running for your life your entire time in there. whites and Mexicans are not allowed to program on 5050 yards, the other races its not an issue, zero politics there

you cant even have a DV charge if you are white or Mexican without severe repercussions immediately upon incarceration, both jail and pen

English translation pls.
Unlike other types of obscure autistic jargon, a lack of familiarity with prison lingo actually makes you cooler and not less cool. I, too, read this post as if it were a different language.
Unlike other types of obscure autistic jargon, a lack of familiarity with prison lingo actually makes you cooler and not less cool. I, too, read this post as if it were a different language.

Don't worry. If you do all the guards taxes it will buy you time to use a spork and dig a mile long tunnel behind your Monica Brandt poster.
Did his woman stay?

I'd like to hear a sunshine story where the woman did wait.
My wife stayed when i went in, she told me when we met "if you go to prison im gone" and i accepted, but when it went down she couldnt leave me she loved me to much and we actually married when i was out on bond before i had to serve the time.
Fuck titus he was always a cunt I ran into him a few times out in Vegas. Him and his bitch were bad fucking news.
I was sitting on getbig forums as it was going down and Craig and Kelly were on the run. First post by "gh15" was on that 'Titus on the run' thread and as I recall it was vitriolic, very personal. Easy to think there was some personal connection, I think so at least. He referred to Titus as "the murderer" henceforth. There was malice and then glee as Titus got caught. That's why I was always very curious as to who was sitting behind that computer, still bothers me lol.
I am going to give you a gift right now since this has puzzled you for so long. I didn't really give a shit about this guy up to the point that he said something that threatened my family and business personally at one point many years back,,,big fucking mistake by him, and then I did something about it. And I am going to tell you right now, nobody else is correct with their speculations. I am correct because i did the legwork behind this....and this is 100% fact below....and its just a snippet of the info i have because i am not going to spend all day on this post.

1) Again said something toward myself and business wise that I would not overlook back in the day and so i went to work.

2) This again is fact! I have all his IP addresses, I have all his email addresses he used to use and a boatload of info.

3) I contacted everyone in my network who owned or ran message boards years back and asked them to look up the IP Addresses I had to match. I did extensive research on that and a bunch of other info to find out who this "top 4 mr olympia was" (lol pathetic)

4) Again matching IP addresses on multiple boards, he tried to hide and hide and hide but over time you find the email addresses he used to use to try to hide, you find his posts under different names, you find everything.

5) This is him. He was Mighty1 on so many boards to count. MATCHING iIP'S KILLERSTACK 15 ways around the block THERE IS NO QUESTION. IT IS HIM! He made some bigtime mistakes IP address wise on various boards. Not going to tell you how i got some of the IP addresses....its him. Match up the dates and subject matter even if you still doubt. 100% proven without a shadow of a doubt this is him.



I am not going to link all the posts.....there are so many posts by this guy that have been made and most of them have disappeared over the years as boards have come and gone.

Here is the truth and blatant facts.

He is from Ormond Beach florida. Always was from Ormond Beach Florida. Thought he was crafty but he wasnt and yet IP address after IP address eventually lead back to Ormond Beach Florida. He never was Nasser, not even close.... Nasser lived near me and when we had that huge blackout years back where everyones electricity was shut down because of the fires for almost a week, Nasser was just like me, no access to the internet. But its plain to see that GH15 was typing away with many many posts during that week. Screw it Ill just say it....whats it matter? Do you know how else i know he wasnt Nasser and he was from Ormond Beach Florida? Because two guys (one on this board who is now gone, and once considered himself an "Elf" (pathetic), used to send him drugs all the time, repeatedly for years. Where did they send those drugs? Ormond Beach florida. He was also very sharing in the info he gathered about this individual. The other guy who used to send him drugs I am pretty sure a lot of you guys knew of was Chris E (who worked for John Meadows at one point.....Chris E is now dead RIP but Chris E was sending GH fraud drugs to where? address in Ormond Beach Florida. Chris E like many others yourself included originally thought GH fraud was connected and knew his shit and then over time found out he was AN ABSOLUTE NOBODY! I talked to John about this once before he died and he started laughing and said "i have to tell you what Chris told me about this guy....there would be a lot of people hanging their heads in shame"...but John and I got on another subject. So this fraud took a great deal of guys like you for a ride! Pied Pipered people! Came in lying 100% thru his teeth on who he knew, who he was, who he trained, and the knowledge he had......and never had to prove himself to anyone on the GB board and you guys all ate it up. Pretty pathetic. Straight out lied pretty much about everything. He was on all the other boards pilfering info from members who knew their stuff and then going over to GB and changing the wording around and you guys bought into it hook line and sinker.....

Right when he came onto GB as a "bonafide expert" he was asking newbie questions about GH https://forums.steroid.com/igf-1-lr3-hgh-insulin-questions/141850-i-m-s-q.html#post1476515

But you guys bought into it all like I said hook line and sinker. I knew it was all bullshit way back then because he would say things about people I knew as friends matter of factly and I would ask those guys and they were "I have no clue who that dude is, and whatever he says is total BS"

Dont take my word for it here are all his email addresses.....start researching what there is left to research if you care

[email protected] ( he used this one alot, and panicked when he found out people were on to him and tried to hide his tracks ) ...so he would go on POF and other sites using this email address to try to throw people off his tracks but you cant hide what he did before that and he was on yahoo complaining about MIddle East movies and other stuff left and right with it and a whole bunch of other jibberish... again Ormond Beach Florida

[email protected]

[email protected] <---used this on basskiller

[email protected] <----again matching IP address with gh15 and mighty1 and his other alias. He had a truck and posted on a truck site with this one among other places.

twitter ID was brad_00032003

I am sure one of the mods can check this but I believe he was also Tarzen over here on pro muscle with matching IP and matching email of one of the above <---i was told that by a mod that is gone now so i dont know if that is correct or not

I could go all day with this....I researched so much info.....but at a certain point I was 'what is the use here'...it was clear 'nobody is going to know who this guy is because he is an absolute nobody that none of you ever heard of".... the guy was embarrassed to be himself. He was on facebook complaining about this hole in the wall gym he went to right next to Ormond Beach Florida (see photo)(matching email address).. yep one more alias bitching away at stuff but again he wanted his voice heard because the real him doesn't carry any weight. So again i made some inroads to that gym and asked around about any top 4 Olympia pros that worked out there etc etc etc..... NOTHING. Do you know why? Because he was never a top 4 Olympia pro and he was an absolute nobody. Overlooked even in his own gym,,,he didnt stand out. And i asked about any elite bbers there at that tiny gym and there was none. You could never come into a surgeons forum and say "Hey i am elite in my field and this is how I do intricate surgery to operate on brain glioblastoma's" ...and I dont have to show, prove myself and I want you all to believe in who I am". The forum would tell him to kick rocks. BUT NOOOOO not in bodybuilding....people are so insecure with themselves that a guy like this can come in anonymously and make people look like fools and a whole crowd follows him like rats to cheese. The very first time someone is proven to lie to you should also be the last time....but again bbers are a different breed and "the inability to attain pro size and look" makes them obsessed with the "unknown" even if it comes from an absolute 100% fraud.

Ive already spent enough time on this post....anyone could do the research I did and had others do....A nobody bamboozled a whole crowd of naive people. If you want the name (trust me you never heard of the guy) its one step more....but it will mean nothing to you.

This is all really beneath me.....almost embarrassed posting about it. But like I said the guy went over the line of decency on something related to my business and I wasnt having it.

Sorry you feel so bamboozled and puzzled that you could be taken to the cleaners and back mentally by an absolute nobody....but you weren't alone.


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I knew he was from Florida and seen a supposed picture of him once. There were also two mighty1 members, with a slight spelling difference. Both were on Vet forums at one time or another. I’m on my phone and suck typing with it, but DC’s info outlines the the small amount I had. I never really cared to look into it further as I never thought much of the guy to care. I remember years back DC telling me he and others were looking into it, lol. I remember the power outage part he shared😎

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