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Can’t inject in left glute


New member
May 29, 2022
Anyone ever have the problem of not bein able to inject into left glute I put the needle in but the plunger won’t push in oil I go to right side and it works fine?
Scar tissue/back pressure

Move around in the spot

What he said…. It happens from time to time. While you have the pin jammed in your left cheek and the plunger won’t move tilt it slightly and push. That’s what I do and it works every time.

I only ever experienced this in my glutes. I use every muscle to inject except my calves, and traps. I used to do traps, but had a bad experience once so it turned me away. Been thinking about sucking it up lately and begin incorporating traps again. They’re an easy muscle to hit!

Had the same thing happen in certain spots in my glutes and delts. I've been rolling my glutes out with one of those lacrosse ball type things with pointy ends on it and it seems to have helped significantly for breaking down scar tissue.
Anyone ever have the problem of not bein able to inject into left glute I put the needle in but the plunger won’t push in oil I go to right side and it works fine?
buy a deep tissue massager and get to town
buy a deep tissue massager and get to town
Don’t stand while putting any pressure on your left foot. Could be just an awareness thing. Or I could just be full of shit.

Butt . . . before a trip to Tanzania I wanted to get a gamma globulin shot as close to departure as possible so what better place than at the airport (most international airports have medical facilities).

So I walk in and show them the order for the shot. No problem they said. I go in the back room and wait for the nurse. In walks this huge, not fat, Russian nurse and she tells me to drop my trousers and bend over the examining table. Done. Then, I swear to God, it felt like she threw the syringe at my ass from across the room . . . and it stuck. I froze up solid as a rock. The needle felt like a framing nail and gamma globulin has the consistency of mayonnaise. I tenced up so bad she could not push the ‘medicine’ in even with that large bore needle. She told me to relax, sure, but with that needle buried in my ass? Once I took a breadth and relaxed, she was able to finish the very slow injection.

I was so sore after that I could not sit on my left cheek from SFO to Heathrow to Dar es Salaam and for many days thereafter.

That is why I said what I said.
What he said…. It happens from time to time. While you have the pin jammed in your left cheek and the plunger won’t move tilt it slightly and push. That’s what I do and it works every time.

I only ever experienced this in my glutes. I use every muscle to inject except my calves, and traps. I used to do traps, but had a bad experience once so it turned me away. Been thinking about sucking it up lately and begin incorporating traps again. They’re an easy muscle to hit!

Thanks cool I was just thinking why can’t I use other muscle groups other than thight and gluts
Damn that’s c
Don’t stand while putting any pressure on your left foot. Could be just an awareness thing. Or I could just be full of shit.

Butt . . . before a trip to Tanzania I wanted to get a gamma globulin shot as close to departure as possible so what better place than at the airport (most international airports have medical facilities).

So I walk in and show them the order for the shot. No problem they said. I go in the back room and wait for the nurse. In walks this huge, not fat, Russian nurse and she tells me to drop my trousers and bend over the examining table. Done. Then, I swear to God, it felt like she threw the syringe at my ass from across the room . . . and it stuck. I froze up solid as a rock. The needle felt like a framing nail and gamma globulin has the consistency of mayonnaise. I tenced up so bad she could not push the ‘medicine’ in even with that large bore needle. She told me to relax, sure, but with that needle buried in my ass? Once I took a breadth and relaxed, she was able to finish the very slow injection.

I was so sore after that I could not sit on my left cheek from SFO to Heathrow to Dar es Salaam and for many days thereafter.

That is why I said what I said
Damn that’s crazy lol but makes sense that’s what it seems like like I’m tense I don’t have any pressure on my foot when doing it but may just be my body’s reaction to it thanks for ur info

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