Fiber response
Im not a nutricionist, but my experience and opinion would relate this, while you cannot over-dose on fiber (obviously) too much can cause problems. Being that fiber along with adding bulk to the feces, helps transport toxins and cholesterol out of the body via the poop-chute, which of course is a good thing, on the other hand it also transports to a certain degree other nutrients and minerals such as zinc, and iron, which is not a good thing for body builders like ourselves. I think they recommend to take something between 7- 30 grams of fiber a days, but i believe this amount should be related to your over all consumption of food. I like to take a certain amount of fiber with every meal i shoot for 5-10 grams per meal, at 4-6 meals a day. Believe it or not after have many problems with contipation for years, after increasing my fiber intake I have been able to put on the pounds (muscle, and fat) alot easier, this i believe has to do with the fact that fiber slows down absorbtion and to a certain degree helps clean out your intestines. hope this helps a little, and remember there is alot of info out there, so be sure to google your question.