HWood take note please...
The trouble breathing primarily with sleeping or lying down can be a sympton of CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE. (which I had in April) As a matter of fact that is the first question they ask me. A buildup of fluid due to steriod/test levels with increased water retention from HGH can make an existing problem more apparent.
When the heart cannot expale the fluids through pumping (average is 60% or so) the left ventricle, the fluids may back up into the lungs as well as fluid buildup around the heart. This is usually, though not always, accompanied by "enlargement of the heart" as it stretches itself, unable to pump out the fluids, or hypertrophy where the walls thicken, become less elastic, and pump less efficiently. I ignored mine for a month and went to the hospital in critical congestive heart failure. I had no pain, I had shortness of breath it was WORSE LYING DOWN OR SLEEPING. THATS IT. NO OTHER SYMPTONS. I have not worked out in six months and have spent over $50,000 in medical bills.
My advice, see a doctor. If you don't do that, please take measures to dump fluids. Diuretics, low carb diet, restrict sodium intake to less than two grams a day and no more than 150 mg at any one sitting. It is no laughing matter if this is your problem. It is life threatening. Please monitor your blood pressure as well. Please be safe.
Ok, off my soapbox.