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Carb cycling for fat loss - constant insulin use on medium and high days?


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 6, 2023
i have decided that it's time to start dieting down

i plan on doing carb cycling, but have never used insulin while dieting down before.

i understand that it is probably the most anti-catabolic substance available, so i definitely want to utilize it - especially since i cant use tren or orals anymore

i only have access to humalin-r (thanks walmart), and i dont really want to jump through the hoops required to get something more fast acting.

my question is this: on medium and high days, would it be advantageous to have exogenous insulin actively in your system for most of the day on days that are higher carb?

IE insulin-r with meal 1 and then again pre-workout 8 hours later (to cover the workout window)

the goal is to maintain as much lean mass as possible while being in a calorie deficit

would be very low carb without insulin on non-training days

This is just me, but I only run insulin in 2 circumstances while dieting.
1. Intra-workout carbs over 100g
2. High-carb day over 700g

My normal carb day is 600 and I have no problems shuttling that. Plus, the leaner you get, the greater your insulin sensitivity, so I don't see exogenous insulin as necessary, except in circumstances of excessive carbohydrate intake. Also, this probably goes without saying, but anytime exogenous insulin is present, dietary fat is nowhere to be found.

But that's just me.
This is just me, but I only run insulin in 2 circumstances while dieting.
1. Intra-workout carbs over 100g
2. High-carb day over 700g

My normal carb day is 600 and I have no problems shuttling that. Plus, the leaner you get, the greater your insulin sensitivity, so I don't see exogenous insulin as necessary, except in circumstances of excessive carbohydrate intake. Also, this probably goes without saying, but anytime exogenous insulin is present, dietary fat is nowhere to be found.

But that's just me.

What does your insulin use look like on high days?

Do you use it more than once per day - like I outlined?
Considering that you are cutting, we have to remember that insulin releases a hormone called aldosterone that generates fluid retention.

Therefore, the use of insulin I believe is very individual and specific to each person.

I would use an anabaolic window with insulin throughout training on high-carb days, where I would naturally place the highest calorie expenditure workouts such as back and legs.

rapid pre-workout insulin, orange juice and a nice post-workout afterwards...basic, effective and the end of it.

Along with orange juice I would add EAA and glycerin.
What does your insulin use look like on high days?

Do you use it more than once per day like I outlined?
My high day is usually around 1000g, split between 6 food meals and an intra shake. I'll do 10iu prior to a meal. Before my next meal, I check my blood sugar with a glucometer. If it has returned to normal, I'll do the same thing for the following meal. If it has not, I'll skip insulin that meal. I follow this pattern all day. The only exception might be if my blood sugar is CLOSE to normal preworkout, I'll hit another 15iu with the 150g intra carbs.

Also, I use Humalog, so it's a little easier to manage.

When I only had access to Humulin R(Novolin R), I'd run 20iu preworkout but be SURE to monitor my BG and have frequent, high GI meals ready to cover the following hours.

Until you are SURE about how it hits you, I may be overly cautious, I would use the BG meter and check it every hour after the shot.
My high day is usually around 1000g, split between 6 food meals and an intra shake. I'll do 10iu prior to a meal. Before my next meal, I check my blood sugar with a glucometer. If it has returned to normal, I'll do the same thing for the following meal. If it has not, I'll skip insulin that meal. I follow this pattern all day. The only exception might be if my blood sugar is CLOSE to normal preworkout, I'll hit another 15iu with the 150g intra carbs.

Also, I use Humalog, so it's a little easier to manage.

When I only had access to Humulin R(Novolin R), I'd run 20iu preworkout but be SURE to monitor my BG and have frequent, high GI meals ready to cover the following hours.

Until you are SURE about how it hits you, I may be overly cautious, I would use the BG meter and check it every hour after the shot.

Thanks for this post

I’ve used humalog a few times in the past - and have found humalin r to be more forgiving in how rapid its onset is compared to faster acting stuff
But if, as someone else said, your concern is that it may slow fat loss...no. If you're in a caloric deficit, it will not.


My concern isn’t related to fat loss, per se

It’s about muscle loss

With something as anti-catabolic as insulin, you would think you’d want it active in your system constantly

My curiosity is… at what point would it become detrimental to becoming lean..
If it was me I would use it only on re-feed days as needed and use it up to every other meal on those days. As you get towards the end of the diet I would eliminate it all together.

I would lean more on HGH and your anabolics to prevent muscle loss during a cut than insulin as it shines best in a growth phase or rebound.

My concern isn’t related to fat loss, per se

It’s about muscle loss

With something as anti-catabolic as insulin, you would think you’d want it active in your system constantly

My curiosity is… at what point would it become detrimental to becoming lean..
That...that I couldn't say. As long as your fat intake is minimal and that deficit persists, I imagine that your lowered carb intake would prevent you being able to use enough insulin to be detrimental, if such a level exists.
Way, way less important in a deficit. I work with Justin Harris and use his advised approach year-round- insulin on high days only. But even then, there’s a point in prep where it’s really just dotting an i for a marginal benefit…I still do it because why not get that little benefit, but I’d easily tear through 1000+ carbs without issue at that point. And the dose when depleted and highly insulin sensitive is maybe half of what it is peak off-season, even with the same amount of carbs on high day.

Off season, I’ll have up to 3 high days at 1000+ carbs apiece, with medium days still 600-700, so it’s definitely useful at that point. Totally different ballgame from dieting, though.
Off season, I’ll have up to 3 high days at 1000+ carbs apiece, with medium days still 600-700

That’s an insane amount of carbs

Idk how you don’t get fat af from that

What does your protein intake look like?
That’s an insane amount of carbs

Idk how you don’t get fat af from that

What does your protein intake look like?
Honestly I think this is pretty standard among Justin's SHW competitors, and probably among SHWs in general. I don't have the most insane metabolism, and I know plenty of guys who have to eat more than I do. But I've been 300 lbs. in reasonable shape a couple of offseasons now.

Justin doesn't do sky-high protein. Mine is ~300 (50g per meal + EAAs intra-workout) on high days and 360 / 60 per meal on medium and low days.

Fats are kept very low on the high day, save for the cheat meal end-of-day. Medium and low days, every meal other than pre / post training meals have added fats, usually 10-14g.

My concern isn’t related to fat loss, per se

It’s about muscle loss

With something as anti-catabolic as insulin, you would think you’d want it active in your system constantly

My curiosity is… at what point would it become detrimental to becoming lean..
If you're eating enough protein and training smart on enough gear then you shouldn't worry about going catabolic.
You will not lose muscle if you're doing everything correctly
Insulin is not the most anti catabolic hormone or drug.
It's a storage hormone.

Not to appeal to authority here, but I believe @luki7788 said it was.. so I’m inclined to believe that it is

What do you believe is the most anticatabolic substance?
AAS are more anti catabolic igf is more anti catabolic.
It's touted as being the most anti catabolic and even anabolic but it's not.
Anabolic steroids are given to people to prevent muscle wasting so is hgh and igf.
Diet hard on only insulin and then diet hard on steroids which one do you believe will prevent the most loss of muscle
It's not that I believe it isn't the most anticatabolic it's that it is not
Honestly I think this is pretty standard among Justin's SHW competitors, and probably among SHWs in general. I don't have the most insane metabolism, and I know plenty of guys who have to eat more than I do. But I've been 300 lbs. in reasonable shape a couple of offseasons now.

Justin doesn't do sky-high protein. Mine is ~300 (50g per meal + EAAs intra-workout) on high days and 360 / 60 per meal on medium and low days.

Fats are kept very low on the high day, save for the cheat meal end-of-day. Medium and low days, every meal other than pre / post training meals have added fats, usually 10-14g.
Dave knows his stuff 👍🏼

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