If a man wants to become a greater man, he's fucked. This society really does cater to women. Women can never admit that, but anyway. Just yesterday I had a discussion about all the vets who came back from Vietnam with burn marks or missing limbs and how they couldn't ever find a woman. And this woman had the audacity to say that MEN are the shallow ones. We have a society that tells women a man has to have such and such and measure up in all these different ways, and if he doesn't, it's really his fault. Yet we tell men that if you reject a 400lb woman, you are scum. No wonder so many men in the USA and other Westernized countries want to use testosterone, they're just trying to regain their manhood. Because males are so put down and women are portrayed to us as being smarter, more goddess like. No one cares about Cher's daughter. That wasn't even the point. The point is, if a woman can become a dickless man by using testosterone, why can't men use it for cosmetic reasons. Even if a man has a low testosterone, even just HRT is damn hard for a man to get.