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Clean and Press?


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 11, 2008
Just wanted to know what some of the pros//experienced lifters think about doin clean and press during a bulk/ building up the body to just be stronger?
It takes at least 2 years to clean well, 5 yrs to be pro at it. I love the olympic lifts and I do them but if you dont have a coach or the time to invest in them, youre better off spending your time on something else.

Also, if you do them, you cant do 12-15 reps with them, its a completely different way of training.
I love them and think, especially for beginning trainees, squat, deads, cleans, clean and press will put more mass and even bone thickness on you than anything else. Totally change your body structure.

Yes, you have to use good form and should have a strength coach watching you but nothing else will build a foundation like these exercises. A year in people won't recognize you.

my .02
My form is really good on them if that helps. Big A or Phil what you think?
I can bb military press some heavy ass weight, but when I clean and jerk I have to cut it in half and I get a much better pump in shoulders and traps. I think it is a superior exercise and as long as you are careful will make you less prone to other injury.
these are good lifts, but crossfit and gym jones have butchered them by making the rep ranges too high.

in themselves the oly lifts are not the end all to mass building, but they do help you activate more motor units and improve intramuscular coordination. i often use them as a warmup, and then get a better contraction when i do other movements. my whole back pops out alot more when i am regularly doing cleans and snatches.

to be safe, you shouldn't do them for high reps or to failure.
i have watched people do this.. even steve and harris.. and it confuses me.. why are they doing a reverse curl then press??.. the movement is a true delt movment.. it should be a wide grip upright row/press combo.. (for lack of a better example).. delt and traps all the way.. but, reverse curling the weight to press is a arm flexor movement.. maybe they can explain..
Just wanted to know what some of the pros//experienced lifters think about doin clean and press during a bulk/ building up the body to just be stronger?

I love them but alas they don't love me... On the other hand, my 45 year old brother tears them up and grows like a bad weed doing them...

I also have trained with a 56 year old bodybuilder/power-lifter who loves them and had a disgusting pair of delts and traps to match..

BOth swear by them for upper body power and mass..

You make the call...
Thanks for all the input guys, ima keep doing them.

I did 135 the other day and felt so awsome and my traps and shoulders looked huge afterwards haha clean and press just makes me feel like a beast!!!

GET BIG!!!!@!@!@
Thanks for all the input guys, ima keep doing them.

I did 135 the other day and felt so awsome and my traps and shoulders looked huge afterwards haha clean and press just makes me feel like a beast!!!

GET BIG!!!!@!@!@

Way to listen to like 1-2 posts out of this entire thread :rolleyes:
Why not just do a set of shoulder presses, then a set of hang cleans without the press? Seems like you'd be able to use more weight for more reps for both your pressing and cleaning. That's the way it is for me, I noticed this this past Thursday.
been doing them for about 6 years. and do do them religiously every week.

clean and jerk wont just add on the pounds, but will def add strength to all your other lifts.. however it will add a lot of weight if thats how you train because of how well it effects other areas of your body.
explosive lifts like the olympic ones and variations of it develop speed, power and neural efficiency which only helps in other endeavours
I am tired of seeing this kind of fuzzy bodybuilder logic all over the place. A lot of people on this board need a basic primer in logic.

Correlation does not imply causality. I see people making this mistake all the time.

Example: "Person X does exercise Y, and he has huge shoulders, so that must mean that exercise Y caused his huge shoulders." This is faulty logic, because there's no causal link between the exercise and the result. Who knows what other things person X does that could have caused him to have huge shoulders? For all you know, he could have even bigger shoulders if he didn't do exercise Y.

I agree. Unless you are a competitive strength athlete(powerlifter, strongman), cage fighter, etc., I think the risks of injuries doing clean and presses far outweighs the rewards of stimulating a few extra fast twitch white muscle fibers. After all, an injury from explosive movements and sub par form will slow your progress in the long run much moreso than ommitting this kind of exercise from your routine all together. Are there exceptions? I'm sure there is, but it's far from the rule IMNSHO. How many state, regional, national, and pro BB's do you see doing clean and press??? Not many... by my account anyways. If going for that bodybuilder "look" is not your thing, then knock yourself out.

I guess it all depends on what you're looking to accomplish??? On the bodybuilding stage, the beach, or walking down the street, how much you lift means very little (especially to chicks). Maybe I missed the episode of Sex And The City where one of the skanx talks about how she only bangs guys that can bench press a house???

My point being is that I would rather look impressive 24-7 wherever I go than drop a few jaws of people watching me throwing around sick amounts of weight in the gym a couple hours a day.
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