I dont think hes a fan of stimulants.......I get ckecked by my cardiologist(you should go get yours tested magnum) on a regular basis and there is absolutly nothing wrong with my heart.Im guessing youve drank coffee before?How about a kid with asthma ,is his heart going to "explode" when he takes his medication?It tears the muscle by the way it dosnt "explode".The benadryl is not to get to sleep necessarily ,its to upregulate the receptors in theory.The media and mainstream medical comunities have sucessfully vilified any and all stimulants with blanket statements telling people that "they could drop dead" and cite instances of people dying from heart problems made worse by stimulants ,but they are only telling half the story and they know it ,but they figure the "average" person is to dumb and must be saved from themselves these people that die use in excess AND have previous heart problems.Just take out where I wrote stimulants and put in steroids and now you see how the media does their shit ....your post is very emotional .....Ill pass on the coke and valium