The amounts you listed are very low to begin with. Wich means more reading. Please post up some stats so we can get a better handle on what your trying to accomplish.
BD, I am not going to assume so I'll ask you flat out "are you assuming this is a girl or guy"???? I don't know myself so I am guessing this is a bro. And if your telling him taking Test Enth at only 250mg a week is enough for a guy, then we have a problem here!
I forgot to tell you i am adding 250mgs sust to this cycle per week which will give me 500mgs of test products per week. I like nolva and it works well for me. These seem to be resonable dosages considering before that back in the day this or less is what they used to do. Plus i have good genetics and a little goes a long way for me.
P.S. Yes i am a bro!! Oh, one other thing, can these be mixed while in the syringe? may try it!