just make sure you wash your hands after playing with rhinos, and you won't get a cold to begin with!
On a serious note, I've had the worst case of whatever this is, I think RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and it's kicked my arse for the past two weeks. Fever, little nasal problems but a nasty bronchitis type congestion. That's where it started and I knew I'd get it because my little girl had it a week or so and I started hearing that #%&$ gurgling when I breathed out hard and deep. Damnit, wash your hands guys and don't get around people that cough, it's a bitch let me tell you. Stay well, stay strong.
Been some fools at the gym recently coughing up a lung. Sometimes I think I pick up a lot of sickness at the gym since people dont have the common sense to stay out when they are ill.
All you can do is rest up and eat right. I do try taking extra vitamin c and zinc, supposed to help but i cant really say for sure that it has helped me. I continue to try it though since it so cheap. I do swear that a few times when I felt like I was starting to come down with something and I took the extra vitamin c and zinc that I did not get sick. This has happend numerous times. My entire family has been sick many times and I will be the only one that doesnt catch it. I do wash my hands a lot though, and use rubbing alcohol! I am a fanatic I suppose.
Well I called around this morning and everyone is closed of course. Cannot get appt till Friday. I have some amoxicillan since I think I am getting a sinus infection would it be wise to go ahead and start taking it? I had this laying around from a tooth issue I had before! Thanks!
How bad is the sinus infection? If it's not TOO bad, I'd say wait. Also, how much of the antibiotic do you have? Enough for a few days?
You might also want to try one of those walk-in medical places (i.e., "doc-in-a-box") if your insurance will cover.