you group a lot of bodybuilders together by saying "those that competed in the 90's" its funny there is always someone that seems to have the secret to drying out or the secret why the bodybuilders of old were better than those of today, and these same people are friends with a lot of pros and seem to have intimate knowledge on their drug use....
like i said befor, cutting your gear out 2 weeks out of a show is stupid! lets think, lets say you are at the end of your cycle of 16 weeks, you wait 2 weeks only taking lets say adex, what will you look like? answer your body will go through a major hormone imbalance, you will prob get depressed, weaker in the gym, smooth looking, flat and "watery".... this still dosent make sense to me?
most of the drugs used for contest prep are short esters and will lend little in water retention. shit i think masteron is supposed to dry you out! why would you want to cut these out? there is a simple soution a mild dieretic! your bodys water from aas is not immune to the water shedding capibilities of a dieretic! it dosent know the difference! this process can be done without a dieretic if you know how to manipulate sodium levels and load carbs correctly...
and now on to your last statement of" natural bodybuilders being more shredded than aas users" i am not usually this blunt, but that i the stupidest bunch of bullshit i have ever heard!.... that grainey hard look branch and dorian are famous for is low bf and low water(dry) like the statment dry as a bone...... have you never seen dexter jackson, or the glutes and hams on ronnie coleman? i would put a contest pic of dexter next to any natural and say that again....