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Curious, are there any high level competitors here that DON'T use GH or insulin?


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 20, 2009
I've been thinking lately about what it takes to get to be competitive at a high level in our sport. I understand that people may not want to admit to what they take, that is fine, but does anyone here (or any accomplished competitors that you know of) NOT use GH/slin/peptides in their regimen? I'm not planning on using any of them anytime soon, mostly due to cost and the fact that I'm growing fine without them at this point, but do you feel that these compounds are necessary to compete and do well at the national level?
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i don't think they are necassary.
but like most things they don't hurt. (in regards to a LITTLE slin and some gh)
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Hey JS can you clear your PMs...
oops, sorry bro.
they are cleared.
if i were prescribed both compounds by a qualified physician and used them leagally then i would never use slin, and only use GH precontest.

if i was rich then i would use as much GH as i could afford.
if i were prescribed both compounds by a qualified physician and used them leagally then i would never use slin, and only use GH precontest.

if i was rich then i would use as much GH as i could afford.

In the words of a highly intelligent man, "I'd never touch anything that messed with my pancreas."
i played around with everything

slin gh peps

and almost refused to believe they DIDNT work that well
after thousands down the drain....i have came to that conclusion

peps are worthless
slin will destroy a physique
gh will burn fat pretty quick and give you a certain look
is it a good look???maybe.....is it bad??? maybe precontest if funding
is available......but not needed

but what does work time and time again is test


then again i'm not a HIGH level competitor:eek:
Thank you for your replies so far guys. You are proving a point, exactly what I knew you were going to say. It's interesting how many posts there are regarding cjc-this and grhp-that and "how much GH should i be taking when I wake up at 3:47am every day?" Funny thing is, these questions are being posed by people with physiques that wouldn't even be competitive on the state level, nevermind a national stage (not in every case, before one of you big bastards jumps down my throat lol). I'm sure that every compound has it's place somewhere, but I knew that not everyone could possibly be relying on these things. Thank you for your insight.
GH is is great precontest while dieting down..Seems to burn fat off very fast (atleast on me) ...

Insulin, never really cared for it to much..Although I have been told many times it is what I needed to get to be 240 ish on stage...

Peptides, well I've used some of the common ones... I think they worked to get you a nice pump....But my B.P. was high on them...held a ton of water weight ...

Personally I think you could get away not using any of these compounds...but then again, a little bit never hurts...
GH only and precontest only.......GH to maintain muscle and destroy fat
i played around with everything

slin gh peps

and almost refused to believe they DIDNT work that well
after thousands down the drain....i have came to that conclusion

peps are worthless
slin will destroy a physique
gh will burn fat pretty quick and give you a certain look
is it a good look???maybe.....is it bad??? maybe precontest if funding
is available......but not needed

but what does work time and time again is test


then again i'm not a HIGH level competitor:eek:
Amen to that!! I have never used GH or slin pre contest. Could not afford them on top of the other supp bills. Plus trhe expense of travel, accomodation, food etc. But test........yesireeee!!!:D
i actually stop my gh pre contest. i only use gh and slin off season

i feel that gh combined with slin really made a huge difference in my physique this past year. i put on about 15 solid pounds. As for the doses, i didnt go crazy, 5ius of gh per day post workout along with 10 ius of humalog post workout

if youre smart with it and can afford it, i dont see why you shouldnt.

many say, i take aas, but i would never touch slin. why is that? granted it CAN kill you faster than aas would but still aas and slin both can be detrimental to your health

this is just based on my opinion and my own personal experience, i would definitely continue to use aas along with gh and slin. am i telling everyone they should too? no, to each their own

Looks like TEST wins again!
Interesting thread. I personally do not use GH as due to my age there would be little to no benefit (unless using very high doses). However, from a physiologic and pharmacological understanding of the compound and analysis of its use in competitive bodybuilding it would seem the following trend holds true:

-most "high level" competitors peak around their 30's physique-quality wise.
-many of these same competitors undoubtedly use HGH.

-aside from fat loss, the hyperplasia benefits from HGH would seemingly take years to accumulate to what could be called "substantial" - this would especially hold true when one is fixated on comparing the speed of results those derived form AAS use.

I would think that the real benefits of HGH are seen among users who take the drug almost year-round at doses that are proportional to their LBM. Indirectly HGH should also allow the user to benefit from additional calories to grow, while holding less fat, thus speeding up the muscle building process (improved metabolic efficiency). It would seem to me a very expensive 'tool' if only used for fat loss pre-contest.

basically my point is that if one were to take a high level pro and compare his physique to what it may hypothetically look like if he didn't use HGH during his competitive career, it may not be as big, lean or developed.

just my .02

I've never used insulin or gh... but I remember reading a study that showed fat loss from doses of test, gh, and combo of test/gh. test/gh combo had a synergistic effect on fat loss. think 2+2=5... I would GUESS anyone who is a top notch competitor with their lively hood depending on being the biggest and leanest, and aspirations of being the best in the world are pulling out all the stops. I'm sure they use everything under the sun(test, insulin, hgh)...

But really who knows?
GH and slin won't make or break or you at the national level. Using GH and slin will not make the difference between someone getting their pro card and someone not. At the national level it is still more about genetic talent and neither GH or slin are efficacious enough to overcome genetic talent. That being said, it is definitely increasingly rare for a top level national competitor not to use at least GH at some point during the year. I personally know of no one who does not.

This has more to with the cost and availability of GH than necessity however. GH is $1-2/IU now. If you first started looking at using GH like I did back in the 80s, you remember prices of $10-20/IU. I remember when I was excited as hell that I could get GH for $4/IU. People still dose it based almost exclusively on finances though. The people who are winning their pro cards would still win, regardless of GH or slin use. But it doesn't cost that much anymore and people can't stand to think someone may have an edge on them b/c they didn't use GH. So no its not necessary, but in reality it almost never happens anymore regardless. Peptides are a complete waste of money for the most part.

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While everything said is on point..genetica determine quite a bit in bodybuilding..that being said let's take a couple of top 5 national guys and have one use gh/slin/aas and one use just aas in the offseason...who would u put ur money on to win the next contest? I know who I would.....now obviously the person usin slin may have to diet harder...but if we take the conditioning as a given....
I didn't expect so many people to agree that insulin is overrated especially here at PM. In my experience I have seen a small percentage really grow and benefit from it BUT ..... even those that did, they had other sides like the distention that pretty much made you question the benefit of the gains to begin with. Example: If you gain 15 pounds of mass being let's say 3 inches on your back to chest measure and an inch on arms and legs, does the 3 inch waist gain negate the other gains to some extent?

Overrated, in my opinion.


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