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cycle advice

Bronco Billy

New member
Aug 28, 2008
Hey bro's, just wanted to get some opinions. I'm fixn to start running a test/tren e cycle with a dbol kick start. I have a bunch of eq and was thinkn bout incorporating it in my cycle for one really long cycle. Heard tren was harsh on the liver so i was thinkn the following.

test e -week 1- 21 500mg pw
tren e -week 1-8 500mg pw
eq -week 8-20 600mg pw
dbol -week 1-4 30mg pd
var -week 18-22 40mg pd
adex- .25mg eod week 1-22
hcg- 250 x2 pw week 3-22
pct - week 23-28 nolva 60/60/40/40/20/20 clomid 300mg day 1, 100/100/50/50/50/50

Basically a bulker transition to cutter. Will be on high protien/carb then when eq kicks in move to a high protien/ low carb diet.
what do ya think? good or should i add the eq from day 1, lower the tren to 375mg, and shorten the cycle to 14 weeks? This will be my 6th cycle. Currently 207lbs, 5'10", 8%bf. 28yo
Tren is milder than var or dbol on the liver. 300mg/wk of tren is a solid level - IMO 500 is over the top. Tren is very suppressive on the HPTA, I don't think HCG will do much to counteract it till the tren is out of your system.
EQ seems to kick in at about 4-6 weeks. Wouldn't hurt to run it the duration as long as your hematocrit doesn't go above 50.
I would get a baseline blood test and repeat every 4 weeks on this one.
Best of luck with your experiment.
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its at the bottom of post but here goes, This will be my 6th cycle. Currently 207lbs, 5'10", 8%bf. 28yo Been liftn hardcore for 8 years. My training split changes every 3 weeks mostly 6days on 1day off with some form of cardio daily. Diet depends on bulk or cut, morning -4eggwhites 2 whole eggs, oatmeal,banana. mid moring protein shake with flakseed. lunch chicken/turkey/tuna/beef with veggies or potatoe. protien shake preworkout, protein shake post workout with creatine mono,(my workouts range around 2 hours) dinner chicken or tuna with veggies. My goal is to add a little more muscle but stay superlean. Maybe creep down to 6%bf if possible.
Sorry about that, I didn't read far enough into your post.
Edited and saved...
holy crap!

its at the bottom of post but here goes, This will be my 6th cycle. Currently 207lbs, 5'10", 8%bf. 28yo Been liftn hardcore for 8 years. My training split changes every 3 weeks mostly 6days on 1day off with some form of cardio daily. Diet depends on bulk or cut, morning -4eggwhites 2 whole eggs, oatmeal,banana. mid moring protein shake with flakseed. lunch chicken/turkey/tuna/beef with veggies or potatoe. protien shake preworkout, protein shake post workout with creatine mono,(my workouts range around 2 hours) dinner chicken or tuna with veggies. My goal is to add a little more muscle but stay superlean. Maybe creep down to 6%bf if possible.

i could workout nearly 4 times in the time it takes you to workout 1 time:eek:
don't work out so long bro. you can get as much or more done in less time. i know thats off topic of this thread but something to consider.

have you done tren e before?
thats a hefty cycle there bro. i would drop the harsh chemicals and up the dose of test instead. -STEELE
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i could workout 4 times in the time it takes you to workout 1 time:eek:
don't work out so long bro. you can get as much or more done in less time. i know thats off topic of this thread but something to consider.

have you done tren e before?
thats a hefty cycle there bro. i would drop the harsh chemicals and up the dose of test instead. -STEELE

no tren e before but my last cycle consisted of tren a and test prop. Wanted to try tren a before i went for the longer ester. No probs. As for time in gym, that also includes my cardio. I usually will swim for a while or run 2 miles post liftn. I work from 5am to 1pm so its hard to do the a.m. cardio. I lift really heavy so I rest a little longer between sets. From time to time I will circuit train to mix it up and hell im out the gym door in half the time.
Thinkn bout the following, whatcha think?
test e 1-14 750mg pw
tren e 1-10 375mg pw
dbol 1-4 50mg pd
var 10-14 40mg pd
adex .25 eod through out
hcg 3-14 500iu pw
Still too much...

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