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Dead lifts and my lower back -OUCH!


Kilo Klub Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 9, 2006
I have finally come to the conclusion that dead lifts are not for me. I haven't done them in a long time because of lower back issues. Last night I decided to try it again. And WHAAAAAAM lower back was killing me a few minutes later. This morning I feel like someone hit me in my lower back with a 2x4..... This is one exercise I will not be doing ever again. My wife said to go lighter, but I told her it's not the weight, it's the movement that tears my lower back up every time. This exercise is just not meant for me and my lower back. I can do bent over barbell rows easy. But dead lifts, nooooooo never again.

Anyone else have an exercise that they stay away from, because they know it will hurt them more then help them???? Or stay away from because of an old injury? :confused:
same here man, no deads for me. bent over rows do the job;)
Boom, just like me, you have no reason to do any exercise that hurts.

PS. I still want your phone.
i went to the chiro for a year while trying to keep deads in....ended up doin what u did....dropped them
Can you do rack deads? I like them better for back
I second the rack lifts idea. Or what I started doing is just put 2 25lb plates under each end of your dead lift bar on the floor. It raises all the weight maybe 4" off the floor and that does the trick for me to save the lower back
I rarely do deads and never go above 315lbs and they still bug me the next day.

not worth it.

I have herniated disks in lower back and neck. I think I am going to have to drop seated shoulder dumbbell press cause they hurt both areas.

getting old sucks
I have ruptured discs in my L5 and L6 and still do deads. Doesn't hurt my back doing them. Doing those and core exercises keeps my lower back and abs strong and the chronic back pain I used to have has lessened signifcantly as a result. I can't do hack or front squats however because it kills my knees. Work around your injuries boom.
Can you do rack deads? I like them better for back

Its the motion in general, I'm not sure why it tears my lower back up so bad? I always use good form and still hurts like a MOFO. I can do weighted hyper-extensions, and go pretty heavy on bent over barbell rows. But the second I attempt any dead lift motion, its lights out. It sucks really, because I like the over all thickness it used to give me.
Boom, just like me, you have no reason to do any exercise that hurts.

PS. I still want your phone.

Wait, I'll send you a ticket to get in line, I believe you're number 7,897,001 now. :p
The key is to be flexible enough to maintain proper lower back position, and your wife is probably correct about the weight. Do light deadlifts with a mirror on the side so you can look at your lower back, if at any point your lower back rounds even the slightest amount, you are doing them wrong. (upper back can be slightly rounded).
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When I stop doing deads in regular basis my back hurts...

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When I stop doing deads in regular basis my back hurts...

This is surprisingly common. The lower back is under so much chronic stress, it needs bouts of acute stress to cause adaptation (strengthening). Deadlifts done properly are ideal for this.
Deads and squats hurt my lower back. Saw a PT about it, they said improve abdominal strength and it should help correct my problem, since its gotten a lot better but not 100%. If I do too many sets on squats or too heavy on deads it comes back.

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i'm getting arthritis now in my lower back. My sacrum hurts like hell after doing bentover rows and stiff leg deads. Even squats hurts now. My right sacroiliac joint has arthritis in it now too. I guess it was all of those years of heavy lifting finally caught up with me.

Like others mentioned though, back when I was lifting hard it didn't hurt nearly as bad but now that I don't lift like I used to its even worse. Ever since my heart attack my low back has been screwed.

Ive tried lifting lighter and it helps some but hasn't cured it yet.

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