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Difference in gains between insulin pre/post workout VS Slin with Every single meal

CL what would you be doing diet wise different if you were to add slin pre workout? Also it comes down to whats more important. Maximizing gains or burning a few extra calories
CL what would you be doing diet wise different if you were to add slin pre workout? Also it comes down to whats more important. Maximizing gains or burning a few extra calories
I would probably take the carbs out of breakfast and put them into pre and intra drink. I would juggle it so total calories remain the same...but would be missing out on the fat burning of training.

I will prob just save the log for a later "phase" of growth and do a 3 week run with it, then clean up the mess after haha.
I don't think there would be any mess to clean up, sounds like a solid plan
Jesus you guys got busy while i was working (well if you count a 4hr leg workout w a client work lol)

i am far too tired after 3.5hrs drivinf and 4hrs training to read all this, il reply tomorrow after my morning coffee while im working lol
I have a little side question, so many smart guys in here I have to take advantage...

I am a naturally slightly endo guy (grow pretty well but its a bitch to get near 10%).

Is it pretty much useless attempting to do any cardio during a period when insulin is active, as its a storage hormone? My reason I ask is this...I have learned I just dont tolerate higher fat meals, and am staying at a pretty respectable bodyfat eating 450g carbs a day while in an offseason plan. Part of the reason I feel this is working is because I train high volume and also do 15-20 min cardio post workout about 5 days a week.

I have no desire to do cardio at a separate time right now, so if I was to use pre-workout slin, although I would obviously grow better, would I be missing out on all potential fat burning effects from the 90 mins of training and post workout cardio?

I have heard milos claim adding carnitine can actually lean you out while using insulin, but I dont know if that is enough. Like I said i am not willing to cut carbs out of the rest of the day as that type of diet gives me shit results.

Thanks in advance, I have always been curious and maybe others could benefit from the answer.
how many days per week do u train ? why not drop cardio on 2 main body parts legs n back for example n use slin with additional cals on these days

reduce cals on non slin days to balance n add 5 mins cardio to other sessions

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
my feedback about slin resistance:

just before my last cutting for a contest i went up to 150IU/days@4000kcal during slin days....no hypo.

I'm right now 2 weeks after this show....eat back 4000kcal ...yesterday i went hypo with only 50 units....

Insulin resistance may be reversed.
my feedback about slin resistance:

just before my last cutting for a contest i went up to 150IU/days@4000kcal during slin days....no hypo.

I'm right now 2 weeks after this show....eat back 4000kcal ...yesterday i went hypo with only 50 units....

Insulin resistance may be reversed.

50 iu of slin at one time?:eek:
my feedback about slin resistance:

just before my last cutting for a contest i went up to 150IU/days@4000kcal during slin days....no hypo.

I'm right now 2 weeks after this show....eat back 4000kcal ...yesterday i went hypo with only 50 units....

Insulin resistance may be reversed.

Absolutely, you can reverse it, but the problem is that many BB'rs are staying on high-dose slin long-term, which causes metabolic harm. Blasting high doses for a bit and then normaizing the system is one thing, but staying on long-term is another.

But, I would also like to point out that ANYONE with normal insulin sensitivity WOULD go hypo with a 50 IU inject...LOL. Hell, even guys with comprimised sensitivity could still easily go hypo with 50 IU.

To put things in perspective, the typical 200-250 lb BB'r with normal sensitivity, who has never used slin before, will usually feel hypo symptoms with only 20 IU (humulin, that is)...and often less. Hell, my first time using 12 IU I went hypo because I waited too long to eat. After a while I could inject 15 IU and not eat anything and be fine. 50 IU is really a very high dose for a single inject, so the fact that you went hypo with it does not necessraily signify normalized insulin sensitivity.

However, I am sure you did restore sensitivity considerably due to both your off-time and your contest prep, as the lower carb dieting does wonders for restoring sensitivity. Thanks for sharing.
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lets see how we can make kindergarden shit sound like rocket science shall we? :love:
my feedback about slin resistance:

just before my last cutting for a contest i went up to 150IU/days@4000kcal during slin days....no hypo.

I'm right now 2 weeks after this show....eat back 4000kcal ...yesterday i went hypo with only 50 units....

Insulin resistance may be reversed.

That is quite a bit.
I talk about my total calories intake... si i do take slin (humulin R) with my first 5 meal of the day (until gym)...5 injections per day so.
so its 10iu with each meal. you prefer humlin to humalog for this

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
I talk about my total calories intake... si i do take slin (humulin R) with my first 5 meal of the day (until gym)...5 injections per day so.

Gotcha...sounds more reasonable than a single 50 IU blast all at once.
Mike what are your thoughts on using lantus for bodybuilding purposes?
A lot of things can happen...I would think doing cardio post workout whether its steady state or HIIT can leave you susceptible to possibly going hypo depending on a host of factors...none of which are ever the same day to day.

Technically, when insulin is present, fat burning is pretty much turned off...so I would assume this is not an optimal situation all the way around.

Insulin does not "turn off" lipolysis, it merely inhibits it. The extent to which this happens is dose dependent, and if your dose is high enough then fat burning may very well be next to nothing. Then again, if you are using pre-workout slin, you probably aren't looking to use the training window as your primary method of fat loss.
This is a great thread, found while googling about slin lol.

I know there are a lot of topics on this board about slin, but I'd like to know how the guys who contributed feel about slin now with more research and experience.

For myself, I will be looking to use slin on my next blast. I was thinking breakfast, pre and post workout 4 or 5 times a week. Running met on off days.

This will likely be cycled 4 weeks on 4 weeks off unless I can get away with a little longer.

So what are guys opinions/experiences on the original thread topic

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