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DNP experience

Did anyone get the allergic reaction from it or just me? Got it the second/last time.

Only once out of the tons of times I've used it, and I'm not 100% sure it was DNP either. I didn't take anything, rested for a few days and went back to taking it 2 weeks later and I haven't had any allergic reactions again.

My eye got a little swollen and I got a scabbed wound on my eyebrow and forehead. The most common pictures of allergic skin reactions did not match my problem, which was very strange.

As far as I know I have no allergies to anything (except beans because I have Fabism), so it could have been a mosquito bite or some other insect since it was in spring.
The most common pictures of allergic skin reactions did not match my problem, which was very strange.

My swelling was like when I was allergic to bees. That was scary AF. But without the fear of death parts.
Exactly this.

OP I was the same and when I was a newbie to drugs I was scared to run insulin and dnp. After I had used both I pretty much laughed to myself. You should always be careful and treat it with respect because in the wrong hands it's extremely dangerous but if dosed smartly (250mg per day) it's so much more effective than other fatloss drugs and probably safer as well.

Don't take this the wrong way and again I was exactly the same so I understand but now it's almost funny when I see a guy on 1.8g steroids including tren and he is scared to take dnp. I remember reading I would go into a coma on insulin and how dangerous it was and I believed that for years and dnp is no different. The issue with dnp is the dose that is amazing and effective and the dose that is stupid and extremely dangerous aren't that far apart. That's why under no circumstances ever does someone take over 500mg and 95% of people should just use 200-250mg per day. For many even running that dose EOD is best because they are extra sensitive.

If you have any specific questions just ask away. It's quite simple and just use 1 cap per day. Add it to an existing diet and make no other changes because adding it in and dropping calories at the same time is unnecessary. Over time to keep losing bodyfat you lower calories and I would always recommend a very restrictive diet the last week or 2. The most important thing is keeping to the same dose and staying hydrated throughout the day.
I found 200-250 EOD highly effective, great metabolic boost and I could still train hard and do cardio.
I found 200-250 EOD highly effective, great metabolic boost and I could still train hard and do cardio.

Do you prefer this to t3?

Also, do you consume carbs while employing dnp in this way?
My experience I’ve been taking 250 ED for past two weeks. Just started feeling the heat , though not bad at all I do get strange looks driving to work with the window down at 4am but I feel good . Today the fatigue started it came out of no where so am adding D ribose to help . Other then the fatigue I feel great and been side effect free .
Do you prefer this to t3?

Also, do you consume carbs while employing dnp in this way?
T3 vs dnp? It's a toss up for me, they both can be effective if not overdone. Anything that makes training tank is a big No, No!

Yes I usually eat carbs when taking dnp, but I have taken during keto also.
T3 vs dnp? It's a toss up for me, they both can be effective if not overdone. Anything that makes training tank is a big No, No!

Yes I usually eat carbs when taking dnp, but I have taken during keto also.
I feel better eating carbs maybe little hotter but not that much
I found 200-250 EOD highly effective, great metabolic boost and I could still train hard and do cardio.

How long do you typically run it like that? Always interested to see where others have found a successful method.
T3 vs dnp? It's a toss up for me, they both can be effective if not overdone. Anything that makes training tank is a big No, No!

Yes I usually eat carbs when taking dnp, but I have taken during keto also.

I was actually going to post - Has anybody ran DNP via Keto diet?

That being said, does anyone have have real life experience running the two together?

Does it make sense?
What was your results?
Would you do it again?

I was actually going to post - Has anybody ran DNP via Keto diet?

That being said, does anyone have have real life experience running the two together?

Does it make sense?
What was your results?
Would you do it again?


Search this forum. Psmf and dnp. Plenty of threads
Thanks but , ya, Keto + DNP

I'm well versed with how PSMF works.
I don’t think any bodybuilder is doing an actual keto diet though.

I am curious though, what would happen if the excess calories are from fats and not carbs
I don’t think any bodybuilder is doing an actual keto diet though.

I am curious though, what would happen if the excess calories are from fats and not carbs

DNP burns calories. That simple. I eat low carb probably 10% of cals from carbs. Makes no difference on DNP. Maybe less sweating as people who eat a lot of carbs complain of sweating after they eat them (not more fat burning or effectiveness just carbs burning males them sweat). Low carb or keto is a non issue on dnp and probably preferable I guess.

I'll also say that a bunch of studies were done on early days. One examined diet compositions and macros. Made no difference.
I don’t think any bodybuilder is doing an actual keto diet though.

I am curious though, what would happen if the excess calories are from fats and not carbs
I went an entire year and a half strictly keto.
How long do you typically run it like that? Always interested to see where others have found a successful method.
Usually 4 weeks
Many do keto and DNP, but it's highly recommended to have some fruit

My swelling was like when I was allergic to bees. That was scary AF. But without the fear of death parts.

I had pain in my eye and it was annoying for sleep, and I had itchy hives, but I realised that the reaction was not spreading all over my body, so I didn't even go to the doctor.

It's funny, some people seem to be extreme allergy sufferers and can never take it without taking antihistamines (or even taking them), but it seems that most people only get allergies once. But in my case, I would expect the allergic reaction to be the first time I take it, not after many years and cycles. So I can't say with 100% certainty that it was a reaction to DNP.

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