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DNP...... What can I take to combat the sides?


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Just started DNP cycle.... Small one... It's been 4 yrs since I used it last!
Was wondering what can I take to combat the sides? What supplements will help me from feeling like shit all day and not feel like I ran 20 miles a day lol!
Just started DNP cycle.... Small one... It's been 4 yrs since I used it last!
Was wondering what can I take to combat the sides? What supplements will help me from feeling like shit all day and not feel like I ran 20 miles a day lol!
Nothing!! This is generally what DNP does to you. Anything you take to counter the sides might react adversely and cause more harm than good. One of the many problems associated with ingesting a deadly poison into your system.
I'm sure plenty will have something to say about DNP being a deadly poison, fact is that is the truth. Yes in smaller amounts it may not kill you, but feeling like death warmed over is not much better.
DNP is an energy uncoupler...ummm...of course you're going to feel like shit and have no energy haha. That's what the shit is for and how it works!
Nothing!! This is generally what DNP does to you. Anything you take to counter the sides might react adversely and cause more harm than good. One of the many problems associated with ingesting a deadly poison into your system.
I'm sure plenty will have something to say about DNP being a deadly poison, fact is that is the truth. Yes in smaller amounts it may not kill you, but feeling like death warmed over is not much better.
Yes!! .....I do understand it is that but thought that there were bro's on here taking extra magnesium/potassium also some extra multi vit and some amino's helped.....maybe I read it wrong!
You can take those things (search conciliator's writings) but nothing is going to rejuvinate you and give you energy. You might not feel as depleted in some manners but you wont wake up feeling like you can run a marathon.
BUMP.. that is some horrible stuff and the side effects kill but if u wanna drop weight like nobody's business and shit your brains out, then take those lil green monsters.. haha they scare the shit outta me..
people say Pyruvate helps i tried it didn't do much at all for me
mega dosing antioxidants seemed to help with not feeling so shitty
magnesium, potassium, and taurine helped with muscle cramps
gylcerol helped with dehydration
EC A/Y stack helped with energy
try a cap full of draino a few times a day

should "even" you out some

feel better

Done DNP 4 times.For energy ECA is your best bet and still eat some calories over maintenace at times you might get light headed eveyones diffrent on DNP. The only problem is if you eat more sometimes you sweat more.You may also want to change how you take DNP cycle. DNP is so diffrent for everybody so you have to be careful and do what your body responds to. good luck--

I don't know how experience you are with DNP. I use it myself, and I'm not going to flame you for asking-- I'll share some tips, but I can't stress enough how important it is to take care of yourself while using DNP. Don't over do it with the doseage!

Adequate hydration and electrolyte intake are imperative.

A couple tablespoons of Glycerine mixed into alittle OJ will refresh you when you're feeling down.

Sleep with an icebag on your forehead and towel under your back... Sounds assinine-- but do you want to look cool or do you want to be comfortable while you sleep?

DONT drink alcohol while on DNP... you might get away with a drink or two early in the cycle... but go out for a night of drinking while you're mid-cycle and you will feel like you were hit by a Mack truck.

Go swimming in the evenings -- Even better use the Cold Plunge if your spa/gym/club has one. Helps to cool off a bit.
I up my intake of daily vits and try to spread the dose so that I hit only 1 dose in the morning, 1 right when I get home and 1 right before bed.

I take a gym bag and supplies to work to take care of days where I am super sweaty.
Luckily, though I shed weight like no body's business, I wasn't that tired. Every other weekend maybe I would feel fatigued but getting up and moving around helped a great deal.
Good luck.
Thanks guys ...... This great info .... Except for the draino comment..... Thanks again
If sides are an issue, lower your dose and run it longer. I saw better results this way.
What is your daily dose? Peace.
EC stack does wonders on DNP.

I think I would probably want to die if I put those two together. If you have to take it listen to drivingforward.

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