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Do you guys like to maintain or cut on cruise?


Nov 7, 2022
When cruising (say 250 test) do you guys just try to maintain what you built, or do you cut to prime yourself for your next push?

Curious what others do. I’ve done both. Personally, I felt like I lost a decent amount of size when I cut on cruise.
I was always told , and also believe that you need to hold on to any gains made from a blast for at least a few months before you cut . It's not so much the dosage 250 mg is enough to hold onto muscle , as long as you're not a freaky mass monster , its the fact that your body hasn't established that this is your new setting . I know there's a more scientific answer than that but that's the gist of it as I understand it
Depends on body type. Endomorph, or ectomorph. I naturally gain weight easily so when I cruise, I have to stay on point, or I'll gain 20lbs. (sucks) Some of my friends eat like shit and just keep losing weight when cruising.
Everyone is different.
I'm a few weeks away from starting my first "cruise" ever. In the past, its been 10-12 week cycles, proper PCT, then take 12 weeks off and do it again.
This time I'll be going down to 200mg test + 20mg proviron for 3 months. Not looking forward to it, but it will be a nice reset to get my labs perfect before the biggest blast of my life. I'll still be pushing the food hard and trying to grow during the cruise.
I don't blasts or cruise just stay at a moderate 300-400 mg. Lower calories on a deload hit cardio. I stay lean no bulk but if I did need to drop sime fat I would do that when AAS are a bit higher vs lower end of my range, use oral
No way should you cut on a cruise.
You just spent quality time and effort building tissue, the LAST thng you want to do is to drop drugs AND calories to pull bodyfat.
The absolute quickest way to lose what you just gained.

Like someone mentioned above, you should spend that cruise trying to hold and almost trying to hold a new set point. Let your body "marinade" as Dante would say, getting use to the new tissue and body weight.
I wouldnt try cutting as per some of the advice already posted- you are just giving back gains that you earned.
What dictates mass….training volume and intensity, calories, and milligrams.

On a “cut” training volume usually is lower due to lower caloric intake….so to hold same size milligrams usually has to come UP.

Off-season….training up, food up, milligrams can be lower
I don't blasts or cruise just stay at a moderate 300-400 mg. Lower calories on a deload hit cardio. I stay lean no bulk but if I did need to drop sime fat I would do that when AAS are a bit higher vs lower end of my range, use oral
300-400 year round is that?
When cruising (say 250 test) do you guys just try to maintain what you built, or do you cut to prime yourself for your next push?

Curious what others do. I’ve done both. Personally, I felt like I lost a decent amount of size when I cut on cruise.
Maintain! Course I always add a few other compounds to my cruise in low doses. It helps me stabilize out to the new normal for my body. Currently doing that now.

When cruising (say 250 test) do you guys just try to maintain what you built, or do you cut to prime yourself for your next push?

Curious what others do. I’ve done both. Personally, I felt like I lost a decent amount of size when I cut on cruise.
My bloods come always fine on medium/high test + similar dose EQ/Primo and 4-6iu HGH.
So in reality i never go to 250 TestE, i do something like 500-1g Test + 500-1g EQ + 5iu HGH. So minimum I have 1g of gear in + 5iu HGH.

The only time when I went to 250 TestE + 4iu HGH was a month prior to my humbelical hernia surgery, I maintained that dose until healed completely then I jumped on Test+EQ to regain some fullness and then restarted blasting. Maybe I could stay on 500 test 500 eq but still wanted to be sure that everything was ok.

Consider that lipids are always skewed but it was like that for me also as natty but with much higher LDL.
On gear my HDL always a tad low (<35), my LDL is always <100.
Kidneys function, Hematology, GGT, Bilirubin, Alkaline Phosphatase always in the middle of reference range.

I train intense and heavy 6w in a row then I deload 1 week (don't train at all), at the end of this week usually I do bloods.

Maybe I am not the norm but that's how it worked for me, in 7 years of gear I cruised at TRT only once. I just increase, reduce, change gear.

I cut or bulk on a proper cycle, maintain on the min gear.
Cruise=Maintain. Think about using cruise control in your car, you're maintaining the same rate of speed. Cut and Bluk should fall in their own category.
That dose can be used for both. Just less calories will be needed for cutting.
I do just the opposite.

I maintain or even gain during the cruise. The only time I blast is when I'm getting very lean. As an effect of this, I grow while I'm cutting down due to the gear. Then during the cruise phase (legit TRT) strength shoots up from all the extra added food, I maintain the freshly gained tissue from the cut/blast, while adding new tissue with my increased food sensitivity. I'll just keep pushing food and performance while in the cruise phase. Bloodwork stays nice and clean, and then it all repeats when I decide to jump back in.

This time, however, I may permanently just stay on my TRT and stop cycling. I haven't decided yet for sure. Even on legit TRT, I think I'd be stage condition in the 190 lb range at 5'9" height. At this point in my life with my lack of bodybuilding aspirations, I think this may be good enough for me. Lots to think about, but that's another whole topic. Lol!
When cruising (say 250 test) do you guys just try to maintain what you built, or do you cut to prime yourself for your next push?

Curious what others do. I’ve done both. Personally, I felt like I lost a decent amount of size when I cut on cruise.
It all depends on the cycle stack and what goals have achieved.
As of course some will Pyramid the cycle for max gains, and some will maintain maintenance dose to maintain normal quality life style
I'm a few weeks away from starting my first "cruise" ever. In the past, its been 10-12 week cycles, proper PCT, then take 12 weeks off and do it again.
This time I'll be going down to 200mg test + 20mg proviron for 3 months. Not looking forward to it, but it will be a nice reset to get my labs perfect before the biggest blast of my life. I'll still be pushing the food hard and trying to grow during the cruise.
Sounds smart man. What’s the planned blast?
Sounds smart man. What’s the planned blast?
Thanks man.
I plan on 600 each of test, EQ, and masteron. With some anavar & proviron thrown in 4 or 5 weeks before the show. I'll probably get bloods drawn 8 weeks into the cycle and if things look OK I'll bump up the oils another 100mg each. It'll likely be a 16 week prep.
Thanks man.
I plan on 600 each of test, EQ, and masteron. With some anavar & proviron thrown in 4 or 5 weeks before the show. I'll probably get bloods drawn 8 weeks into the cycle and if things look OK I'll bump up the oils another 100mg each. It'll likely be a 16 week prep.

Why don’t you add a DHt to thst cycle? Lol

You shoukd log your prep!

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