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Do you guys like to maintain or cut on cruise?

Why don’t you add a DHt to thst cycle? Lol

You shoukd log your prep!
Haha. I aromatize very, very heavily so I need this type of stack to keep the gyno,acne, and water at bay. Yeah I plan on logging it. Should be fun.
When cruising (say 250 test) do you guys just try to maintain what you built, or do you cut to prime yourself for your next push?

Curious what others do. I’ve done both. Personally, I felt like I lost a decent amount of size when I cut on cruise.
I maintain on a cruise or I’ll lose muscle.
Haha. I aromatize very, very heavily so I need this type of stack to keep the gyno,acne, and water at bay. Yeah I plan on logging it. Should be fun.

I feel you bud. I’m a former fat kid…high test is off the table. Have you ever tried DHB? Even adding 50mg 3x a week to your mast or primo really cranks things up a notch.

I ran test 250/primo 300/Dhb 150 for a bad ass dad summer prep when I went to Destin…definitely held on to all my tissue while DNP crash dieting for 6 weeks. Like ballerina calories.
I feel you bud. I’m a former fat kid…high test is off the table. Have you ever tried DHB? Even adding 50mg 3x a week to your mast or primo really cranks things up a notch.

I ran test 250/primo 300/Dhb 150 for a bad ass dad summer prep when I went to Destin…definitely held on to all my tissue while DNP crash dieting for 6 weeks. Like ballerina calories.
"Hot Dad Summer"
Some wise old timers one told me there's no need to "cruise". The only time you lower your dose is if your bloods get out of whack, and even then it's just to normalize again. As long as your bloods are good, just keep going.

This is the way to maximizing size. If you're not doing any mega cycles, you should really be able to blast for a long time and still keep gaining. Goals and lifestyle Dependant of course.

I just got back in to give it one more shot at competing before I'm too old. Been on 500mg test for 8 weeks and just got bloods. As long as all is good I'll give it a few more weeks and add another anabolic in. I cycle on/off anadrol. When it comes to mass its the best its ever gonna get. I just dont go crazy with oral doses and avoid AI unless absolutely necessary. Less drugs, less problems.

Prep is another story. Lots of gear to maximize maintaining muscle with no calories. That's the ugly side of the sport.
I don't necessarily cut, but I always drop some bodyfat. After a long off season, the body needs a break from the gear and the food.

Pounding 4500+ calories day after day for months is going to cause digestive distress and insulin resistance to some degree. I was eating 700g carbs daily last off season. I am 4 weeks into my cruise now and I eat around 400g carbs a day. Protein and fats the same.

Little bit more cardio than before too. So in other words, am I cutting? Not really, but food is down, cardio is up because I believe altering those factors are just as important as gear for one's health.

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