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Does creatine create bloat?

Do you drop creatine before a show or in the summer when you're trying to look you lean?

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2016
Dude on another message board says he never uses the stuff because of the bloat.
I've been on it for so long, to be honest I don't know the difference.
Do you drop it when you want to look lean?
No, it increases intracellular fluid which is a good thing but it doesn't bloat you in the way you mean here.

Apparently that's one of those myths that won't die.

Now when in doubt, you're probably better off (mentally) to drop it since it's effect isn't that pronounced that you're really going to see the difference. Especially not with all the other stuff us bodybuilders take.
A ton of people swear it does but I agree with jeroendeblaser. I think even studies have shown it doesn't increase extracellular or subcutaneous fluid. I often recommend it even to juicers, it can't hurt. It might even make sense to use it when carb loading for a show but seems to me most bodybuilders drop creatine. Milos published some of his diary notes on IG and used creatine during carb load, Phosphagen. You want as much water as possible in the right places.

A friend hurt his leg and had a cast on. Had it on for a few months. Started creatine after being off for those months and claims he gained 4lbs in 2 days and had to have the cast cut off and reapplied. It got so tight from the creatine. Maybe it was the creatine, don't know for sure.
Creatine bloating is a typical side effect that accompanies creatine consumption. It is characterized by increased water retention in the body (particularly in the skeletal muscles), and can even cause gastrointestinal distress (e.g., intestinal bloating). Creatine bloating does not occur in all creatine users and there are ways to prevent it from occurring.
People that complain about creatine bloat are either talking about something they've never (or barely experienced)...or they never bothered to stick it through and experiment with dosing, timing, or different creatine salts. If monohydrate doesn't work well for you, try Creapure. If that doesn't work, try Creatine HCL i.e. Con-Cret.

Those are the only ones I would bother with but I would expect someone to be able to solve their issues with a little effort and imagination through their experimentation.
I started creatine at 15 and am now about 40. I NEVER had issue with ANY creatine, even some real dodgy brands, over the years.

Now 3g of mono really just causes everything to sit in my stomach. I have tested this with multiple reputable brands and any mono in my pre/intra causes the entire thing to just sit there for some reason. No idea other that at 40 shit just stops working exactly like it used too lol.

OP take it out, look at yourself in the mirror about 3-7 days later and make a decision.
IMO this is high school broscience nonsense. Yes we all understand the mechanisms of how creatine works but to say it’s causing noticeable bloating means your diet and hydration are poopie.
I started creatine at 15 and am now about 40. I NEVER had issue with ANY creatine, even some real dodgy brands, over the years.

Now 3g of mono really just causes everything to sit in my stomach. I have tested this with multiple reputable brands and any mono in my pre/intra causes the entire thing to just sit there for some reason. No idea other that at 40 shit just stops working exactly like it used too lol.

OP take it out, look at yourself in the mirror about 3-7 days later and make a decision.
Have you tried taking it after you eat a meal?
It will bloat your muscles to an extent. It's noticable within a couple days if you go from zero creatinine to 30-40g per day. At least, it was for me. As far as bloat under the skin, I didn't notice any.
Have you tried taking it after you eat a meal?
No, I only have 3-5g in certain pre's laying around so I don't take those very often and for obvious reasons I don't drink them post meal. I did grab a bottle of kre-alkalyn(I know it's mono and baking soda) as it's what we had the most of on the shelf and have no issue with those taken after meals. I could care less how long creatine sits in my stomach were it not holding up the rest of the show pre/intra. It's really only noticeable when used pre/intra due to the volume of fluid I am pushing through the GI at that time.
If you haven't tried it yet, in the future look for a pre workout with HCL. Pre Jym, Pre Jym X, and surely some others have it.

Some C4s have creatine nitrate which allegedly goes into solution and will have the secondary benefits of nitrate for NO.
Perhaps it's the carrier that people use to take their Creatine causing some bloat. Sugars, like apple juice, grape juice, products like Cell Tech, etc..
Dude on another message board says he never uses the stuff because of the bloat.
I've been on it for so long, to be honest I don't know the difference.
Do you drop it when you want to look lean?
That's one of the points of it actually. Hydrated muscles and joints = good.
Creatine TCM is really great-zero bloat just strenght gains.
In those for whom creatine monohydrate causes GI distress, it could possibly cause bloat. Funnily enough, we know this occurs in rare individuals, yet it's never been (so far as I have seen) considered a significant effect in the small samples of subjects that typifies creatine research: yet it certainly occurs population-wide.

This effect is quite aside from the mechanisms of how creatine increases performance (PCr serving as a substrate to ATP synthesis by rephosphorylating ADP in the ATP-PCr system & fully repleting PCr stores in skeletal muscle; antiinflammatory effects). Yes, creatine primarily serves to affect the transcellular gradient of H2O, causing muscle cell influx. This does not mean it cannot also cause GI distress & bloat aside from this anabolic mechanism.

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