Of your many profound statements.That one is possibly the most accurate!
As to your previous post... 9 aspects of love? Help a young guy out here... I was ticking off the 9 things that make up love.
I really am curious what you've termed the 9 aspects of love.
NP DF! However, ole OL can't take credit! Here are those characteristics you are looking for. They come from the BEST SELLER of all time. I must say, I'm not as accurate as I use to be. There are actually 15. I hope you enjoy, and are sincere!
1. Love is expansive.
2. Love is not jealous.
3. Love Acts.
4. Love is long-suffering and kind.
5. Love does not brag, does not get puffed up.
6. Love does not behave indecently.
7. Love does not look for its own interests.
8. Love does not become provoked.
9. Love does not keep account of the injury.
10.Love does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.
11.Love hopes all things.
12.Love believes all things.
13.Love bears all things.
14.Love endures all things.
15.Love never fails.
Now, I can give you some dialog with those, however, I think with your mind, you can figure it out!
Also, friend, If you master these characteristics, YOU will be able to say, without doubt, and with full and complete accuracy, that you have MASTERED LOVE! Then you will become, a REAL man! Peace!
One mo thing! You will end up being smarter than 2/3rds. the world population, when you memorize these!