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Does it upset you that your wife/gfriend was a slut?


New member
Aug 17, 2008
For those of you that are married/dating a woman that slept around before you or you know that she was kinda a slut or maybe slept with most of your friends before you, does it bother you or do you think about it constantly? Now I know some of you will say ah that was before me and shit, but cmon- its kinda got to weigh on you a little that everyone has had your woman.
For those of you that are married/dating a woman that slept around before you or you know that she was kinda a slut or maybe slept with most of your friends before you, does it bother you or do you think about it constantly? Now I know some of you will say ah that was before me and shit, but cmon- its kinda got to weigh on you a little that everyone has had your woman.

I was never able to date women that had been slutty in the past. I could sleep with them but nothing more. It seemed like they had no self respect.
2 things

1- if thats the type of women you wanted then it shouldnt bother you one bit.

2- if thats not the type of women you want NOW but that's what attracted you to her, then you basically made your bed for yourself. So either lay in your bed or get out. but dont ask her to change for you. she was and is who she is.

(not referring to the OP, its a general statement)
I could never date or marry a girl my friends have been with. That's some Jersey Shore shit right there. If she was a little slutty in her day, but she's a different person now, that's okay. If this is her lifestyle, you're asking for trouble. You can do better for yourself bro.
:eek: Wow! We can come of with some dusies on this board! *LOL*. Makes mine look like "child's play".

On a serious note, yeah, I would have to prolly seek professional help. However, LOVE is a powerful device, it has nine attributes, do you know what they are?

If you do, you will have your answer. Peace!

No way I could be in a relationship with a girl that was a slut.. If shes been with more than 2 guys, then shes not for me at all.
In my opinion, women who have slutty behavior, have it for a reason. Usually, that involves bad things that have happened to them. Being molested, raped, childhood trauma of some sort, or even mental health issues. I think most women are built not to be slutty, something has happened to make them that way.

Now for the guy who said, no the woman can be with no more than 2 guys. Come on. People have mulitple realtionships. That doesn't make them sluts.
Well I dont know where you guys are picking up your girls, convents I guess, but there aint too many women out there today that havent been with at least 8-10 guys. So I am afraid some of you are being lied to about there sexual partners and how many they have been with. Cmon, today most girls have slept with 5 guys before they are 15. So maybe some of you should put your chicks on a polygraph.
Now for the guy who said, no the woman can be with no more than 2 guys. Come on. People have mulitple realtionships. That doesn't make them sluts.

Would you date a fat chick? Prob not.... And thats your preference... And neither would I. Lol... But one of my prefrences also is that I do not want to be with someone that has been with more that 2 guys.. And thats almost too much.. Its my preference..
Well I dont know where you guys are picking up your girls, convents I guess, but there aint too many women out there today that havent been with at least 8-10 guys. So I am afraid some of you are being lied to about there sexual partners and how many they have been with. Cmon, today most girls have slept with 5 guys before they are 15. So maybe some of you should put your chicks on a polygraph.

You may be right brother. BUT, if you found your wife on criagslist its a good bet she has been around the block a few times. If you found your wife through a neighborhood, church or family picnic it's a good chance you dont have a chic thats been around the block a few times.
Would you date a fat chick? Prob not.... And thats your preference... And neither would I. Lol... But one of my prefrences also is that I do not want to be with someone that has been with more that 2 guys.. And thats almost too much.. Its my preference..

It's funny you mention this. Back in the day I dated 2 fat chics that were beautiful. And thick, carried their weight very well. They were a little on the heavy side but they were always down for something sexually freaky. And I got breakfast in the morning! :D The skinny chics made me take them out to breakfast in the AM, damn it! :D
Well I dont know where you guys are picking up your girls, convents I guess, but there aint too many women out there today that havent been with at least 8-10 guys. So I am afraid some of you are being lied to about there sexual partners and how many they have been with. Cmon, today most girls have slept with 5 guys before they are 15. So maybe some of you should put your chicks on a polygraph.

I think you are wrong. Maybe the women you are asscoiating with are. Normal women generally associate love with sex. So most women don't have indiscrimate sex on a regular basis. Now, broken women do.
Sad to say, there's mo "broken" women, than "normal". :eek:

Busdriver,your nuts.LOL

A lot of what was said here is true, some not so true. If you want a chic nowadays thats only been with 2 dudes, go look in the school yard. Other than that everyone has an ex or a few. If you fall in love with a slut, then guess what, you fell in love with a slut. Its a personal choice. I could never really be with a slutty chic on a romantic basis. Just sex. Some people dont care. I just dont want to be somewhere and have some guy in the backround laughing about how he banged my girl to his buddies. I would flip out. Who wouldnt?
If the girl has slept around with a bunch of my friends I can't date her personally, sex only. But, if she has been with people I don't know then I don't think it would bother me as bad. Meaning people do change.
Sad to say, there's mo "broken" women, than "normal". :eek:


Of your many profound statements.... that one is possibly the most accurate!

As to your previous post... 9 aspects of love? Help a young guy out here... I was ticking off the 9 things that make up love, but then started reading the official ass thread... I needed my left hand for something else and only could come up with 5 things that make up LOVE.

Just kidding about that part Ol' fella! I really am curious what you've termed the 9 aspects of love.
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Of your many profound statements.That one is possibly the most accurate!

As to your previous post... 9 aspects of love? Help a young guy out here... I was ticking off the 9 things that make up love.

I really am curious what you've termed the 9 aspects of love.

NP DF! However, ole OL can't take credit! Here are those characteristics you are looking for. They come from the BEST SELLER of all time. I must say, I'm not as accurate as I use to be. There are actually 15. I hope you enjoy, and are sincere!

1. Love is expansive.
2. Love is not jealous.
3. Love Acts.
4. Love is long-suffering and kind.
5. Love does not brag, does not get puffed up.
6. Love does not behave indecently.
7. Love does not look for its own interests.
8. Love does not become provoked.
9. Love does not keep account of the injury.
10.Love does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.
11.Love hopes all things.
12.Love believes all things.
13.Love bears all things.
14.Love endures all things.
15.Love never fails.

Now, I can give you some dialog with those, however, I think with your mind, you can figure it out! ;)

Also, friend, If you master these characteristics, YOU will be able to say, without doubt, and with full and complete accuracy, that you have MASTERED LOVE! Then you will become, a REAL man! Peace!

One mo thing! You will end up being smarter than 2/3rds. the world population, when you memorize these! :)

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Sounds like we have a fluid definition of slut. Ok.

No, I wouldn't want someone who has been with my friends. But does anyone want their sex life in the hands of a woman who isn't open minded to new experiences? I know I want a whore in the bedroom as the saying goes. In the long run I'll take someone who's adventurous over one who perhaps over moralizes about sex.

Guys sleep around, and from my experience women enjoy sex every damn bit as much as guys. Unfortunately not sex with me, but with the other guys. :mad:

I don't need to be the first. I just need to be the last.

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