LATS said:
.. in his eyes anything that did not improve income and standing in the community was a waste of time.. but, the funny thing was when ever i was not around, he would always brag about his son being bigger and stronger than his friend's sons..
My wife tells me I should be using a Bowflex to workout. But when someone asks about my working out she'll acknowledge that I do.
I'm not saying your Dad is like most of the General Public but he just doesn't know what he doesn't know.
Here my philosophy about "getting good" at ANYTHING:
In order to do this, you need-
1) Dream/goal/reason, an end rsult that you're seeking (why else would you work, study, workout, etc.)
2) Be persistant (study when you don't want to, go to work when you feel shitty, make that sales call to the obnoxious person, WORKOUT when you feel lazy)
If you do those things wanting to get to the top (of what you're doing), you will appear fanatical. Most people will say "I wouldn't do what you're doing (or I wouldn't waste my time doing that)." Well, most people will not obtain those result for just those reasons - "not doing it."
Once you obtain a goal, don't people say "you were lucky" "you inherited it" "you're just a natural at it (like Michael Jordan and basketball - he lost MUCH of growing up spending COUNTLESS hours of practicing - how can being so fanatical about a ball get you anything) "you must be on 'roids"
I know that you have a pretty successful business. Did you inherit it? Did your parents buy it for you? Weren't you just in the right place at the right time? Or did you follow the principles I mentiond?
Being a good bb'er means that you 1) set some goals and 2) were consistent and persistent - the same things it takes to xcel at anything
Learning these things tend to transfer to other aspects in life. It's kinda like learning to be a good asshole - you're one with your friends, at home, and at work.
Now you DAD certainly loves and cares for you, but he just doesn't know (or really understand). Must "truly" successful people in life fully understand the principles I'm trying to convey here. That's why they're only about 5% of the people.
Some may say "yea but you need balance in your life" - and I don't disagree. That DOES NOT mean that EVERYTHING gets an equal amount of time. Have you ever seen someone that doesn't work, stays at home with their kids, and has a very poor relationship with their kids? Balance means contributing "quality" to those thing that are important to you.