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Steak Helmet

Sep 4, 2002
Curious if I did Slin for 8 weeks only on workout days in between cycles if that owuld help me keep my gains??

5ius after a workout then an XXL drink 45 minutes after shot. Then a Carbo force drink 30 minutes after that. The XXL has 223grams of carbs 53 grams of that is sugar.

thanks :)
yes it would help but i wouldnt use it that long, or more than 2 days a week just me i like to play on the safe side for now anyway lol
i am think of doing the same thing--using 2iu post workout--maybe on the wkends only
id start at 5iu and build up my last was 10 thats what ill stick with
next 2 weeks ,then im planing on doing 12
So, 4 times a week at 5ius for 8 weeks would be too much???

Slin in fairly new to my vocabulary, so anyone out there that has excellent experience would be great.

Thanks fellas
Steak, what kind of slin are you going to use?

I would suggest you read and research quite a bit more. You have the meals a little off of what the 'norm' is. NOT saying you are wrong just suggesting a little more research.

Good LUCK !!!!
If that is what you want to do then try it. There are many different therioes about everything that your going to do. Play and find out what works best for you. Some think only 2 a week and other do it every day. Trial and error, just keep meals ready and follow precautions.
I have been reading a lot on this board. Very informative!!!

I will do more research before I even think about sticking myself with a 28 gauge needle with 5ius of SLIN in it...fast acting for sure. I have a buddy that just might help me out with the good stuff??
Steak, If you are going to be taking Humilin R then waiting 45 minutes could KILL you NO JOKE buddy.

I personally LOVE the XXL drinks but the carbs are too high compared to the amount of protein. I think a 50/50 carb to protein is better.

PLEASE understand I JUST started Slin so read read read up on it and do NOT take what I am saying as anything close to gosple.

You might want to start with 2 IUs just to be sure.

What I do is this:

10 minutes later:
Put on my watch and start the stop watch function.

slin 10IUs and immediately drink 100g of carbs, combination of sugar(simple carbs) and complex carbs. I use Ultra Fuel powder. Mixes EASY and stays mixed.

This way when the simple carbs are used up there is still something in there. I also take in 65 grams of protein with 5 grams of Creatine and 5 grams of Glutamine.

I also make sure I have 16 ounces of orange or grape soda(highest sugar contents) with me incase I feel strange.

One hour later same drink.

1.5 hours later a regular meal.

Then I do this again later in the day.

MAKE sure you are with someone who knows what you are doing. Tell them if you become incoherent to call 911. Do NOT sleep until at least 5 hours after taking the slin.

Let us know how it goes.
Crowler you pretty much have the right idea.
With all those carbs/calories from a XXL and a Carb force
youd get fat if you did this too long of often.
And dont wait 45min to get nutrients.

Do 10iu slin-R immediately after workout.
Id dring a carb force 15min after shot with Glutamine and Creatine, and you could add 25-50g protein to this.
Then have a lowfat meal full of protein and mixed-carbs 1hr later.
Thanks CROWLER...

It does sound like I would gain a lot of fat after I read what I posted.

I plan on going IM with SLIN...do you think that would decrease the chances of gaining fat?? Alos, what is the purpose of going IM with SLIN??

Steak Helmet said:
Thanks CROWLER...

It does sound like I would gain a lot of fat after I read what I posted.

I plan on going IM with SLIN...do you think that would decrease the chances of gaining fat?? Alos, what is the purpose of going IM with SLIN??


I would also like to know the benefits, if any, of going intermuscular.
I think I remember BIGKIWI talking about it??

I will try a search and see what I can find.
hey Crowler
i think you know more than you think thats almost the same plan i follow good one too is working well
preist943 said:
hey Crowler
i think you know more than you think thats almost the same plan i follow good one too is working well

HA HA HA I stole it all from this board mostly from A I believe.

I have been on slin a whole 5 days, today was the first day I got to 10IUs. So far so good. I am actually acting as a lab rat by running it by itself to see what it can do with out AS.
If I remember right, BigKiwi said that he gained less fat by taking the 'slin IM as compared to SQ. It also kicks in a bit quicker this way too. I haven't done slin yet either, but am almost ready to try it.


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