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Donating blood


Dec 13, 2006
Not only is it a good thing for society but as many of you have recommended it's good for us to do. My question is: What do you say when they ask about usage? I also take anti-d's. Do these really affect things anyway? Don't they "clean" the blood"
Lastly, we were recently in the Riv. Maya Mx. My girlfriend was denied due to a Malaria(sp) alert? Been home a month and nothing wrong!
Please educate me.
Thanks in advance,
A) some people feel it's ok to donate (some juiced blood's better than a shortage)?
B) How would you find a for profit blood bank. Just a google search?
C) I'm still a bit confused about using the Red Cross. I guess you need to fudge the truth if asked about use? Also, why would they take blood only to give you the opportunity to nix it on the back end?
Not only is it a good thing for society but as many of you have recommended it's good for us to do. My question is: What do you say when they ask about usage? I also take anti-d's. Do these really affect things anyway? Don't they "clean" the blood"
Lastly, we were recently in the Riv. Maya Mx. My girlfriend was denied due to a Malaria(sp) alert? Been home a month and nothing wrong!
Please educate me.
Thanks in advance,

Anything script written I would mention.
Anything script written I would mention.

I have a script for Testim. Have been using oil (I like my Endo. Gives me scripts for HCG but is all for the gel..
Would Testim disqualify me? HCG?
Cymbalta? Wellbutrin? Klonipin?
someone that is "ON" has a lot more to offer in their blood than a non user....do a search on it.
You will have to lie when you give blood if you have ever used steroids. If you have ever used them it disqualifies you for life.

that being said, I dont think giving the blood can hurt anyone as long as you dont have some sort of blood bourned disease. Im pretty sure thats why they disqualify you for using steroids. You know all steroid users share needles and shoot each other up in the locker room!

That thread is a bit old, I don't recall them giving us the option to use or not use the blood anon in a long time.
Maldorf and others are right-admitting to steroid use disqualifies you for life.
Pretty shitty option.
It does say (not prescribed by your Dr.) so if they were ever to get your med records and found you used them they were legally prescribed.

Those who are heavy users should donate at least once a month hit the red cross up one month then hit a private or hopsital blood bank another month.
Each donation should drop your hemo by 1.2-1.5% I have found.

for some guys their hemo will be really high and untreatable this way and still be above 50 and they have to go to a hematologist to be treated.

I knew a guy that insisted on rotating drol, and high doses of test and deca and his hemo was always 58-60. He had to get a pint evert 2 weeks or so taken out sometimes a pint a week.

I like to ensure that mine is around 45. I am on HRT and ever since I got on the Sleep Machine it's been easier to control.
Don't ignore the RBC levels it beats the shit outta your blood vessels heart and kidneys the thicker the blood the harder it is on your CV and renal systems.
Old Massive G post

Sorry G- I didn't realize that post was 2005- I just always remembered the post- guess I'm getting old LOL.

Thanks for the updated info/advice.

Sorry G- I didn't realize that post was 2005- I just always remembered the post- guess I'm getting old LOL.

Thanks for the updated info/advice.

LOL ya 2005 feels like yesterday to me. Damn time flies.

No problem 1bb, thanks for linking it-it has some good info in it -I just haven't see the option to "use or not use my blood" stickers in a long time...

Even normal men need to donate as mentioned as they (we) have higher iron content than women due to our blood retention vs their ability to shed theirs for about 30 years of their life.
Okay random question pertaining to tattoos. Do I still need to wait 6 mo or 1 yr to donate after fresh ink?
That thread is a bit old, I don't recall them giving us the option to use or not use the blood anon in a long time.
Maldorf and others are right-admitting to steroid use disqualifies you for life.
Pretty shitty option.
It does say (not prescribed by your Dr.) so if they were ever to get your med records and found you used them they were legally prescribed.

Those who are heavy users should donate at least once a month hit the red cross up one month then hit a private or hopsital blood bank another month.
Each donation should drop your hemo by 1.2-1.5% I have found.

for some guys their hemo will be really high and untreatable this way and still be above 50 and they have to go to a hematologist to be treated.

I knew a guy that insisted on rotating drol, and high doses of test and deca and his hemo was always 58-60. He had to get a pint evert 2 weeks or so taken out sometimes a pint a week.

I like to ensure that mine is around 45. I am on HRT and ever since I got on the Sleep Machine it's been easier to control.
Don't ignore the RBC levels it beats the shit outta your blood vessels heart and kidneys the thicker the blood the harder it is on your CV and renal systems.

MG, what is the sleep machine you are referring to? Is it the sound conditioner that you're using?
Would one say the double red cell donate is better for us? Thoughts?
Would one say the double red cell donate is better for us? Thoughts?

I like it better because they take more red cells and almost no plasma which is pumped back into your arm
Double Reds

This is the route I take and as stated above I inform them of any scripted meds.
You will have to lie when you give blood if you have ever used steroids. If you have ever used them it disqualifies you for life.

that being said, I dont think giving the blood can hurt anyone as long as you dont have some sort of blood bourned disease. Im pretty sure thats why they disqualify you for using steroids. You know all steroid users share needles and shoot each other up in the locker room!

LOL. shit most like myself dont even use the same needle to shoot as they draw with!

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