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Drunk Guy Picks Up My 3yr Old Son!


New member
Mar 9, 2010
This weekend my son (3yr old) and I were visiting family for Easter. On Sunday we went out to eat at a hibachi style restaurant and the place was pretty much empty. There was one other couple seated with us and things were going well,until a group of three were seated at the other table across from us. It was two guys and one of the guys gf/wife and they had obviously been drinking and continued to drink. They were loud and belligerent the entire time. As we were finishing our meal and getting ready to pay the bill, I took my son to the bathroom. On the way back from the bathroom one of the plastered guys was on his way to the bathroom and kinda patted my son on the head as we walked passed. When we were finally back at our table I heard the man repeat "where is my buddy" loudly he was referring to my son. I did not know this at the time. He then proceeded to our table and said "there you are" and picked up my son lifted him into the air a couple of times and put him back down. He then started to grab his hand and talk some gibberish about this was the longest handshake and made some comment about my sons shirt (marvel superhero shirt)and said they could "go kill some guys". Keep in my mind this all happenend in about 10-15seconds. When he picked him up I did not want to make a scene, because I wanted to avoid scaring my son. Hes only three and he could not comprehend what was going on , but could definitely tell something was wrong. I told him to back off calmly and by this time the waiter was there and trying to escort him back to his seat. Immediately I took my son to the car to wait for the others.

As this whole ordeal was happening it was taking everything inside me to hold my composure, I wanted to hold this guys face to the burning hot grill. After my family came out I was to go back in and fuck shit up but instead left with my family. I could barely sleep that night and was going through my head on how my son could of been severely hurt, and how I did not react fast enough.

Did I my make the right decision? What would have you done? Please dont hold back on your responses. Honest answers only.
You did the right thing brother! Don't think of yourself as any less a dad or man! You did the right thing in front of you son. Good for you brother! Cause I'm sure your son wouldn't have understood why you had to beat that guys ass. All your son knows is you love and and watch out for him. And thats what you did! You did the right thing!
I am a father also and feel you set the right example for your son! Drunks piss me off terrible bad. My father-in-law is a drunk and always wants to hold my little ones when he is shit faced. I don't let him and he knows now not to try!

You did the right thing bro! You sound like a very caring dad!
You did the right thing brother! Don't think of yourself as any less a dad or man! You did the right thing in front of you son. Good for you brother! Cause I'm sure your son wouldn't have understood why you had to beat that guys ass. All your son knows is you love and and watch out for him. And thats what you did! You did the right thing!

You did the right thing brother! Don't think of yourself as any less a dad or man! You did the right thing in front of you son. Good for you brother! Cause I'm sure your son wouldn't have understood why you had to beat that guys ass. All your son knows is you love and and watch out for him. And thats what you did! You did the right thing!

Exactly , good on you bro , kids don't understand the depth of the situation , they will pickup on your tension though.

it just goes to show how fast things can happen , and some people get ridiculed when we get between fucktards like this guys and our loved one as soon as we see the chance for a situation , you the whole "your over reacting" but as you can see shit happens fast and this guy was being calm and friendly
Speaking as a father, you absolutely did the right thing. Your son was already scared enough by the drunk jerk. Your son would have sensed things were even more ugly if you had let it escalate further.
you did the right thing. I don't have a son but I had a drug addict father (heroin). As a child I remember the weirdest shit. Like weird bad situations that scared me for life. You never know what a kid will remember. Your son being 3 you did the right thing. Now lets say hes home from college (couple years from now :) ) and you run in to an absolute piece of shit disrespectful asshole. Then you can make him pay and afterwords you can talk to your son about how to treat shitheads like that :)
Speaking as a father, you absolutely did the right thing. Your son was already scared enough by the drunk jerk. Your son would have sensed things were even more ugly if you had let it escalate further.

I am young, only 22 and this is my only kid, so you can see why I was so ready to kick ass. But I do agree with you.
you did the right thing. I don't have a son but I had a drug addict father (heroin). As a child I remember the weirdest shit. Like weird bad situations that scared me for life. You never know what a kid will remember. Your son being 3 you did the right thing. Now lets say hes home from college (couple years from now :) ) and you run in to an absolute piece of shit disrespectful asshole. Then you can make him pay and afterwords you can talk to your son about how to treat shitheads like that :)

lol..no kidding
i dont want to go against the grain here


i would have lost it


I am young, only 22 and this is my only kid, so you can see why I was so ready to kick ass. But I do agree with you.

You had the normal reaction as a father, but you took the smart road. Take the lawyer money you may have just saved and buy another dinner out with your family… 50 times ;)
i dont want to go against the grain here


i would have lost it



its ok bro. i cant say I would have stayed cool at all. Touching my family is a big mistake. especially if I had a 3 y/o.
You had the normal reaction as a father, but you took the smart road. Take the lawyer money you may have just saved and buy another dinner out with your family… 50 times ;)

ya if you can think of this in every situation you are ahead of the curve
You made the right decision and actions were appropriate. If you had interacted in a physical manner with your child present you could have put him in more of a at risk situation.
i dont want to go against the grain here


i would have lost it


right, truth is u got to man up and grow some bigger balls when it comes to protecting your son/family, not saying u had to get physical however let em know u serious about protecting yours, let no one especially a drunk toss your 3 yr old son up in the air :mad:
I think you put your son at more risk letting him get picked up. You should have been able to stop him before he picked our son up, and diffused the situation without causing an altercation. Being highly aware of the danger an extremely drunk person presents would be the first step, anticipating his attempt to have contact with your son would be the next.
doing the right thing is not always easy.......it would of been hard for me to show restraint also............i believe its a whole different matter when you place your hands on my family.....im real protective like that.....in the end you did right.....you advised him to back off and was able to remove your son w/o incident......i do not like to be around people who cant handle their drinking and are obnoxious......
I think you put your son at more risk letting him get picked up. You should have been able to stop him before he picked our son up, and diffused the situation without causing an altercation. Being highly aware of the danger an extremely drunk person presents would be the first step, anticipating his attempt to have contact with your son would be the next.

Situational awareness is the number one factor in your defense , be aware of your suroundings at all times , like I mentioned before shit happens fast and hindsite is always 20/20.
Not saying you need to walk around paranoid out of your gourd , but teach yourself to pay better attention to your surroundings. Identify possible threats and put yourself at the advantage , keep you face to the crowd and keep yourself between your loved ones and the threat. Yea waiters and shit get annoyed with you for wanting to pick differant seats and shit but screw them your the customer and the customer is always right.
Off the soapbox now , I can't say that the situation would have gone as well as your if it were me , I can't see their not being some sort of contact and explanation witht he guy but their again things escalate very fast and the next thing you know you could have your family in the middle of a fight.

you did the right thing bro , don't beat yourself up over it. Its over and everybody came out of it great , use this time as a learning experiance though retrace the event and think about what you could have done to prevent the situation.
you did the right thing. i doubt your son will remember this as he gets older. if you had started fighting with this person, it probably would have been very traumatic for your boy. your going to have to let it go now. it is over. everybody is ok. good luck.

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