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dumbest thing i ever heard


Jan 19, 2009
To save money i lift at the rec center at my college as it is free to me with a student id and it gets me by. But i cant help but notice they keep buying these worthless machines. So tonight when the professor that is the head of the hhp department and incharge of the gym was in there i respectfully asked him why they keep buying these machines instead of a real squat rack, deadlift station, decline bench, or even just heavier dumbells. His response was that this is a "wellness center" not an athletic gym and that stuff would just cause injuries. and im not going to stand there and argue with someone who is over 6 foot and 120 pounds soaking wet and looks like a holocaust victim about training. so it looks like i will have to continue to wait for all the douchebags to get done doing their endless sets of barbell shrugs in the smithmachine just so i can do squats. sorry just wanted to rant a little.
Shouldn't make you mad, dude. What he's basically saying is that this facility is for NEWBS. Newbs don't do free squats, because they are too scared and they actually will injure themselves. He's right.

Get some cash together and get a gym membership.

try planet fitness
i understand what your saying and i plan on getting a membership when i money isnt so tight. i was more aggravated by his condescending tone when he said it since i wasnt being a dick and was just asking.
Yeah do you have a planet fitness near you? 10 dollar membership, man. Free pizza too! Just don't work out too hard or they'll cancel your membership. :D
Yeah do you have a planet fitness near you? 10 dollar membership, man. Free pizza too! Just don't work out too hard or they'll cancel your membership. :D

haha....no i dont i have one close to me. But seems like it would be about the same only i dont get free pizza now.
Shouldn't make you mad, dude. What he's basically saying is that this facility is for NEWBS. Newbs don't do free squats, because they are too scared and they actually will injure themselves. He's right.

Get some cash together and get a gym membership.

Yep. Exactly. There's a HUGE difference between a gym for the general population who are looking to do nothing else besides "break a sweat" and those of who go to the gym to push ourselves to our physical limits.
haha....no i dont i have one close to me. But seems like it would be about the same only i dont get free pizza now.

Or free bagels and tootsie rolls.

But not all of them are like that. Some are just like regular gyms. Depends on who owns it I think. Anyways it doesn't matter cuz there's not one near you.
Yeah do you have a planet fitness near you? 10 dollar membership, man. Free pizza too! Just don't work out too hard or they'll cancel your membership. :D

lmao. Or take a PT test when you get the dough, free memberships for life!
no reason you can't find a way to get an intense workout using machines.
free gym? and students? you'll see a lot of this


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LOL....You can see that at pay gyms as well...like the YMCA.
LOL....You can see that at pay gyms as well...like the YMCA.

One of the gyms i have a membership at is the YMCA. There are some serious guys there but there are a lot of the young kids trying to hurt themselves.

The most distracting thing i have ever seen there was a guy next to me while i was doing incline db press and he was doing something like P90X where he jumped up on a bench, did some sorta squat on the bench and jumped down the other side. I seriously thought that he was going knock into the dumbbell in my hand on his side=-)

I am a fan there though of the girls that get right in front of the mirror and get on one of those balance platforms and stick one leg straight out while bending over with dumbbells(not sure what exercise this is). Depending on the girl, the view is rather nice=-)
One of the gyms i have a membership at is the YMCA. There are some serious guys there but there are a lot of the young kids trying to hurt themselves.

The most distracting thing i have ever seen there was a guy next to me while i was doing incline db press and he was doing something like P90X where he jumped up on a bench, did some sorta squat on the bench and jumped down the other side. I seriously thought that he was going knock into the dumbbell in my hand on his side=-)

I am a fan there though of the girls that get right in front of the mirror and get on one of those balance platforms and stick one leg straight out while bending over with dumbbells(not sure what exercise this is). Depending on the girl, the view is rather nice=-)

lol i used to go to a YMCA too. Soooo many young kids and elderly. I've seen some of the dumbest shit ever go down in that gym. One time this kid put on 405 for squats and would literally go about an inch down (not even close to quarter squats). After he did about 4 of these, he decided it would be smart to take all the plates off the right side and leave all 4 on the left :banghead: Thank God no one was around him because the bar instantly flipped up into the air while all 4 plates and the bar crashed down to the floor. I was in complete awe... Fuckin idiots.
lol i used to go to a YMCA too. Soooo many young kids and elderly. I've seen some of the dumbest shit ever go down in that gym. One time this kid put on 405 for squats and would literally go about an inch down (not even close to quarter squats). After he did about 4 of these, he decided it would be smart to take all the plates off the right side and leave all 4 on the left :banghead: Thank God no one was around him because the bar instantly flipped up into the air while all 4 plates and the bar crashed down to the floor. I was in complete awe... Fuckin idiots.

I live on the east coast in the philly/de area and i had to join a Retro Fitness(slight improvement), even if the db's only go up to 120. The last thing that was killing me at the Y was the fact that i could never get into a power rack or squat rack to do squats because of the people doing 3 million sets of curls. I still have to keep the membership there though because my son does swimming and karate at the Y=-(
To OP,

I have the same problem with my school gym. We also have a douchebag in charge of our facility. Needless to say EVERY bigger dude has had run ins with this fat sack of TOOL. It only follows logically I train at a powerhouse instead. Do what you gotta do!

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