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Effect of Test Prop: Will One Shot Supress


New member
Apr 15, 2010
I know that if you are a cycle, Test Prop is injected every other day; if you have gone through PCT and have normalized your natural test levels (and all other biochemical/hormonal/metabolic processes), what effect does one shot of Test Prop have?

Would it cause a better pump during a workout?
Would it increase libido for a day?
Is there no effect?

Similarly, under the same circumstances what effect would a one-time shot of HCG have?

If you use a short-acting ester for...say...a week - what kind of effect would you expect?
Why would You want to take one shot of prop? Is this something you are planning on doing or just curious as to what the answer is?
Exogenous testosterone takes about 2-3 weeks to cause total cessation of endogenous androgens. LH and FSH drop first in a matter of days, but dont fully become shutdown (even when shutdown their not zero) for 2-3 weeks.

There are some articles on 'pulsing' various androgens, but personally, I havent done it, nor really buy into it.

But the AAS that some pulse with are compounds that dont cause the HPTA to becomes shutdown easily (prolonged use, large doses). AAS such as Dbol, Tbol, Winstrol, Masteron, Proviron etc... Not Testosterone's, 19-Nor's and some other fairly harsh AAS on the HPTA.
One shot won't suppress you, but it won't offer you much in the way of positives, either. If you want to "pulse", orals are the way to go. I imagine you could also "pulse" using Testosterone Suspension. 1 good sized shot first thing in the morning every so often won't be very harmful, but could offer a nice pre-workout boost. How many times per week you could get away with it is uncertain.

For a while I was "pulsing" Superdrol, 10-20mg 1x per week pre-workout. I feel SD right away, so it was a nice pre-workout boost. I also felt the "rebound" effect of my natural Test for a day or two afterward, which was also nice. Although, I tended to notice it less and less. Maybe over time my natural levels were becoming more and more suppressed little by little? Anyone's guess as I never got bloodwork during that time.
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There was a study of nandrolone and how it shut down HPTA with one single 50mg dose (not a typo).

I feel test P almost immediately...but I have low levels of T naturally.
There was a study of nandrolone and how it shut down HPTA with one single 50mg dose (not a typo).

I feel test P almost immediately...but I have low levels of T naturally.

It was a 100mg dose of NPP.
Why would You want to take one shot of prop? Is this something you are planning on doing or just curious as to what the answer is?

If you read my post closely,

I know that if you are a cycle, Test Prop is injected every other day; if you have gone through PCT and have normalized your natural test levels (and all other biochemical/hormonal/metabolic processes), what effect does one shot of Test Prop have?

Would it cause a better pump during a workout?
Would it increase libido for a day?
Is there no effect?

you will find my reason for asking the question. I would not do that or "pulse" with any AAS unless there was something to gain - even if that was just a good workout with a great pump. I have a friend that takes 25mg of Dbol twice a week - each time before his workout.
If you read my post closely,

I know that if you are a cycle, Test Prop is injected every other day; if you have gone through PCT and have normalized your natural test levels (and all other biochemical/hormonal/metabolic processes), what effect does one shot of Test Prop have?

Would it cause a better pump during a workout?
Would it increase libido for a day?
Is there no effect?

you will find my reason for asking the question. I would not do that or "pulse" with any AAS unless there was something to gain - even if that was just a good workout with a great pump. I have a friend that takes 25mg of Dbol twice a week - each time before his workout.

I dont see Dbol at 25mg 2x week doing anything other than lowering cortisol levels. Yeah, it may increase nitrogen retention, but I dont see it doing anything noticable in the gym at all.

It will lower endogenous T, LH, FSH and increase estrogen too. Dbol pushes E2 up a fiar bit I have found, even at lower doses of 15-20mg/ED.

Thats not to say I dont like it, because I love it!
^ does it increase estrogen or does it increase an estrogen analogue?
Why would you do 1 shot? It probably wouldn't do much but any time your body detects an overload of testosterone it starts to surpress it's own production
d-bol 1hour bfore wu may give you a better pump, for libido proviron 25-50mgs an hour or so bfore desired effect is my personal fave! this days cialis has been amazing though.:D
There was a study of nandrolone and how it shut down HPTA with one single 50mg dose (not a typo).

I feel test P almost immediately...but I have low levels of T naturally.

Pretty sure Nandrolone is far more suppressive than Testosterone.

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