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egg shakes

Well we are jacking this thread.. but I'll throw my hat in the egg yolk ring.
... it may be dietary cholesterol, but C'MON MAN.. I don't think any doctor would recommend eating 20 egg yolks a day. I've been eating 8 whites and 4 whole eggs and a scoop of whey for my last meal for the last year or so.. I don't think I will eat 8 more egg yolks everyday anytime soon.

We are not your run-of-the-mill, semi-couch potato, 170 pound human being either. The level of fitness and conditioning that the average bodybuilder possesses makes for a nutritional requirement far above what's considered normal.

If you get regular blood work done what's to worry about? Dietary cholesterol has little to do with blood levels of cholesterol, if that were even a bad thing.

The human body produces far more cholesterol than you could eat without getting sick. Egg yolks are rich with lipotropic factors like choline and inositol. Their cholesterol will be used for making hormones and protecting arteries and veins.

If you're worried about cholesterol, don't be. Worry about triglycerides from too much simple sugar.
Can you elaborate on the use of probiotics for help with gas when consuming raw eggs. I definitely would love to go back to drinking a dozen or so a day, likely more but the gas I get is horrible. And I mean horrible. thanks

Try using Betaine Hydrochloride. It will make a huge difference in the digestion of raw eggs. And refrain from using the blender. That gas is from undigested proteins passing through your gut and being chewed up by your intestinal flora. Try not to give them anything that's not as completely digested as possible. Don't mix raw eggs with any starchy carbs. It's best to take them solo.
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Ive got to pick out the little "umbilicles" before I can drink my eggs...
Thanks Tom! Good info. Two seperate docs dont agree when I have used supplemnet and got blood work my cholestoral however spelled was aroun 210 220 one said no worr the other said hurry you gona kick over. Now I am having to eat eggs for breakfast and lunch due to the lack of foods available. MM
oh no man... not the raw eggs... i take 20 egg whites + 5 whole eggs ...0n a frying pan scramble WHILE HEATING THEM them untill they become white semi- solid state then ... i take 250 ml milk with some sugar free + coffee ... put all that in a blender... blend them for 2 to 4 mins.... it turns into a 500 to 600 ml solution.... but then again i am getting around 85 grams of protien/serving ... i`ll have 2 SUCH SERVINGS a day.
i would love to know what "the legendary" massive G has to say..

The legendary massive g is pretty ticked off right now as it's hard as hell to get eggs in the USA due to the huge salmonella incident here recently-including my favorite source of egg protein which I drink-the "better than eggs" brand of eggwhites. The shelves are empty here and I got a couple dozen cage free from a local organic farm for $3 a dozen to hold me over for a few days.

Normally I eat 6-8 omega 3 eggs simmered in EVOO over easy for breakfast.
I refuse to eat cooked egg whites by themselves as I gag which comes from my contest days when I ate tons of cooked egg whites.
These days it's omega 3 eggs for breakfast or before bed if really in a eggy mood for pro/fat meal.

Most of the time though I add at least 150 grams a day of protein from pastuerized egg whites, 3 cartons @ 50 grams each.
I drink them with 5 grams of carlson's very finest fish oil and it's a great pro/fat meal on the go.

I don't go much over 500 grams of protein a day anymore at 290 but this helps me add some serious aminos from high quality effecient protein.
Ive got to pick out the little "umbilicles" before I can drink my eggs...
Those aren't umilicals. They are protein strands on either side of the yolk that attach to the inside of the shell to keep the yolk in place. The eggs most people eat, at least the ones in stores, are unfertilized. There is no umibilical cord or embryo in there.

Most chickens give about 1 egg every 25 hours. It is the chickens "menstral period," just like human women shed an egg every 28 days.
LOL Dr. i could not eat yest so i rememberd this post and made a eggwhite shake.

i did this

water and ice
12 egg whites scrambled
1 cup oats
1/2 packet of sugar free gello
and a lil vinalla extract.

not bad it wasnt cold enough though cuase i didnt let the eggs cool enough i was in a rush.

oh no man... not the raw eggs... i take 20 egg whites + 5 whole eggs ...0n a frying pan scramble WHILE HEATING THEM them untill they become white semi- solid state then ... i take 250 ml milk with some sugar free + coffee ... put all that in a blender... blend them for 2 to 4 mins.... it turns into a 500 to 600 ml solution.... but then again i am getting around 85 grams of protien/serving ... i`ll have 2 SUCH SERVINGS a day.

That sounds brutally disgusting lol.

Can you get liquid egg whites? They are ready to drink right out of the carton and don't add much flavor to a shake, the whole eggs can just go in raw as long as they are clean.

As you have it written it sounds more like 100 grams per shake
20 whites=60 grams
5 whole=30ish grams depending on size
milk=8 grams
That sounds brutally disgusting lol.

Can you get liquid egg whites? They are ready to drink right out of the carton and don't add much flavor to a shake, the whole eggs can just go in raw as long as they are clean.

As you have it written it sounds more like 100 grams per shake
20 whites=60 grams
5 whole=30ish grams depending on size
milk=8 grams

yeah but less disgusting than the rubbery chicken breast...lol..
ready to drink liquid egg whites are pretty expensive in my country, so i get eggs cheaper directly from the a friend`s farm, at almost half the price..

yeah i count it 85 to 90 grams, i forgot about the milk protien..lol.
LOL Dr. i could not eat yest so i rememberd this post and made a eggwhite shake.

i did this

water and ice
12 egg whites scrambled
1 cup oats
1/2 packet of sugar free gello
and a lil vinalla extract.

not bad it wasnt cold enough though cuase i didnt let the eggs cool enough i was in a rush.


keep experimenting bro with i am sure it will help you both with the muscle mass and creative cooking;)
how do you fend off the runs when drinking pasteurized egg whites from the carton???

i tried that thinking it would be nice way to add protein and it was, however my asshole didnt like it too much..there a way to counter this?
how do you fend off the runs when drinking pasteurized egg whites from the carton???

i tried that thinking it would be nice way to add protein and it was, however my asshole didnt like it too much..there a way to counter this?

what type are you drinking?
Never had a problem-unless I drank egg beaters and store brands they have preservatives in them
This link talks about egg myths. They don't address the huge amont of eggs alot of BB'rs consume but there is really little increase in cholesterol from what we eat. here ya go:

**broken link removed**
I saw your post why not eat all 20????

An egg, two eggs, will have no bearing on your blood cholesterol levels. The 212 milligram cholesterol content gets shouted through nutrition bullhorns, but because only ¼ of cholesterol comes from your diet, only a very small percentage of the egg's content is retained.

That said, there has been extensive research that supports the claim that eating up to seven eggs a week does not increase heart disease risks (the primary concern of high oxidized cholesterol levels) in healthy adults.

All 20 = 140 per week, a tad over 7....LOL
how do you fend off the runs when drinking pasteurized egg whites from the carton???

i tried that thinking it would be nice way to add protein and it was, however my asshole didnt like it too much..there a way to counter this?

had the same problem, no problem with real eggs but with the liquid egg whites you buy in the store I get the runs.

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