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Excited to be back in the game!

Good luck with everything and it's refreshing to see. I don't know if you want to keep promuscle and your social media completely separate (due to your clients) but I definitely recognize you from IG. I can't recall the name but I have definitely seen you posting workout tips etc.
and thanks brother, I'm a bodybuilder before anything else. That's the whole reason I got into lifting. As soon as I gained 40 lbs those first 3 months of working out, I knew I was to be a pro bodybbuilder...which I never did, but you know what I mean.
to me, they were a little high but not crazy for super heavy national guy... soo many ppl don't really know what it's involved in the sport.. and I love that side of it..still do. But anyways ya bro, here's what a typical precontest looks like, start 16 weeks out...appx, cuz like I said it was a while ago and I don't have the shit written down..

16 Weeks out
2,000mg test cyp or e
1,000mg eq
1,000mg mast ena
10iu gh
no anti e

12 weeks out
2,000mg test cyp or e
1,000mg eq
1,000mg mast e
tren ace 350mg
15iu gh
no anti e

8 weeks out
1,000mg test cyp or e
500mg tren ace
500mg mast p
500mg primo
50mg anavar
50mg proviron
1mg adex eod
20iu gh

4 weeks out
1,000mg test cyp or e
1050mg tren ace
1050mg mast p
1000 primo
50mg anavar
50mg oral winny tabs
50mg anadrol 1 hr preworkout
50mg proviron
1mg adex eod
25iu gh
started clen..start at 40mcg, no higher than 80mcg...that stuff worked quick on me

2 weeks out
100mg winny
100mg proviron
100mg anadrol
30mg halo
1mg adex ed
2.5mg letro ed
100mg anavar
clen varies

run orals til show day

here are pics from that show

I was 23 here. I look OK. I did a local show 4 weeks earlier and due to my lack of experience, just mentally broke down the last few weeks. I could always get always get lean, but never bring that "crispy" look to the stage. Also I was young and just didnt' have enough muscle.

Weigh in weight was 252 and 5'10.

Miss my bodybiulding days but looking back at the shit I did...phewwwwww, I'm damn lucky. Always will love bbing though.
Thank you for taking the time to post all this. I do have one question on week 2 till show is the include gh part. Do you use gh, if so at what dose? I.am just confused if you ment include.gh in the dropping or the cycle.
As soon as I gained 40lbs in those first 3 months....pretty typical story..lol man I wish!
Thank you for taking the time to post all this. I do have one question on week 2 till show is the include gh part. Do you use gh, if so at what dose? I.am just confused if you ment include.gh in the dropping or the cycle.
i cut out all injectables 2 weeks out. gh is an injectable. albeit with a slin pin, but an inject
As soon as I gained 40lbs in those first 3 months....pretty typical story..lol man I wish!

Found another good one for you guys looking back at old emails...

this is for a bigger guy...obviously.... I did 8 shows...competed at..

188 (horrible year in prep)

I'm 5'10

**Optional basically means.. "do you have the funds and/or comfortable using it". I liked to start the so called hardeners way early, so I would be ready. That is something I vividly remember..running tren/mast almost the entire 20 week prep, just adjusting the dose. I would not advise this and at 34 now..not 23, I highly highly doubt my body could handle that.

If you have any questions, I'll be an open book on PM. This board helped me a ton when I first got deep into it, so ask away

20 wk contest cycle. end of wk 20 is show. "optional" basically means it would help but its not completely necessary. really its if budget allows. this shit can get expensive so there are certain compounds u for sure need and certain ones that it would be nice but its ok if you dont run them.

WKS 1-16 test 1500mg/wk

WKS 1-16 eq 800mg/wk

WKS 1-8 tren ace 500mg/wk

WKS 8-19 tren ace 700mg/wk

WKS 6-18 primo 500mg/wk OPTIONAL

WKS 12-19 mast p 500mg/wk

WKS 12-20 anavar 100mg/day OPTIONAL

WKS 12-20 proviron 100mg/day OPTIONAL

WKS 12-20 oral winny 100mg/day

WKS 16-20 halo 45mg/day

WKS 16-20 anadrol 50mg/day

WKS 1-20 arimidex 1mg/day...adjust as needed

WKS 1-16 10iu gh ed
Back into my email archives....this was the year I went all out with supps...these pics I believe are 10-12 weeks out from North Americans....You can critique my physique however you want but I was always happy with how I looked until a few weeks out then I'd start breaking down. I always tell people..getting huge is easy...getting lean is easy... being HUGE, LEAN, DRY, FULL, ROUND, SHAPELY, and the word I love so much CRISPY on that stage is very very difficult.

anyways I'm around 270 here


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I'm curious did u do blood work at all? Those last 4 weeks look super strenuous with those orals. Did u take things for liver? Drol, halo, var, winny combo sounds crazy lol. Could the stress from the compounds contributed to "breaking down"?
I'm curious did u do blood work at all? Those last 4 weeks look super strenuous with those orals. Did u take things for liver? Drol, halo, var, winny combo sounds crazy lol. Could the stress from the compounds contributed to "breaking down"?
bro I was 23. No, I wasn't thinking about health. Obviously, if I was to push it hard again, I would. I'm 34. But back then, hell no bro, I just wanted to be the next Jay Cutler. Young and dumb man.

Btw, heres probably my fav look of my physique. I think I'm 5 or 6 weeks out here? weight is around 250, I'm 5'10


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Glad to see your back to kicking ass.
I remember you from this area.
I trained for Years at OFC North (now genesis) I remember hearing about the accident? It happen at OFC or genesis south?
Glad to see your back to kicking ass.
I remember you from this area.
I trained for Years at OFC North (now genesis) I remember hearing about the accident? It happen at OFC or genesis south?
no way??? ya bro genesis north..july 2015... quads snapped like tree branches. They had to have medics put a big blanket under me and all my friends...who I'm sure you know..carried me out. It was bad. Horrible. And thanks man. I always lifted but I'm in FL now at a super hardcore gym and it just made me.. idk.. get the bug again. Thanks for the support my friend!!
Glad to see your back to kicking ass.
I remember you from this area.
I trained for Years at OFC North (now genesis) I remember hearing about the accident? It happen at OFC or genesis south?
genesis..i lived in springfield 2014-2017..married girl from indie blue salon....had a great group of friends..went out all the time..zan the club..vintage...springfield was awesome. great place to live and great time in my life. Lots of memories there.
no way??? ya bro genesis north..july 2015... quads snapped like tree branches. They had to have medics put a big blanket under me and all my friends...who I'm sure you know..carried me out. It was bad. Horrible. And thanks man. I always lifted but I'm in FL now at a super hardcore gym and it just made me.. idk.. get the bug again. Thanks for the support my friend!!
Damn that's crazy

We're you squatting? How much weight and how many reps in
Damn that's crazy

We're you squatting? How much weight and how many reps in
495, 1st...but it wasn't about the weight.. I was 320 offseason. I was doing other stuff, which I will 10000% not get into right now that certainly didn't help things.
Also, starting March 4, I'm gonna FINALLY take my shit serious again and not be down in the dumps cuz my legs are fubared... I edited my cycle a little thanks to the help from @luki7788 so wanted to give him a shout. Here's what it's gonna be..

Weeks 1-12 1,500mg test cyp
Weeks 1-12 1,200mg eq
Weeks 1-12 150mg deca
Weeks 1-12 adex on hand
Weeks 1-12 10iu gh/day
Weeks 1-4 anadrol 50mg preworkout days only
Weeks 8-12 anadrol 50mg pre workout days only

Weeks 13-20 1,500mg test cyp
Weeks 13-20 700mg tren ace
Weeks 13-20 700mg mast p
Weeks 13-20 150mg deca
Weeks 13-20 10iu gh/day
Weeks 16-20 100mg anavar
Weeks 11-20 adex x3 week
Weeks 16-20 anadrol 50mg pre workout days only
Also, starting March 4, I'm gonna FINALLY take my shit serious again and not be down in the dumps cuz my legs are fubared... I edited my cycle a little thanks to the help from @luki7788 so wanted to give him a shout. Here's what it's gonna be..

Weeks 1-12 1,500mg test cyp
Weeks 1-12 1,200mg eq
Weeks 1-12 150mg deca
Weeks 1-12 adex on hand
Weeks 1-12 10iu gh/day
Weeks 1-4 anadrol 50mg preworkout days only
Weeks 8-12 anadrol 50mg pre workout days only

Weeks 13-20 1,500mg test cyp
Weeks 13-20 700mg tren ace
Weeks 13-20 700mg mast p
Weeks 13-20 150mg deca
Weeks 13-20 10iu gh/day
Weeks 16-20 100mg anavar
Weeks 11-20 adex x3 week
Weeks 16-20 anadrol 50mg pre workout days only
Dude please take a lot of before and after photos, I'd love to see how you can transform!!
Dude please take a lot of before and after photos, I'd love to see how you can transform!!
for sure, currently I got a decent amount of my upper body size back but I'm fat AF. I have those genetics where my arms delts chest can look decent, but my stomach holds all my fat.

So the goal with this 20 week phase is to actually stop being a lazy fuck, follow a meal plan, do cardio everyday, and then we'll see what happens. I'm thinking it will be more of a body recomp....

I'm not trying to get shredded or anything. Just tighten and still be big af. but who knows, it could change how my body reacts. I haven't done gh in 10 years!!

Btw, this is what I look like currently...278-283ish during the day.


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Wanted to give an update...just "chilling" right now, stocking up on everything. Training intensity is being ramped up a bit ago. Preparing myself mentally, physically, and financially for march 4- July 22. My biggest problems since I got injured and stopped competing is consistency. If I don't have a set goal...I'm not a very disciplined person. That's one of the reasons I wanted to do this 20 week "phase".."cycle"..whatever you wanna call it. It will force me to be consistent with eating and cardio..or else I look like a coward and not a man of his word. Which I'm not.

Here is my plan, training, cardio, and food wise, starting March 4

Day 1: Legs primarily Quads / Calves

Day 2: Chest / Triceps, 30 minutes cardio postworkout

Day 3: Off weights, 30 minutes cardio fasted

Day 4: Back / Abs, 30 minutes cardio postworkout

Day 5: Legs primarily Hams / Calves

Day 6: Delts / Biceps/ Abs 30 minutes cardio post

Day 7: Off weights completely, 30 minutes cardio fasted

so 5 sessions cardio, 3 post on training days, 2 fasted, and none on my leg days because I really want them grow and recover 100%. They were my weak part BEFORE I tore my quads, so to bring them up now, it's going to take a special effort.


M1: 2 scoops whey iso from my sponsor, 2 bananas, 1 scoops aminos (roughy 9grams bcaa + eaas)
M2: 8 oz chicken, 2 cups white rice
M3: 8 oz chicken, 2 cups white rice
M4: Flex Pro meals (my sponsor) chicken / rice or ground turkey sweet potato
M5: 8oz chicken, 2 cups white rice

On training days,
during workout: 2 scoops AMINOLOAS (product from my sponsor) 9grams bcaa, glutamine, eaas, electrolytes
during cardio: 1 scoop AMINOLOAD
postworkout: 2 scoops whey iso from sponsor, 5 grams creatine mono 1 gatorade


As you can see, I'm pretty basic with my stuff. I already listed out the cycle so won't put that in this post. Planning to go March 4 - July 22 with the goal of gaining muscle back, ESPECIALLY LEGS OBVIOUSLY, losing fat (I'm WAYYYYYY too fluffy in stomach right now) and then just see. I haven't done a planned written out cycle/regimen like this in 10 years. And haven't touched hgh since 2015. So I'm excited to see how my body responds. Right now, I'm 275-280, probably close to 20% body fat.
Wanted to give an update...just "chilling" right now, stocking up on everything. Training intensity is being ramped up a bit ago. Preparing myself mentally, physically, and financially for march 4- July 22. My biggest problems since I got injured and stopped competing is consistency. If I don't have a set goal...I'm not a very disciplined person. That's one of the reasons I wanted to do this 20 week "phase".."cycle"..whatever you wanna call it. It will force me to be consistent with eating and cardio..or else I look like a coward and not a man of his word. Which I'm not.

Here is my plan, training, cardio, and food wise, starting March 4

Day 1: Legs primarily Quads / Calves

Day 2: Chest / Triceps, 30 minutes cardio postworkout

Day 3: Off weights, 30 minutes cardio fasted

Day 4: Back / Abs, 30 minutes cardio postworkout

Day 5: Legs primarily Hams / Calves

Day 6: Delts / Biceps/ Abs 30 minutes cardio post

Day 7: Off weights completely, 30 minutes cardio fasted

so 5 sessions cardio, 3 post on training days, 2 fasted, and none on my leg days because I really want them grow and recover 100%. They were my weak part BEFORE I tore my quads, so to bring them up now, it's going to take a special effort.


M1: 2 scoops whey iso from my sponsor, 2 bananas, 1 scoops aminos (roughy 9grams bcaa + eaas)
M2: 8 oz chicken, 2 cups white rice
M3: 8 oz chicken, 2 cups white rice
M4: Flex Pro meals (my sponsor) chicken / rice or ground turkey sweet potato
M5: 8oz chicken, 2 cups white rice

On training days,
during workout: 2 scoops AMINOLOAS (product from my sponsor) 9grams bcaa, glutamine, eaas, electrolytes
during cardio: 1 scoop AMINOLOAD
postworkout: 2 scoops whey iso from sponsor, 5 grams creatine mono 1 gatorade


As you can see, I'm pretty basic with my stuff. I already listed out the cycle so won't put that in this post. Planning to go March 4 - July 22 with the goal of gaining muscle back, ESPECIALLY LEGS OBVIOUSLY, losing fat (I'm WAYYYYYY too fluffy in stomach right now) and then just see. I haven't done a planned written out cycle/regimen like this in 10 years. And haven't touched hgh since 2015. So I'm excited to see how my body responds. Right now, I'm 275-280, probably close to 20% body fat.
compared to the past, a lighter diet :) but the effects will be identical if not better as you will have a cleaner and more efficient gastrointestinal system; If I may ask you how you will use GH (and possibly insulin) in the first 12 weeks where I imagine you will improve the volumes?
compared to the past, a lighter diet :) but the effects will be identical if not better as you will have a cleaner and more efficient gastrointestinal system; If I may ask you how you will use GH (and possibly insulin) in the first 12 weeks where I imagine you will improve the volumes?
oh bro, if I was trying to compete, it would look a lot..well maybe not a lot but definitely different. Really, gh comes down to funds. not going to insulin..gh will be at 5iu/day, possibly bump to 10 if I can. so gh 5-10, no slin.
oh bro, if I was trying to compete, it would look a lot..well maybe not a lot but definitely different. Really, gh comes down to funds. not going to insulin..gh will be at 5iu/day, possibly bump to 10 if I can. so gh 5-10, no slin.
I don't know in the past when you used 25 units a day which GH you used, but today you can find excellent generics at low prices, I personally can get 500 units of GH for around $350, it is a source used by many in the EU, UK, USA. If I had to use 25 units of a GH like Genotropin, Norditropin, Saizen or other I think I would rather not use it (some PROs do, I've heard people use 18 units of Genotropin a day for several months)

You can already see 5 units, 10 for your weight and volume are perfect, and I wouldn't go any further

other factors make the difference

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