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Extreme gas/daharria from pasteurized egg whites.


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Kilo Klub Member
Oct 28, 2009
I have been having the most extreme gas I've ever had and it smells absolutely unbearable to the point where it makes everyone in our household sick. I believe I have narrowed it down to the pasteurized egg whites from egg whites international. I have 8 ounces egg whites with 8 ounces fat-free Greek yogurt with some fruit coconut oil and whey for my morning shake. The gas lasts all day and I've noticed it's worse in the early evening/late evening versus when I have the egg whites in the morning for some reason. When I eat cooked egg whites I don't have this problem which is weird because with the pasteurized egg whites it says they are completely digestible but I wonder if I'm not digesting them since the gas is so bad? Diarrhea also comes along with it. Anyone else notice this? I don't have the time to eat solid food in the morning I need a shake so maybe I can switch the 8 ounce pasteurized egg whites out for a scoop of egg white protein as long as it's just as biogradable as the liquid egg whites?
try a good egg white powder instead...

NOW.....has an excellent one....mixes instantly.

TP has some too.....havent tried it yet though

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i would eliminate one of the ingredients at a time
one day make the shake with no eggs , the next day put the eggs back and leave out the yogurt , the next day put rhe yogurt back remove the whey.

i have the exact same reaction from some dairy products , if the whey isn't pure whey isolate i get gas and cramps , same with milk unless its raw milk.

I've used True Nutrition's egg white powder and it works great
I have been having the most extreme gas I've ever had and it smells absolutely unbearable to the point where it makes everyone in our household sick. I believe I have narrowed it down to the pasteurized egg whites from egg whites international. I have 8 ounces egg whites with 8 ounces fat-free Greek yogurt with some fruit coconut oil and whey for my morning shake. The gas lasts all day and I've noticed it's worse in the early evening/late evening versus when I have the egg whites in the morning for some reason. When I eat cooked egg whites I don't have this problem which is weird because with the pasteurized egg whites it says they are completely digestible but I wonder if I'm not digesting them since the gas is so bad? Diarrhea also comes along with it. Anyone else notice this? I don't have the time to eat solid food in the morning I need a shake so maybe I can switch the 8 ounce pasteurized egg whites out for a scoop of egg white protein as long as it's just as biogradable as the liquid egg whites?

You're not alone on that. I've seen numerous individuals not be able to tolerate pasteurized egg whites but can do egg whites from whole eggs perfectly fine.

Why not just do a shake consisting of whey/casein if you're going to try the egg white powder?
I'm the same. I can't eat them. Blaring and gas like crazy. Same with the power. But whole eggs don't bother me
Very very common issue. I used to drink the shit out of them and had the same problem. I knew so much gas and the smell wasn't good so I did research and I kinda came up with my own theory that it's a combination of a few different things.

The point is your not digesting them correctly if your farting and having diarrhea. Try cooking them and if you can't cook them use a high quality whey or like teny said a egg white powder.

I digest cooked eggs and whites just fine but if I drink them I'm in the same boat as you.
Very very common issue. I used to drink the shit out of them and had the same problem. I knew so much gas and the smell wasn't good so I did research and I kinda came up with my own theory that it's a combination of a few different things.

The point is your not digesting them correctly if your farting and having diarrhea. Try cooking them and if you can't cook them use a high quality whey or like teny said a egg white powder.

I digest cooked eggs and whites just fine but if I drink them I'm in the same boat as you.

Yep. I cannot drink them without extreme gas. But I can eat them just fine, if they are cooked. I'm not sure why.
I've had the same issue with egg whites cooked or raw. Have to add whole eggs and it gets rid of the issue for me
The reason why I added them is because I have too much whey in my diet and I don't have a ton of time to cook all of my meals. I figured egg white powder would not be as good of quality as actual egg whites but if you guys are saying it is then I will get some. thanks.
Same here. I can eat them cooked no problem but drinking it from the carton....forget about it.
What about cottage cheese?

Damn good source of protein. Make sure to get the Daisy Brand it's just straight cultured milk. Most other brands have added ingredients like preservatives.

A good on the go recipe for cottage cheese is a few squirts of mio or I like the dasani drops stir and go. I think cottage cheese has one of the highest amino acid profiles behind whey and eggs.
I have been having the most extreme gas I've ever had and it smells absolutely unbearable to the point where it makes everyone in our household sick. I believe I have narrowed it down to the pasteurized egg whites from egg whites international. I have 8 ounces egg whites with 8 ounces fat-free Greek yogurt with some fruit coconut oil and whey for my morning shake. The gas lasts all day and I've noticed it's worse in the early evening/late evening versus when I have the egg whites in the morning for some reason. When I eat cooked egg whites I don't have this problem which is weird because with the pasteurized egg whites it says they are completely digestible but I wonder if I'm not digesting them since the gas is so bad? Diarrhea also comes along with it. Anyone else notice this? I don't have the time to eat solid food in the morning I need a shake so maybe I can switch the 8 ounce pasteurized egg whites out for a scoop of egg white protein as long as it's just as biogradable as the liquid egg whites?

Hey brother, so you have diarrhea and killer has all day every day? Must be sensitive to certain ingredients and if you pinned it on the egg whites I would quickly switch to an alternative. Powdered egg whites or even fresh egg whites. It's a lot of work but it's what you need.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn good source of protein. Make sure to get the Daisy Brand it's just straight cultured milk. Most other brands have added ingredients like preservatives.

A good on the go recipe for cottage cheese is a few squirts of mio or I like the dasani drops stir and go. I think cottage cheese has one of the highest amino acid profiles behind whey and eggs.

Personally....I ise cottage cheese in my tuna instead of mayo. Much less fat and bunches of protein and tastes the same
Maybe try a different brand liquid egg white. I first used egg whites intl and had wicked gas like you and i switched to giant brand just for convenience really and I don't have gas anymore unless I over do the amount I consume in a day.
I don't really do eggs. They digest too quickly for me and ya the gas.

Its funny I can down a 140g of dry whey (100g protein) and eat a ton of steak and rice and hardly have any digestion problems at all. If I have gas the odd time no smell or concerns.
Sitting here in bed farting my brains out. The wife loves it.... lol not! Egg whites are so convenient but they make me extremely gassy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why yall use liquids or powders instead of real organic whole eggs???
fuck eggwhites, Whole organic Eggs is superior.

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