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Favorite power lifting program


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
I know we have a couple guys here that train specifically for strength , I was wondering what program you guys prefer for just adding power.
I have a couple high school kids that want to compete in power lifting but are close to the top of there weight class so they are trying to not gain any more weight just strength.

I was thinking that DC training might work and
just keep the calories in a deficit maybe lean then out a little while getting stronger
So “best” for highschool kids is a fun question because at that age, having fun is critical because adherence and consistency will do a lot more than the perfect program - they’re gonna get stronger now matter what at that age as long as they rest, eat, and train hard.

Sheiko has a ton of programs that can appeal to lifters of various levels.

Conjugate method may be the most fun.

If you have dudes that like ego lifting a bit, Bulgarian system will be great.

Calgary barbell has a nice, easy 16 week program that can fit nicely into a school semester.

5/3/1 is always a staple.

The honest answer here is after years of lifting, everyone in the powerlifting game creates their own approach once they understand their body, how they react to stimulus, and what they enjoy.

That’s not practical advice for kids starting out, of course, so I’d pick a program that they can adhere to with their other obligations, because the bane of progres at that age is a crippling case of “fuckarounditis”
I don't think there is any better system for powerlifting than Louie Simmons/Westside Barbell. Wendler/Dave Tate/Brandon Lily/Mark Bell...all of them would come train at Westside when they would get stuck or needed advice. There isn't really a cookie cutter program, but if I would have any young aspiring powerlifter spending a lot of time reading WSBB material. There are books as well as Simmons material all over the internet.
I don't think there is any better system for powerlifting than Louie Simmons/Westside Barbell. Wendler/Dave Tate/Brandon Lily/Mark Bell...all of them would come train at Westside when they would get stuck or needed advice. There isn't really a cookie cutter program, but if I would have any young aspiring powerlifter spending a lot of time reading WSBB material. There are books as well as Simmons material all over the internet.
Brutal stuff but for the right person, fun as hell and you’re right - effective as hell too
I don't think there is any better system for powerlifting than Louie Simmons/Westside Barbell. Wendler/Dave Tate/Brandon Lily/Mark Bell...all of them would come train at Westside when they would get stuck or needed advice. There isn't really a cookie cutter program, but if I would have any young aspiring powerlifter spending a lot of time reading WSBB material. There are books as well as Simmons material all over the internet.
This. Old school heavy. Although done too long, you will wreck your knees, shoulders, elbows, hips but you will be strong as hell. It's about packing as much strength into as light a package as possible. I remember Dusty here, at 202lbs had some massive lifts. I was 212 then and starving myself. Couldn't lift nuthin'. His genetics for strength was incredible.....mine, not so much.
I know we have a couple guys here that train specifically for strength , I was wondering what program you guys prefer for just adding power.
I have a couple high school kids that want to compete in power lifting but are close to the top of there weight class so they are trying to not gain any more weight just strength.

I was thinking that DC training might work and
just keep the calories in a deficit maybe lean then out a little while getting stronger

If they truly want to compete in PL’ing, get them to a PL’ing coach.
Wendler 5/3/1 is fun and brutally simple….and it’s easy adherence is what drives progress.

If I had a young kid wanting to be a PL, in the off-season, a little fluffy, I would look into Alexander bromleys “bull mastiff” base program. Hard, brutally effective.

Another one I’ve always done great with is a 5/3/1 bastardized program.

Rhodes 5/3/1. It’s a 2x5, 5+, 2x3, 3+, 2x1, 1+, at 75%, 80, 85%

bB back day
Deadlift and leg touch up
I do 5/3/1 for my main lift and all my accessories in the 20 rep range.

So, I mix wendler with Matt wenning
I second the conjugate method . Especially if they are athletes also playing sports , I feel that system develops strength and also explosive power
Don't forget tried and True Bill Starr 5x5. Many of these newer programs just re-packaged his.
Bill's is nice and basic. Great for youngsters and athletes (and anyone really).
My wife is running it now (M-W-F) and she's 56. (Geezer).

I told her I like her erectors, she thought I meant her jugs and/or her cheeks... **shrug** :cool:


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5th Set by Swede Burns is perfect for high school kids. 4 sets of 2 and then the 5th set is an AMRAP so it’s autoregulating. There’s Mechanically Similar Movements (MSM) and plenty of accessory work. Same principles as Conjugate but not as complicated.

Swede is a great guy and has a ton of videos thru EliteFTS on YouTube.
The Conjugate Method is the most exhilarating and enjoyable way one can possibly train.

Constant feedback via Max Effort days and an enormous amount of variation keeps it challenging and rewarding.

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