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Flu Shot question?


New member
Sep 6, 2007
hey i have to get a flu shot tomorrow and have no choice around it. I can either get the shot or the nasal spray. I was wondering if anyone has any experiance or to which one i should choose for least sides(basically which one would make me feel less sick).I really dont want to end up getting really sick from this.... so any input/previous experiances with these would help.
Get the shot. I have for the last 22 years and never a problem. If you have ever had the real flu like I have.... not just just every little bug that people call the "flu", it is well worth it, believe me. As long as you are not hypersensitive to eggs, egg proteins, you will not get sick. That is a misconception that people have about the vaccine. The virus in the shot is dead.
Brick is correct. The old shot's used to actually give you the flu...it had the live virus, but not anymore.

It's a matter of preferrence. Like Brick said the inject does not carry the live virus, BUT the nasal spray does. The flu shot contains a small amount of dead, or killed, flu viruses.

It's just a matter of personal preferrence. Both are very effective. So get it over and done with!
alright cool thanks guys. I think im going to get the shot... like others said the nasal spray is active...so ill just go with the shot and keep my fingers crossed and hope all goes well!
MM, correct me if I'm wrong but the nasal spray is new (been around for about 4 yrs??), it will be replacing the shot in the very near future, I think they will keep the shot around for special reasons, diabetics etc...all else will receive the spray. The last one I got was the spray, really didn't see any diff between the 2.
MM, correct me if I'm wrong but the nasal spray is new (been around for about 4 yrs??), it will be replacing the shot in the very near future, I think they will keep the shot around for special reasons, diabetics etc...all else will receive the spray. The last one I got was the spray, really didn't see any diff between the 2.

Yeah im pretty sure your right. All i know is i have an option of either one tomorrow... but i remember last year when i had to get one there was only the nasal spray available. I got a little sick nothing major(like 2 days felt pretty tired) but i remember a lot more people worse off then i was (or they were just acting like that who knows).... i just really dont want to do one right now im in the middle of one hell of a blast and would hate it to end because i have to get a flu shot...
no choice?

Who can force you to get a flu shot....say no. I work in healthcare in a hospital with alot of sick people and I never get the shot for personal reasons. I feel there are components of the flu shot I'd rather not have injected into me.
Who can force you to get a flu shot....say no. I work in healthcare in a hospital with alot of sick people and I never get the shot for personal reasons. I feel there are components of the flu shot I'd rather not have injected into me.

umm well im in the navy so im kinda owned and dont really have a choice lol..... the only way i could get out of it is if i went to medical and got it waived for having some rare medical condition or on some medication(which i dont apply to these)
Sorry you don't have a choice

Here is some information you can run by tthem before they jab you, from Dr. Mercola:

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

It has been six years since the American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Public Health Service joined forces in requesting the removal of all mercury-containing preservative thimerosal from vaccines.

A quick surf on the net easily reveals that this new vaccine indeed contains mercury.

How is it possible that they can approve vaccines that have a preservative that has been outlawed for six years? Last year I ran an article that documented that flu vaccines still contain mercury. How can the US federal government justify this morally reprehensible behavior and expose your children and you to this well documented neurotoxic poison?

The "Mad Hatter" from Alice in Wonderland wasn't just an idle fancy. In fact, hatters in England went insane with astonishing frequency a couple of hundred years ago, until "mad hatter" became a cliché. Why? Mercury salts were used to make felt for fancy hats.

Mercury exposure can cause a devastating array of problems, including:

* Multiple Sclerosis
* Central Nervous System Disorders
* Autism
* Alzheimer's Disease

Is this really something you want injected into yourself, and your children?

Avoid mercury poisoning; don't eat fish, unless you are absolutely certain that it has been tested in a laboratory and shown not to contain detectable levels of mercury and other toxins. To get your vital omega-3 fatty acids, eat high quality fish oil instead. This will also, incidentally, help keep you from getting the flu.

Other ways to avoid getting the flu without taking dangerous shots include:

* Eating a healthy diet by eliminating sugar
* Exercising
* Getting enough rest
* Eating garlic regularly
* Not letting stress become overwhelming
* Washing your hands
Thanks TOM

but im going to just keep my mouth shut and fly under the radar.. thats what ive found works best! (im just an E-3 that doesnt know shit :( )
Tom's correct in that there is some nasty stuff in any vacination. I've not had a shot of any kind in over 25 years. I noticed that once I quit, I didn't catch cold as often, and I haven't had the flu since.

Best say no to them trying to stick you with that nasty stuff....
Personal Opinion

Why do you want something dead injected in you? The Doctors that make the vaccines every year are taking a guess on which flu will be prominate. They are guessing on what to inject you with, and they get paid very well to scare us all into thinking it is the best thing ever. So you may still get the flu because you got a different flu than the one you were injected with. The people on here that say they got the flu really bad and now they get a flu shot, and everything is fine. Your body (even though it was hell) fought off that flu on it's own and now you have a resistance to flu viruses. So even if you don't get a flu shot now you still have a resistance, and just because you get a flu shot doesn't mean you are immune to getting again. I know there are a hundred arguments that go both ways, and I know you don't have a choice (I spent 8 years in the ARMY), I am just letting the rest of us who have a choice know that it isn't exactly what you think it is. If you think you are going to get the flu you probably will. If you get a shot and you think you are not going to get it you probably will not. The mind is crazy. We can talk ours bodys into so many health issues it is ridiculous. So basically if it makes you feel more at ease, get a shot. I personally will never get one and I just got into an argument with my sons pediatritian, because my son is under 5 years old and it is recommended that he have the shot, and I said no way!!! We all talk about side effects on here, but we all forget about side effects of medicine. There are a lot of practices that the Doctors have done for decades that they no longer do. It is our responsibility to educate ours selves on what goes in our bodies.
I haven't had a flu shot in years. I always think about getting one, but then never do.

I noticed while we were at the airport that they were offering flu shots at the gates. I guess you can get one just about anywhere now.
Hey guys, when you are in the military you have NO choice but to receive ALL mandatory shots, flu, yellow fever, anthrax etc...no and, if's, but's about it and if you try and dispute them it just makes for a long military career if you know what I mean, just suck it up and get em.
Hey guys, when you are in the military you have NO choice but to receive ALL mandatory shots, flu, yellow fever, anthrax etc...no and, if's, but's about it and if you try and dispute them it just makes for a long military career if you know what I mean, just suck it up and get em.

yupp thats exactly what i do bro.... its just fighting an uphill battle the whole time if you try to do your own thing... not worth it IMO..

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