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For those who eat organic beef


New member
Jun 27, 2009
I dont know if anyone else is aware of this, but I just learned it and found it quite interesting and disgusting. My girlfriend is a Veterinary Technician and her and I were talking about organic foods the other night. In conversation she mentioned she would NEVER eat organic beef or any other kind of organic meat because in order to qualify as "organic" the animals cannot be dewormed. Being a Vet Tech in our neck of the woods, they are constantly working with farm animals as well as domestic, so I trust her knowledge. She then informed me that worms live in the intestinal tract until they hatch, then they encyst themselves in the muscle tissue, which we later consume. YUK! After hearing that I dont think I'll eat organic beef either.
Organic beef is a scam, pure and simple. I knew a gal that used to cattle ranch and they kept their organic cows separate ... though whenever they needed a bit more income a few of the "normals" would make their way into that pen. There is virtually no way to tell the difference between regular and organic beef and there is absolutely no nutrient difference since they're both fed corn and grain (though the organic ones eat more expensive organic corn and grain). You also run the risk with organic cows of more disease since they aren't getting the medical attention that a grain-fed cow needs to survive.

If you want better beef look for all grass-fed beef ... not organic. They are not the same thing at all.
If you have ever had organic chicken you can certainly tell a difference! So much more tender and juicy!
If you cook your mean then you won't have to worry about parasites.
If you want better beef look for all grass-fed beef ... not organic. They are not the same thing at all.

Exactly. I could raise 50 cows in my garage, not give them any antibiotics and call them organic under the law.
I'd eat grass fed beef all day long.... Cause at least I know they most likely wont have parasites. To be honest I'd rather have grass fed organic venison lol..... Only 5 weeks til hunting season! i can't wait!
Organic beef is a scam, pure and simple. I knew a gal that used to cattle ranch and they kept their organic cows separate ... though whenever they needed a bit more income a few of the "normals" would make their way into that pen. There is virtually no way to tell the difference between regular and organic beef and there is absolutely no nutrient difference since they're both fed corn and grain (though the organic ones eat more expensive organic corn and grain). You also run the risk with organic cows of more disease since they aren't getting the medical attention that a grain-fed cow needs to survive.

If you want better beef look for all grass-fed beef ... not organic. They are not the same thing at all.

Well the corn and grain has to be organic, and you need to know the farm/farms. That gal you are speaking of is an dishonest person and they are found every where. TO assume that all organic farms have such practice is absurd.
well lets just be clear...


organic or "regular" GRAIN fed = bad
I'd eat grass fed beef all day long.... Cause at least I know they most likely wont have parasites. To be honest I'd rather have grass fed organic venison lol..... Only 5 weeks til hunting season! i can't wait!

I don't know how they call cows organic as not having any meds yet they are grain fed??
Grain and corn makes cows sick and give them infection , they have to be on antibiotics of some sort or they woulden't be fit to eat by the time their old enough to slaughter

maybe they are on all herbal meds:p
Besides , as long as you cook the meat the worms wont hurt you and if you like the meat rare just make sure you chew it realy well , I don't the worms can live through that:D
Well the corn and grain has to be organic, and you need to know the farm/farms. That gal you are speaking of is an dishonest person and they are found every where. TO assume that all organic farms have such practice is absurd.

the corn and grains are one of the problems for cows. they cant digest them properly.
Organic, certified organic and grassfed are all different terms. As for the worm and parasite issue there are organic ways with dealing with issues like worms with the use of walnut husks. You will find a lot of these small farms are not certified organic because it costs money and there are certain stipulations.

All cows deal with parasites, worms, disease etc. But grain fed cows have to be on antibiotics because of their diet. It has nothing to do with how the cow may look it's all about what's going on inside the cow.

Bottom line is grass fed beef is a healthier option.
the corn and grains are one of the problems for cows. they cant digest them properly.

I am well aware I was mearly pointing out that the grain is different. No matter, the beef I eat is grass fed and organic.
While most grass-fed beef is organic just by the nature of how they are raised, due to the nature of the market very little will be certified as organic because it greatly increases the cost of selling it.
Venison/elk/caribou/bison = WIN

I suggest some of you guys either start hunting or get friendly with a few! That is true grass fed, wild animal! You arent going to get better quality then that!

I cant wait till deer season opens here in Ohio. About 4-5 weeks away! Ill burn up a doe tag real fast and have plenty of meat for the fall before I go after a big daddy!
IM going to look into getting a freezer and costo grass fed. in texas its crazy expensive. even from local farmers. its the new thing. here and oklahoma people with land are making real good money leasing it to farmers to feed there cattle because they get a premium for grass fed beef now. but farmers have been doing this for years for a fraction of the cost. that grass fed label is gold. we may have been getting grass fed in our smaller stores and not even know it.
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Besides , as long as you cook the meat the worms wont hurt you and if you like the meat rare just make sure you chew it realy well , I don't the worms can live through that:D

hahaha...Chew it really good.lol..Thats was good.:lightbulb:

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