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Fortune Cookie BS


Kilo Klub Member / Verified Customer
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 16, 2008
I just have to share this. My life been pretty down lately. Let me explain in an easy way. In the last 2 years It started when:
My house burned down (lost everything)

Then the car business went to hell (couldnt find work)

Cat died (saved us from the fire)

As I was building my house back the rental we were in got broke into and we got robbed.

Moved back home got broke into and robbed again.

Almost loss my house but luckily didnt

Truck almost died on me

Almost got robbed again

Wife ask for a seperation

All this and I was eating the other day I got a fortune cookie and I swear it said "Some forune cookies do not contain fortunes" Son of a bitch when will my bad streak end lol. All in al though I am alive and will keep on going! Life is great.
damn, bro very unfortunate, please forget everything bad that has happen to you, and put all your thoughts into what you want, every time you have a bad thought replace it immediately with a thought of what you want and makes you happy, your luck will change!

1. SECURE your house bro! So people can't keep coming in and takin your shit!

2. Make your house SAFE! Don't even bother with Top #1 unless you fallow Tip# 2, because you wont have anything for them to even take, it will be ash again!

I've had horror streaks waaaay worse than anything in your post.. and for waaay longer. That's just how life goes, at least for most people, up and down. Just think, if your at the bottom, it can only go up from there.
I've had horror streaks waaaay worse than anything in your post.. and for waaay longer. That's just how life goes, at least for most people, up and down. Just think, if your at the bottom, it can only go up from there.

Yes, try to turn a negative into a positive by thinking about how your experiences are only making you a stronger person and that if you make it through this you can make it through anything. Youre a strong person since youve made it this far. Things will look up eventually if you keep pressing to better your life and treat others right. Pay it on.
Hate to hear....

Hate to hear all that. I know it can sound trite but seriously....at least you have your health. All I can say is try and keep your chin up, work through it, see if your wife will see a marriage counselor, and know I'll be praying for you.

One thing.....WTH is up with you getting robbed so often? That's crazy, brother. I've lived in the hood in Boston and DC and never got robbed. Maybe you should try getting yourself a wellbred American Pit Bull Terrier. My wife and I have had 3 and we've never been robbed and she could walk around Boston by herself at night with no worries. Just a thought......
Just think, if your at the bottom, it can only go up from there.

That's the motto I try to live by everyday... nothing else to do anyways.

Hope things will improve for you soon, inoverdrive.
Sorry you are having to deal with so much at once brother. Crazy, dealing with robberies and attempted robberies so often. Maybe you would have been best off moving the hell out of that area. But whatever it may be you have your life and you have your health, things will look up from here. Keep your head up. God bless.
Hey sorry to hear about what has happend in your past... But over the years I had a crap load of bad things too and I found that "You make your own luck" and no cookie will determin what that outcome may be start looking at the good things in life!!!!! and when you need to share the guys and gals on PM are always here to listen and lend a helping hand :D
Thanks for all the inspiration and prayers guys. Believe it or not the first robbery was at therental and the second time was in our home (after we had it rebuilt) and we do have an alarm but my son was home sleeping and when they walked in his room they freaked and he chased them out. Bad thing is they were a bunch of 15 n 16 yr old kids. They got caught. The last time they didnt get away with anything. But I am positive about everything. As I have always known the good Lord will never put me thru anything I cant handle. It has only made me stronger.
You gotta admit though the fortune cookie thing is funny!
dude you need to move from where ever your getting robbed every other week like that. im broke as shit and work a hourly wage and still live in a nice upscale area where there is few crimes
Sounds like prison wasn't so bad, now that I hear all this happening to you.

No matter how bad you think u have it, someone's always got it worse. Sorry to hear about ur bad luck bro.
That's really bad but don't get puzzled in any situation you have to face. Keep on going and you'll be out of this in no time.

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