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freaking brother


FOUNDING Member / Kilo Klub Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
My brother was my spotter, but now he left me for a new girl he just got with, been missing mad a$$ workouts and such.
I'm no cockblock, but hey, workout already jeez.

Of course he says "I need time off, my joints hurt" BS. but anyway, here's my problem, today I did benches and without a spot, it seems I lost a good 20 lbs on my lift, not that he was doing it for me, but it always seemed like I was able to lift more when I knew I was in good hands.

I have a full home gym with safety stands and all that good stuff, but I just can't seem to have as good a bench workout without a good spotter pushing me on.

I'm good on all other exercises, its just that mental block thats messing me up when it comes to flat/incline presses, I remember being younger and getting caught on benches and screamin for someone to help me, and my father grabbed the bar offa my chest then smacked me in the back of the head for lifting alone.

and as corny as it might sound, but I think that thought is always in the back of my head when i lift alone, I guess what i'm asking is, has this happened to anyone else, (their lifts are lower without a spot or someone pushing them?) and how did you overcome it?

use the power rack and set the pins so they and the bar slightly brush against ur chest in teh bottom position
Where is dad now?!! lol. No doubt-I will NOT bench or military press without a spotter. I'll change workout dates, times, whatever to get that. Because to postpone a workout and have a good one with a spot is better than haveing a suckass workout. Im spoiled for bench/military spotter, you dont have to worry-just blast up the weight with all your might! Just having some behind you does wonders! Thanks to my partner Tazzy!
I always lift at a gym, and normally just ask the regulars for a spot. By now, they all know how to spot me, and what will happen to them if they take the weight instead of just lending a couple fingers. You need to learn how to motivate yourself. If you can't find a spotter for bench press, do some db presses and motivate yourself to have the best fucking set that you've ever had.

Its all in your mind. I have a brother who is 2 years older then me and I always have great workouts when we lift together, but I have great workouts with out him. Sometimes the yelling, spot, and commentary does it. Have you ever noticed you spot someone and they fail at 7 and as soon as you touch the bar i mean barely touch it they push out 4 more, happens all the time.
I only do one set on the Incline bench with a spotter the rest are done with past lifts. I would use dumbells if you are worried about getting stuck you can just drop em.

But hell Im not worried about just throwing the weight off a barbell either. I dont like counting on someone else to show up or have a good workout just go with how you or your body feels that day. Everyone has strong days and days you feel weak. MM
I think that it's mostly mental. I do hate benching without a spot though and I'm obviously not going to ask one of the yahoo's in the gym to spot me...unless one of my boys are there, I'll tough it out on my own and I usually fair pretty well without a spot. Take care.

my younger brother is my training partner as well. But in the past I have had to train alone and it sucks. the two things I did to overcome the fear was use that exact same fear in the lift. just keep in the back of your mind that if you don't push the weight up. your in a serious world on shit. also, If I had to train alone on chest day. I don't use clips. I train slow and controlled anyway, so I'm not scared of the weight slidding. buT I know in my mind that If I get stuck I can dump it. good luck though. hope your brother gets his shit together and figures out his priorities.
good luck and be safe....

Lack of competent spotters is the reason I use machines/levers for 95% of pressing exercises.

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