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Prayers for a brother of mine

Hes going through renal failure at the moment. He’s been in the iron game hardcore for about 30 years. He’s actually one of the guys who got me into the game wanting to get big as possible. Sad to see somebody going through something like this especially when you’re so close to them. One of the most solid loyal friends that I’ve ever had. The docs recommended that he do dialysis but he opted against doing that for his own personal reasons. He’s to the point where he has no energy at all and his feet are swollen up like balloons. I know some of you probably don’t believe in prayer but the ones who do could could you say a prayer for my brother please. Also if you know of anybody who’s been through what he’s going through and know of anything he could do to help or get more comfortable let me know. 🙏🙏
I had an uncle do dialysis until he said it made him feel so shitty he just.couldn't take it.anymore and went.on hospice. I understand why someone would choose not to go on it. Wishing you and your.family well!
Sorry to hear prayers for him.
He got diagnosed with IGA nephropathy like 30 years ago. But like I said this renal failure came on all of the sudden
My father had this as well, kinda a horrible disease to have. I couldn't imagine life quality of having both. Again I totally understand his decision again wishing you and your family well.
Prayers for him. 🙏

Dialysis will basically replace the function of his kidneys and filter his blood. It can keep him alive and well for years to come, otherwise, he will not have long to live.

I think i heard rumors that Bostin Loyd declined dialysis too, and that will kill you very fast since essentially you are trying to live without kidneys.

I would strongly urge him to consider the dialysis because kidney failure is not a death sentence and you can live quality years with dialysis three times per week, otherwise, he will leave us soon

For anyone reading this:

You can fully prevent kidney failure by controlling your blood pressure (and blood sugar if you are diabetic). It is completely preventable except for the rarest of cases (mechanical injury to both kidneys like car accidents or autoimmune/viral attack). Keep your BP in check and you will prevent most of these maladies.

If he decides to consider dialysis, let him know he wants HIGH protein diet not the low protein renal diet that is prescribed at the onset of renal failure.

Dialysis filters out the bad stuff and some of the good stuff out of your blood, including proteins, vitamins and minerals, so you want a high protein diet, a high quality multivitamin and mineral regimen and supplement iron as the kidneys are responsible for producing EPO and signalling red blood cell production from bone marrow, anemia is extremely common with end stage kidney failure.
Great post. High BP is definitely the number one thing. But aren't there a few other things we need to watch too like regular high blood sugar, certain meds like painkillers, and possibly some AAS (tren, var) could have negative kidney affect even if BP is good? These are things I Read over the years not sure if true
i'll add that after my Uncle quit Dialysis he lasted about 3-4 weeks. I don't know if he is on hospice but if he calls his dr and tell them he want to go on hospice they will make him comfortable until the end. I am only trying to help and understand how difficult this can be!
If he is over all healthy he can ask about peritoneal dialysis instead of hemodialysis. With this the dialysis happens at home while he is sleeping at night time and is less hard on the body as hemodialysis.

I have known of some pretty advanced functioning people that used peritoneal dialysis. Was always amazed at their strength. Then eventually if they get a kidney transplant they stopped dialysis.

Without dialysis though as someone mentioned this is almost certainly fatal.
Great post. High BP is definitely the number one thing. But aren't there a few other things we need to watch too like regular high blood sugar, certain meds like painkillers, and possibly some AAS (tren, var) could have negative kidney affect even if BP is good? These are things I Read over the years not sure if true

Nah, meds and even AAS are not toxic enough in real life to cause CKD (Chronic kidney disease / stage 5 = super low GFR / you need dialysis) on their own barring extreme or rare cases.

You can find a bunch of in vitro AKA test tube studies showing that AAS are kidney toxic, but in real life it doesn't work that way. The concentrations reached in test tube studies are almost always exponentially higher than anything that happens in real life.

Also, your body usually breaks down and/or weakens compounds like AAS / medications /etc via SHBG, glucoronidation, etc via liver/kidney versus a test tube study where the AAS / drug just nukes the cell lines instead of being broken down/inactivated by liver/kidney etc, if that makes sense.
I saw Joe Ladnier just passed away at 60. He had a kidney transplant although its looking like it wasnt the kidney's that killed him.
yep. He’s dead set on not doing dialysis. I’ve tried over and over to talk him into it. He’s not going for it. It’s sad as hell like I said to see such a good friend especially go down hill so quick
yep. He’s dead set on not doing dialysis. I’ve tried over and over to talk him into it. He’s not going for it. It’s sad as hell like I said to see such a good friend especially go down hill so quick
Prayers man. As others have said with the Taurine and Astragalus, I’d also add Chanca Piedra.

But as @Black Beard has said and agree 100% this is the time for dialysis. Nothing is impossible, but the dialysis is the miracle in this instance. And he can still do the lifestyle and supplement changes. It should never be one or the other in these cases. It’s why these medical advancements exist.

Out of curiosity, what are his reasons for not wanting to do it? Fully understand if it’s too personal to share.
Prayers man. As others have said with the Taurine and Astragalus, I’d also add Chanca Piedra.

But as @Black Beard has said and agree 100% this is the time for dialysis. Nothing is impossible, but the dialysis is the miracle in this instance. And he can still do the lifestyle and supplement changes. It should never be one or the other in these cases. It’s why these medical advancements exist.

Out of curiosity, what are his reasons for not wanting to do it? Fully understand if it’s too personal to share.
He says he doesn’t want to prolong his suffering. He basically said what’s the point In living if the quality of life isn’t going to be there
that's a bold strategy
To each their own my man. I don’t judge him on his. I tried to talk him into it several times. But I’m not going to keep bugging him about it. He doesn’t want to do it. I respect him enough to not keep hounding him about it. I can tell he just doesn’t want to do it. Nothing I say , the doc says or anybody else says is going to change his mind. At the end of the day he’s always been a good loyal friend to me (one of my best friends that ive ever had) and I’m going to be there for him no matter what he chooses to do. Even though it does hurt to see him like this
To each their own my man. I don’t judge him on his. I tried to talk him into it several times. But I’m not going to keep bugging him about it. He doesn’t want to do it. I respect him enough to not keep hounding him about it. I can tell he just doesn’t want to do it. Nothing I say , the doc says or anybody else says is going to change his mind. At the end of the day he’s always been a good loyal friend to me (one of my best friends that ive ever had) and I’m going to be there for him no matter what he chooses to do. Even though it does hurt to see him like this

im guessing this end-stage renal failure is from decades of severe untreated hypetension?

if so, i guess the whole "not doing the shit you're supposed to in order to stay alive" thing is a bit of a re-occurring trend

a shame that he doesnt feel that he has anything to live for..
Hes going through renal failure at the moment. He’s been in the iron game hardcore for about 30 years. He’s actually one of the guys who got me into the game wanting to get big as possible. Sad to see somebody going through something like this especially when you’re so close to them. One of the most solid loyal friends that I’ve ever had. The docs recommended that he do dialysis but he opted against doing that for his own personal reasons. He’s to the point where he has no energy at all and his feet are swollen up like balloons. I know some of you probably don’t believe in prayer but the ones who do could could you say a prayer for my brother please. Also if you know of anybody who’s been through what he’s going through and know of anything he could do to help or get more comfortable let me know. 🙏🙏

This post really hits home. I went into kidney failure over 7 1/2 years ago, had a kidney transplant 5 years ago; and wish I had never fought so hard and just given up. Ironically, this very second, I am in the exact same position as your friend; my GFR is 14, Bun around 100, and creatinine 4.64. I am actually getting ready to go on hospice any day right now. There is no way in hell I will ever do dialysis again or get another transplant. I understand 110% where your friend is coming from. Until you have walked in someone's shoe's who is going through this you cannot relate to the feeling. Dialysis and transplantation is an option for some people; but some people's body don't respond and it becomes a life of daily torture.

Despite my experience, I would recommend that your friend at least try dialysis and see how his body reacts. If its not for him, he can then stop and go on hospice. The bottom line, is there is no point in living if you can't have quality of life and are miserable. At least with hospice they can make him comfortable so he doesn't suffer on his way out.
This post really hits home. I went into kidney failure over 7 1/2 years ago, had a kidney transplant 5 years ago; and wish I had never fought so hard and just given up. Ironically, this very second, I am in the exact same position as your friend; my GFR is 14, Bun around 100, and creatinine 4.64. I am actually getting ready to go on hospice any day right now. There is no way in hell I will ever do dialysis again or get another transplant. I understand 110% where your friend is coming from. Until you have walked in someone's shoe's who is going through this you cannot relate to the feeling. Dialysis and transplantation is an option for some people; but some people's body don't respond and it becomes a life of daily torture.

Despite my experience, I would recommend that your friend at least try dialysis and see how his body reacts. If its not for him, he can then stop and go on hospice. The bottom line, is there is no point in living if you can't have quality of life and are miserable. At least with hospice they can make him comfortable so he doesn't suffer on his way out.
Shit dude.sorry to hear this!!
This post really hits home. I went into kidney failure over 7 1/2 years ago, had a kidney transplant 5 years ago; and wish I had never fought so hard and just given up. Ironically, this very second, I am in the exact same position as your friend; my GFR is 14, Bun around 100, and creatinine 4.64. I am actually getting ready to go on hospice any day right now. There is no way in hell I will ever do dialysis again or get another transplant. I understand 110% where your friend is coming from. Until you have walked in someone's shoe's who is going through this you cannot relate to the feeling. Dialysis and transplantation is an option for some people; but some people's body don't respond and it becomes a life of daily torture.

Despite my experience, I would recommend that your friend at least try dialysis and see how his body reacts. If its not for him, he can then stop and go on hospice. The bottom line, is there is no point in living if you can't have quality of life and are miserable. At least with hospice they can make him comfortable so he doesn't suffer on his way out.

My condolences brother, we are here for you.

Can i respectfully ask what quality of life changes you endured that make dialysis and kidney transplant not worth it for you?

I ask as a clinician myself, this kind of information really helps me improve myself as a professional to help patients better, but also for the guys on here to learn more about the condition and consequences. This kind of first hand experience is invaluable to us.
im guessing this end-stage renal failure is from decades of severe untreated hypetension?

if so, i guess the whole "not doing the shit you're supposed to in order to stay alive" thing is a bit of a re-occurring trend

a shame that he doesnt feel that he has anything to live for..
Nope. I don’t know why you’d just jump to that conclusion when I stated earlier that The main factor they think was IGA nephropathy. Like I said he was diagnosed with about 30 years ago. The gear , lots of red meats and other things didn’t help.

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