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Prayers for a brother of mine


Well-known member / Kilo Klub
Mar 7, 2016
Hes going through renal failure at the moment. He’s been in the iron game hardcore for about 30 years. He’s actually one of the guys who got me into the game wanting to get big as possible. Sad to see somebody going through something like this especially when you’re so close to them. One of the most solid loyal friends that I’ve ever had. The docs recommended that he do dialysis but he opted against doing that for his own personal reasons. He’s to the point where he has no energy at all and his feet are swollen up like balloons. I know some of you probably don’t believe in prayer but the ones who do could could you say a prayer for my brother please. Also if you know of anybody who’s been through what he’s going through and know of anything he could do to help or get more comfortable let me know. 🙏🙏
Hes going through renal failure at the moment. He’s been in the iron game hardcore for about 30 years. He’s actually one of the guys who got me into the game wanting to get big as possible. Sad to see somebody going through something like this especially when you’re so close to them. One of the most solid loyal friends that I’ve ever had. The docs recommended that he do dialysis but he opted against doing that for his own personal reasons. He’s to the point where he has no energy at all and his feet are swollen up like balloons. I know some of you probably don’t believe in prayer but the ones who do could could you say a prayer for my brother please. Also if you know of anybody who’s been through what he’s going through and know of anything he could do to help or get more comfortable let me know. 🙏🙏

Prayers for him. 🙏

Dialysis will basically replace the function of his kidneys and filter his blood. It can keep him alive and well for years to come, otherwise, he will not have long to live.

I think i heard rumors that Bostin Loyd declined dialysis too, and that will kill you very fast since essentially you are trying to live without kidneys.

I would strongly urge him to consider the dialysis because kidney failure is not a death sentence and you can live quality years with dialysis three times per week, otherwise, he will leave us soon

For anyone reading this:

You can fully prevent kidney failure by controlling your blood pressure (and blood sugar if you are diabetic). It is completely preventable except for the rarest of cases (mechanical injury to both kidneys like car accidents or autoimmune/viral attack). Keep your BP in check and you will prevent most of these maladies.

If he decides to consider dialysis, let him know he wants HIGH protein diet not the low protein renal diet that is prescribed at the onset of renal failure.

Dialysis filters out the bad stuff and some of the good stuff out of your blood, including proteins, vitamins and minerals, so you want a high protein diet, a high quality multivitamin and mineral regimen and supplement iron as the kidneys are responsible for producing EPO and signalling red blood cell production from bone marrow, anemia is extremely common with end stage kidney failure.
Doubtful.. he had a young kid and a wife to look after

It seemed he was trying to use supplements/meds to replace dialysis. That will lead to fairly quick death. Might have had heart attack from the stress on his body. Every time you pee, you are releasing metabolites/toxins/etc that your kidneys filter out for very important reasons. Bostins kidneys definitely went thanks to extremely high blood pressure from PEDs abuse.
Doubtful.. he had a young kid and a wife to look after
Not sure about dialysis but he did try hard with peptides ,glutathione and stem cell therapy if i remember correctly .
Hes going through renal failure at the moment. He’s been in the iron game hardcore for about 30 years. He’s actually one of the guys who got me into the game wanting to get big as possible. Sad to see somebody going through something like this especially when you’re so close to them. One of the most solid loyal friends that I’ve ever had. The docs recommended that he do dialysis but he opted against doing that for his own personal reasons. He’s to the point where he has no energy at all and his feet are swollen up like balloons. I know some of you probably don’t believe in prayer but the ones who do could could you say a prayer for my brother please. Also if you know of anybody who’s been through what he’s going through and know of anything he could do to help or get more comfortable let me know. 🙏🙏
Praying! I do believe in prayer.
@beast405, I´m sorry to read about your friend, I can only pray that you and anyone close to him makes him reconsider and go on dialysis, Black Beard has put it very well and it seems your friend has chosen death over life which no amount of prayer is going to change unless he acts upon it, I would urge to speak with him again and ask him why he wants to die, dialysis or a transplant will enable him to live many more years but if he doesn´t change his mind prepare for the worst because it will happen soon.
@beast405, I´m sorry to read about your friend, I can only pray that you and anyone close to him makes him reconsider and go on dialysis, Black Beard has put it very well and it seems your friend has chosen death over life which no amount of prayer is going to change unless he acts upon it, I would urge to speak with him again and ask him why he wants to die, dialysis or a transplant will enable him to live many more years but if he doesn´t change his mind prepare for the worst because it will happen soon.
I talked to him a little while ago and told him several times I think he should do dialysis. He seems to think it will prolong his life a little while but his quality of life will be the same. Which he said is horrible at the moment due to the kidney failure. He said he cannot breath good at all. He has to sit up he can’t lay flat or he feels like he is suffocating. I do think he is going to sign up for a transplant. He just doesn’t know if he will get the transplant in time ya know. Sad to see somebody go down hill like this who not too long ago was so big and strong and full of life.
He got diagnosed with IGA nephropathy like 30 years ago. But like I said this renal failure came on all of the sudden
Sending prayers your way brother. Dialysis is more than likely the only option.
I talked to him a little while ago and told him several times I think he should do dialysis. He seems to think it will prolong his life a little while but his quality of life will be the same. Which he said is horrible at the moment due to the kidney failure. He said he cannot breath good at all. He has to sit up he can’t lay flat or he feels like he is suffocating. I do think he is going to sign up for a transplant. He just doesn’t know if he will get the transplant in time ya know. Sad to see somebody go down hill like this who not too long ago was so big and strong and full of life.

The difficulty breathing is a common symptom of renal failure. Its fluid that is being retained in the body. Dialysis will actually fix that.

I have seen patients almost die because they had a big fear of dialysis and misconception that dialysis actually kills you.

Dialysis is an essential tool to replace kidney function just like a person with severe lung disease/COPD uses supplemental oxygen from a tank.

These things prolong life and alleviate symptoms and suffering from the diseases.

"Skipping 1 dialysis session a month (or more) increases your risk of death by 30% compared to someone who regularly attends dialysis." No dialysis is guaranteed death.

"Without dialysis, toxins build up in the blood, causing a condition called uremia. The patient will receive whatever medicines are necessary to manage symptoms of uremia and other medical conditions. Depending on how quickly the toxins build up, death usually follows anywhere from a few days to several weeks."
"Without dialysis or a kidney transplant, kidney failure is fatal. You may survive a few days or weeks without treatment. If you're on dialysis, the average life expectancy is five to 10 years. Some people can live up to 30 years on dialysis."

"A natural death from kidney failure does not hurt. As toxins build up in your blood, you will start to feel sleepy. Water building up in your blood can make it hard to breathe. You may want to have treatments that remove water but not toxins, to make you comfortable."

Champion Powerlifter Can Still Bench Press 500 Lbs On Home HEMODIALYSIS​

While he awaits a transplant, Steve Gentili opened Indy City Barbell in downtown Indianapolis. He does home Hemodyalysis 5 days a week and trains and inspires other powerlifters to compete.

sorry to hear that G, read my thread I had total renal (and other organs!) failure july 22' . Dante advised me to do 5g taurine 5g astragulus and tudca and I healed and never needed dialysis again. I just got bloodwork done 2 days ago and I was taking superdrol and my creatinine and other levels were GREAT

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