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Getting Huge asap

British Bodybuilder

New member
Dec 29, 2003
Hi Guys,

I'd like to ask a question or two.

I am 15 years old and want to get as big as possible asap, about 270+ pounds ripped is my aim. But I cannot train for about 5 years because of a medical complaint (which I don't want to discuss). I tried a year or so back with no luck, so I must wait. So I have set myself a task, to prepare for that time, so that I may go full guns blazing and not waste a single minute. Both with training but also diet and supps (inc steroids).

My main question is what could a skinny man achieve in a year, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years etc, starting age 20-21. If he really put his guts into it hardcore style (training, diet, supps, roids etc). I know it varries, but what average-ish? Both my parents are or were fit, so other than my medical problem I'm probably good genetically, just skinny now.

Finally a rather too financial question which I hate to ask, what sort of money is needed to fund it? I ask since I intend to save money up to that point where I can start, so I can afford more supps & food etc. I want to make up lost time, since I'd have started about 2 years ago if I could have, so I want to get it right first time.

So can anyone help?

BTW- Great pics on the members photos section, good luck to you all, merry christmas and a happy growth filled new year!
My opinion

Ask someone at the gym to show you proper form, get on a good routine, take your vitamins and minerals, protein powder (whey), creatine, eat your vegetables, drink plenty of water, keep your bodyfat low, dont get a girlfriend yet, get good grades, dont drink or smoke, dont miss workouts, enjoy your youth and friends, be good to your parents, play a sport, learn how to cook, learn how to save your money and do without fancy things, dont get too much sun, and dont worry about much and things will fall into place for you.
Depends where your starting point is, and most of all, your GENETICS. Realize, 270 ripped is NOT realistic unless your over 6 foot, and even then its pushin it hard.

Your saying you want to prepare for when your gonna start at 20, but you cant lift. Theres nothing else you can really do to prepare then, except this. Work your ass off and save all the money you can. This sport isnt cheap by a long shot. I can tell you im 20 and i just started juicing this year. I run the lowest effective doses possible to get good results and gained 65lbs of muscle since last october. Still, i spent ESTIMATE 2k on drugs, 500 on suppliments, and a few k more on food. My advice to you, the only thing you can do to prep for this, save your money.

That is probably the gentlest response youl get too lol
Phil has some xcelent advice! You need to make bodybuilding a routine - something you do all the time. Enjoy the "journey," 'cause when you get the body you're looking for, it's only the result of your journey.

learn about overtraining

i wasted 5 years of lifting by overtraining and undereating

i was stuck between 165-185 that whole time

once i learned how to eat enough and train properly(which was a lot less) i shot up to 200 lbs

its gonna be important because you seem very enthusiastic and it will be easy for you to overtrain, as it was for me
What Phil said....


Nice post

Thanks for the responses.

TooPowerful4u- 65lbs of new muscle is worth 5k of my money any day, hats off to ya. Do you mean last October (just gone, 2003) or October (2002)? Either way its good.

I'm not 6ft, I expect to be 5ft-7 by maturity. I still seem to think 270lbs is a half reasonable estimate for my height if everything is done hardcore with decent juicing cycles. 240 might be easier, but I'm not lowering my ultimate goal ever for ease.

Saving is all I can do, the way I see it is that if I can raise enough for a few years hardcore livin, then I should see some results and maybe then earn a few quid modelling or somethin. Though you have 2 be careful.

If I get 40lbs fresh meat on me a year I'll still get a pritty damn good physique in reasonable time, maybe 210lbs ripped by 25?

Still think this board is awesome, so much better than Yahoo bodybuilding groups.

oh and forget about juice, first train at least 3 years natural so you get to know your body: what works for you etc. Maybe you dont see my point now but in the future you will. You cant just start bodybuilding the right way: everybody makes many mistakes and this way you will learn.
man you have way to many long term goals set for yourself. you cant reach any of those if you dont have short term golas to reach it. your already talking about modeling and being shredded at 270lbs, yet you havent lifted a weight. just looks liek your setting yourself up for failure.

how bout you graduate school first and get into a good university. not saying to forget about your goal/dream but theres way to much for you to be doing at 15 then wanting to be huge ASAP.
Re: My opinion

Ask someone at the gym to show you proper form, get on a good routine, take your vitamins and minerals, protein powder (whey), creatine, eat your vegetables, drink plenty of water, keep your bodyfat low, dont get a girlfriend yet, get good grades, dont drink or smoke, dont miss workouts, enjoy your youth and friends, be good to your parents, play a sport, learn how to cook, learn how to save your money and do without fancy things, dont get too much sun, and dont worry about much and things will fall into place for you.

damn, if more people thought like this and put this list to work for them the world would be so much better to live in.

very comprehensive list phil.
Kid...... forty pounds a year is a hell of a lot of muscle. Roids work, but not that good.
My first cycle test/deca 12wks(15 years ago) I gained 25-30 lbs.
10-12 lbs of muscle the rest water & fat. After that I was happy to gain 3-5 lbs on a cycle. A lot of people bullshit about their gains and about how affective their cycles were.

I had a guy come up to me in a bar and tell me how is friend just came off a 6 week cycle and gained 45 lbs of pure muscle. I just said to him nice gains, but honestly I knew the guy was talking out of his ass. Then I over heard some guy talking at lunchtime at work about how he knew someone who gained 65 lbs of muscle off a 1 month cycle of HGH. Again, BULLSHIT.
If there was a way to pack on 40lbs of muscle a year everyone on this board would be 350 lbs.

RIV is right, short term goals, just focus on working out for now. and eating right.
good advice from...

the dom. You can't just start out pumping full of juice. Let your body get used to the movements and routines. If you start out with the same attitude you have now you will make good gains with just the right diet training and supps. The juice takes its toll on your joints so you have to get them stong first b-4 pounding them. Since you can't lift now I suggest you give your brain a workout and get your hands on every book you can on bb. Then you will have that much more knowledge when you start to pound.

buy the books:

think and grow rich


the power of a positive mental attitude

read them over and over and apply the principles to BB'ing as well as your daily life..

if you do you will thank me one day for reco'ing the books..
Thanks for the great response. I find thinking ahead keeps me going really, so I will keep planning, it won't do any harm, and if it does compare as failier to my goals I will want to work harder towards them, but still be pleased with being so much stronger and bigger.

I think 3 years natural is good advice, and so long as I can afford the right supplements, and later on the right roids, I should do fine.

As to gains on cycles, theres a lot of dispute, but gains must be relativly high since we do get 270lb plus bodybuilders, and I do hope to be one of them.

I definatly think saving for the day when I start is the way ahead for now.
alright man, good luck with your medical complaint. be strong!

Well I'll enjoy being big, and getting big, and living that life. I've tried to ignor it but that is how I want to be.

What kind of life do you think it will be like being 270? Some of the members here have done it, why not ask them how their life is/was when they were 270? What makes you crave this number and size? Just curious.

I think it will be a hard life, with a lot of pain and suffering.

Why I want to be so big and strong, well, I've always been weak, so I want to completly change it around. That's not all, I want to have something that will be impressive, something to stand out.

I think it'll be hard but I enjoy persiverance, and just being so big will be good. In short, why do any of us do it? Because we want to look better, look and be more powerful, and never to look weak again. I think there's just something inside us which makes us want to do it.

I'd be pleased to talk to anyone who is or has been huge or large to any extent about their experiences, either on this thread or by private message, rather not use email since my ISP is crap.

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