Beta Glucan
C helps, but the one thing I have found that REALLY works when you are getting sick (especially with something viral) is called BETA GLUCAN. It makes your body start cranking out a lot more macrophages, which fight the infection, viral or bacterial. It's not a replacement for antibiotics, but even if you have something like a strep throat and are taking antibiotics, it will help you get well faster. There are several brands around, but the kind I use is a Norwegian brand. The main thing is you have to get at least the 250-300 mg stuff. When Beta Glucan first came out, it was like 5 or 10 mg. That helped, but then the Norwegian company came out with a 325 mg capsule. It's kind of expensive, but if you start it as soon as you can when you feel like you're coming down with something Beta Glucan high dose will usually knock it out within a couple of days. I take like 3 caps three or four times a day for the first couple of days and then gradually taper it down. It is like an antibiotic in that you have to keep taking it for several days AFTER you feel better, or the bug will come back and you'll get sick again. I've turned a lot of people on to this stuff, and some don't believe me. Every single person who has tried it has told me it worked. My wife and I take one a day during the "flu season", and we don't get sick when everybody at our offices is sick as hell. Anyway, sorry for the rant, but trust me, this stuff is the real deal - it works.