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goodbye fellas


FOUNDING Member / Kilo Klub Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
wishing ya all a good bye. been suffering from depression most of my life, and the past few months it's been getting worst. been having ahell of a lot more lows then highs lately.

and yesterday, May 29 would of been 4 yrs since I had a drink of alcohol, i had a very bad alcohol problem althrough my teens and early 20's. and i f**ked up yesterday, f**ked up bad. what started off as a good day, turned to complete shit by mid-day. i stopped drinking becuz i didn't want my daughter to have the memories of me, that i have of my father...feels like i just through away 4 yrs of being sober.

i have alot of demons i need to take care of, and i hope i can win, as of now i feel like i'm fighting a losing battle, so i decided to junk my stash of test, and not get my fina, as i'm sure a gram of test and 500mgs of tren a week wouldn't help me much.

anyway, i want to thank all the bro's that have given so much advice to me over the yrs, i've been around for 4 yrs, and wish that i coulda gotten to know alot of ya's alot better, as there is a great bunch of guys here.

there's a few guys here, that i don't agree with, but at the same time, they know they're shit when it comes to training and gear, you prolly know who ya are hehe.

i am glad to see Sup1 back b4 i go. i don't know if you remember me, but you saved my ass when some stuff was going on over at the gade, and i thanked you in an email for it, wish i coulda helped ya more when you needed it.

to all the others, thanks again, and stay safe. in the eyes of the law, we're a bunch of non good criminals, but to each other, i truely see a brotherhood, a bunch of guys jacked up on test, when most are some of the nicest guys in the world.

stay safe fellas, stay safe.


At this point, the best thing you can do for yourself is to stay on this site and keep us as friends. Do not cut off yourself to a positive influence in our life. You dont have to take AAS to talk on here. Stick around, it will be to your benefit and ours.
Re: Hey

At this point, the best thing you can do for yourself is to stay on this site and keep us as friends. Do not cut off yourself to a positive influence in our life. You dont have to take AAS to talk on here. Stick around, it will be to your benefit and ours.
Like Phil said, stick around - make the changes you need to get your life in order. We're always here to support you!

Phil hit the nail on the head with that one. A good place to vent can be good therapy.
Hey bro, I will keep you in my prayers. I would like to echo the sentiment that you stick around. At this point I think it would benefit you to be around people that care about you and who you care about. Just remember, most BB'ers are strong mentally as well as physically. I know you can turn yourself around it that is what you want. Either way you have my prayers.
My Dad, a raging alcoholic from his teens until his late 30's, was sober for 23 years of my life (he's now 67). Last year he slipped up. He went out with some buddies and came home to my Mom and I completely plastered. A week or so later, he did the same thing again. We were beginning to think that he was revertting back to his old ways, and that we would lose him. Well, you know what he did? He took a look at his life: a loving wife and son, a new grandchild, a house and yard completely paid for and owned by him, and (hopefully) 20 some-odd years left to enjoy all of it; and decided that everything else was way more important than any bottle or can. He knew that embracing all that he had would be enough to keep the demons at bay. So it's been over a year since the last slip up, and I honestly don't think he'll ever touch a drop again.

Bro, if you want it bad enough, you can be cured too. Depression is a hard affliction to fight, but remember to embrace all that you have accomplished and everyone you love. All of the bros on this board belong to something a little bigger than just a weight room or a needle. We are a family too, and we will support you when you need it. Don't give up, and try not to leave us high and dry. You can beat the demons too.
Take care of yourself, bro. I do hope you stick around and use "us" as a support system, but TCB, bro. Good luck and hope to run into you again!

yeah bro we are here to talk about , help with each others problems as wether it bodybuilding or other. If you can bet something for 4 years bro I know you can beat it again :) best luck we all not going anywhere :)
i just want to say i agree with everyone else .i think you should stay bro you dont have to be jacked to use this board ,and its always good to have a suport system .if you decide to go thoe take care bro things will be looking up before you know it
One screw up in almost 4 years and you recognized it and walked away from the demon means you are stronger than you think.

Hang around here, help people out with your knowledge, you don't have to prove anything to anybody here that has seen you post.

At the very least you have the right to post about anything and everything, I think the bros here have more respect and good intentions than anyhere else.

Stay strong

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
Hey, I too had a ragging alcoholic for a father, and he is a manic depressant too. He sobered up for his family 17 years ago and I respect him for that. He also, slipped a couple times, but he feels that the positives in his life out weigh the alcohol.

Keep this positive part in your life. I feel that I suffer from some sort of depression...espcially the day after I drink. I try and keep alcohol out of my life, but from time to time I have a drink to unwind and clear my head. Try and stay positive(easier said than done I know), but think of your family, your friends, and your bros on these chat boards. like PHIL said keep us around if we are positive?

Best o luck, and kill those demons so you and the people close to you can enjoy your company.

Take care...

ALways a bro!!

You'll always be an iron bro!! I am confident you will pull through this.. Keep your head up always. Strive for better but always be happy. I know thats sometimes hard to see but things will ALWAYS work out for the best. Hard times build charactor, And with your honesty with yourself you are on the right path to mental freedom. If you EVER need anything email me. I'd like to talk.

[email protected]
Soon to be [email protected]
The best of luck with whatever you decide to do!
thx guys

i guess i let the negitive things take over and count out all the positive things in my life. thx to all the guys that posted, i was feeling really down and like i said, not focusing on all the great things going on in my life.

i was talking with my fiance last night, and i came to the conclusion that i'm gonna focus on life the way i'd focus on the gym after a layoff. things are shitty at first, but after awhile, the muscles come bak. and you're even stronger and more hungry then b4 hehe, i guess it sounds corny as hell, but thinking like thats making me feel more positive already.

and to be honest, this board and the members are just to damn cool to stay away from.

thx again guys.

Good luck dude, hope you get your head straight and come back!
Good luck and take care get the help you need and you will be back.
Man you know you can always talk to us. you also have an anonyminity factor in being you don't have to look us in theyes and see us afterwards so don't be afraid to let it all out. We have this same discussion going on over on CEM and it warmed my heart to think that a bunch of people that i really don't know in real life were so willing to help in any way they could.

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