I notice the trend is more towards using fish oils now but does anyone out there still consume ground flaxseed in their diet? I am consuming about 4-5 tablespoons a day, I currently do not use fish oils in my diet.
I notice the trend is more towards using fish oils now but does anyone out there still consume ground flaxseed in their diet? I am consuming about 4-5 tablespoons a day, I currently do not use fish oils in my diet.
i have used the ground flax before added to shakes, imo i think it does not work really, i struggle to see how the body can get all the essential fats from it before it passes through, I would just get udo'd oil, which again imo is far supperior to fish oils and it doesn't smell either. In his book Fats that heal and fats that kill, udo himself deccribes just how much supperior fats from seeds are over fish oils and the contamination of fish oils inc the manufacturing process, leave many of the good fats destroyed into a trans fat.
A worthwhile read, for sure, but if you don't want to read it take his advice and use his oils. they really are the best by miles for so many reasons.
My bf does most of our cooking. He add flaxseeds into, but he doesn't ground them. He puts them on salads, steamed veggies, rice or added to baked chicken, etc.
I'm going to try to mix in flax and fish oils daily, instead of just using one or the other.
Mr.Magoo I thought the same thing but I read somewhere the opposite, that it actually increases estrogen and reduces testosterone, I'll try to find the link to the information, most of what I had heard previously was that it was anti-estrogen. Can anyone clear this up?