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GSP vs BJ Penn fight night


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 9, 2008
I'm sitting here watching Spike TV, and getting really excited and pumped about the George St. Pierre vs BJ Penn fight on Jan. 31st. I can't wait....I am a big fan of GSP , but I know it will be a bad ass fight. What are you thoughts on the fight, and where will it end up, ground or standing? and where will you watch the fight?
Ill be watching it..Im a big Penn fan..I hope he wins via submission. My girl is a GSP fan. This one should be a great fight!
What a fight it will be...

I'm a big fan of both guys and think this will be a great fight...I'm thinking it's going to stay mostly stand-up but can see GSP shooting for takedowns...regardless this should be an awesome fight!

I don't even have a prediction it could go either way...
depends on how both guys trained. and who takes it more serious. it will be a good fight and could be an upset night BUT if gsp is on his game and focused and not overwhelmed he will control the fight and will pick apart penn. second or 3rd round ref calls a stop to the fight. we will see!! im excited tho

on another note, afliction fights tonight, fedor fight is gna be a good one. its a good match up if they are both on their game but ofcourse fedor is a machine but everyone is beatable and everyone can get caught. every dog has its day!
wish i could watch the fight tonight but im at work and we cant order ppv so that sucks there used to be websites you could watch them but i cant remember
try this one....

wish i could watch the fight tonight but im at work and we cant order ppv so that sucks there used to be websites you could watch them but i cant remember

**broken link removed**

i like gsp for this one.
GSP!!!!!!!! Penn is amazing on the ground and this will be a great fight.


Penn ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GSP is going to destroy Penn. On the shows they have had on Spike that show their training routines, Penn decided to take 5 days off in the middle of his training to "relax". Dana White was trying to get in touch with him and was a little pissed off that BJ wasn't in the gym training. GSP on the other hand barely takes a minute of downtime. The guy trains like an animal. After he got beat by Serra he has had a completely new mindset and has taken his game to a whole new level. I dont think BJ stands a chance.
Penn taking days off will not affect him at all...bottom line is this, if GSP is 100% on his game and most of all in his head he will take this no matter what. The problem with GSP is that his head is easily f'd with....
GSP is going to destroy Penn. On the shows they have had on Spike that show their training routines, Penn decided to take 5 days off in the middle of his training to "relax". Dana White was trying to get in touch with him and was a little pissed off that BJ wasn't in the gym training. GSP on the other hand barely takes a minute of downtime. The guy trains like an animal. After he got beat by Serra he has had a completely new mindset and has taken his game to a whole new level. I dont think BJ stands a chance.

I went to sherdog and they said that all of the training and "days-off" and stuff is for the dramatic purposes. I hope so because Penn needs to stay focused and at the top of his game to pull out a victory in this one
I'm sitting here watching Spike TV, and getting really excited and pumped about the George St. Pierre vs BJ Penn fight on Jan. 31st. I can't wait....I am a big fan of GSP , but I know it will be a bad ass fight. What are you thoughts on the fight, and where will it end up, ground or standing? and where will you watch the fight?

This will be a good one. I cant even call this fight,,it could go either way.
wish i could watch the fight tonight but im at work and we cant order ppv so that sucks there used to be websites you could watch them but i cant remember

Free Sport Network, I hope that helps.
IF GSP SHOWS UP MENTALLY, HE WILL WIN.. i can not for the life of me stand bj penn.. he truly is a mental mudget.. "i am truly going to try and kill you"... and then licking the blood of sherk of his glove ect ect.. he truly needs to thanks his parents for being rich because he could not flip a burger without instructions..
two great fighters. i like to see the prodigy pull it off so i can see a third fight. bj messed gsps face up in that first fight

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