Make sure that you listen to your dr. on laying low for a while. I rushed back and caused a blood clot. Which forced me into another surg. and a longer recovery time. I went back to work two days after; personal training. I was very cautious but obviously it was too much. Take a vacation for a week. Trust me it'll be worth it. :st:r-wars
Really depends on how much tissue they remove.
I was out for two weeks the first time. My surgeon inserted drains to prevent hematoma development. They were removed about 3 days post surg. I was back to benching within a month. Make sure you wear your ace wrap. Not only is it important for the healing process but helps with the pain.
Second time was to go back and remove a small segment that he missed the first time that grew back with a vengeance.
Unless your doc uses an implant, they can't remove the entire gland. They need to leave a small amount of tissue under the nipple for support purposes. This tissue "CAN and WILL" grow back if your not careful.
Sorry, didn't see the work part. Again, depends on the type of work you do. If your a desk jockey I'd say 2 days. Your gonna look a little stiff walkin around the office though. Laborer/construction etc...I'd lay low until the sutures are removed. 10 days minimum.