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have u guys seen this its a first for me-( Todays nolvadex tomorrows poison)


New member
Oct 27, 2008
**broken link removed**

by Sherrill Sellman
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5, #4 (June - July 1998)

While the initial findings of tamoxifen's role in breast cancer treatment seemed so promising, as with so many of the synthetic hormone drugs, further research presented grave concerns for its widespread use. In fact, the MIMS Annual lists 25 adverse reactions to tamoxifen: some of l these can be fatal.

Eye Damage
According to a 1978 study in Cancer Treatment Reports and another published in Cancer in 1992, about six per cent of women taking even low-dose tamoxifen suffer damage to the retina and corneal opacities and decreased visual acuity. Irreversible corneal and retinal changes can occur in those taking 20 mg. of tamoxifen twice a day (twice the usual dose). These changes may have no immediate effect on visual acuity, but may predispose the eyes to later problems including cataracts.

Blood Clots
Tamoxifen irritates the walls of the veins, and inflammation (a natural healing response to irritation) follows. The constant irritation and inflammation weakens the veins, causing bleeding, clotting, thrombophlebitis and, in the worst cases, obstruction of the blood vessels serving the lungs, which can be deadly and can occur with little warning. The incidence of thrombophlebitis in women using oral contraceptives is generally regarded as significant (1 in 2,000); however, with tamoxifen it's 30 times greater."

Several studies, including one reported to the FDA's Oncological Drugs Advisory Committee by the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project in 1991, showed that the risk of developing life-threatening blood clots increases about seven times in women taking tamoxifen. (6)

Psychological Symptoms
Depression has been reported as a potential side-effect of tamoxifen in 30 per cent of women. Cases have been reported of an inability to concentrate.

It is important that patients observe their moods and mental states. If it is suspected at tamoxifen is causing depression or lack of concentration, it is suggested that a period of tamoxifen avoidance be considered.

Other Symptoms
Tamoxifen can trigger asthma attacks in some sensitive patients.

Changes to the vocal cords resulting in impairment of singing and speaking abilities are occasionally caused by tamoxifen.

It wasn't long before laboratory studies showed that tamoxifen acted as a carcinogen. It has been found that tamoxifen binds tightly and irreversibly to DNA, the genetic blueprint of a cell, causing a cancerous mutation to take place. Even Australia's conservative National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) warned that no amount of tamoxifen is safe when it comes to carcinogenic effects.

In California there is a law called "Proposition 65" that requires the state to publish and maintain a list of all known carcinogens. In May 1995, the state's Carcinogen Identification Committee voted unanimously to add tamoxifen to its list.

Following suit, in 1996 the World Health Organization formally designated tamoxifen a human carcinogen, grouping it with 70 other chemicals — about one quarter of them pharmaceuticals — that have received this dubious distinction.

Liver Cancer and Liver Disease
Tamoxifen is toxic to the liver, and there have been reports of acute hepatitis in patients treated with tamoxifen. Liver damage has occurred in every animal given tamoxifen. According to Gary Williams, medical director of the American Heart Foundation, tamoxifen has been shown in animal studies to be a "rip-roaring" liver carcinogen, inducing highly aggressive cancers in about 12 per cent of rats. (7)

The latest human studies show a six-fold increase in liver cancer among women taking tamoxifen for more than two years." Liver failure and tamoxifen-induced hepatitis, although rare, have been reported. Even Zeneca admits that tamoxifen is a liver carcinogen — while nevertheless aggressively promoting its use.

Heart Disease and Osteoporosis
Another promise of tamoxifen was its supposed protective benefits for the heart and bones. It was theorized that its estrogenic properties would help reduce heart disease and osteoporosis in women, but once again the theory crumbled under the weight of hard facts.

Several trials with tamoxifen failed to show that it has any effect on bone density and thus on prevention of osteoporosis. In three other trials, bone density increased slightly in lower spinal vertebrae but not in longer bones or hip bones which are particularly susceptible to fractures and potentially fatal complications.

Initial data seemed to indicate that it decreased the incidence of heart attacks, but they have been disproved by more recent studies. According to Dr. Susan Love: "It doesn't seem to have a bad effect on lipids, but that's a far cry from preventing heart attacks."

A detailed review of the drug's alleged protective cardiovascular effects prompted the British National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, a once strong proponent of tamoxifen, to withdraw its support because the evidence of benefit proved so inadequate. (25)

According to the January 1996 issue of The Network News, it was reported at a closed-door meeting of the National Cancer Institute that tamoxifen failed to prevent heart disease in breast cancer patients.

Based far more on wishful thinking than on science, the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) leaped to the conclusion that tamoxifen's anti-estrogenic effects in relation to breast cancer treatment meant that the drug would prevent breast cancer from developing in healthy women.

Disregarding all the research implicating tamoxifen with serious and potentially fatal side-effects, the NCI launched a US$60 million breast cancer prevention trial in April 1992, aiming to recruit 16,000 healthy women in the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Still ongoing, the trial now involves 13,000 healthy women over the age of 35 who are considered at high risk. Australia has recruited 1,350 women, with a target of 2,500. For five years, half the women receive tamoxifen and half receive a placebo. The drug is supplied free of charge by manufacturer Zeneca.

Dr. Samuel Epstein, Professor Environmental Medicine at the University of Illinois School of Public Health and author of The Breast Cancer Prevention Program, raises serious concerns. "Unfortunately, this misguided and dangerous approach to prevention stems from the entrenched fixation of the NCI on the use of chemical drugs to prevent cancer which may have been induced by chemical pollutants, medical technology (such as radiation from X-rays) and carcinogenic/estrogenic drugs in the first place. Instead of attempting to reduce the carcinogenic chemical burden under which we struggle to maintain our health, the NCI believes that the solution is to add more chemicals to the mix."

Dr. Susan Love concurs: "It is a sad state of affairs when we have to add yet more chemicals to counteract the effects of other chemicals."

This attitude extends to the way the NCI treats the women in the trial. They are given no guidance on alternative protective measures such as increasing exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a protective diet and avoiding exposure to environmental carcinogens; nor are they being fully informed about the serious risks of tamoxifen.

Dr. Lynette Dumble, Senior Research Fellow in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Melbourne, believes that the global trial to prevent breast cancer with tamoxifen is a modern and very large chapter of "medical imperialism". Back in October 1994 she commented on ABC TV's Quantum science program that the tamoxifen trial was the medical equivalent of mutilating surgery which prevents a woman from developing breast cancer by cutting off both her breasts.

Dr. Dumble sees women as vulnerable guinea pigs for the trial, and questions both the breast cancer risk of healthy women volunteering for the trial (how can you tell whether fate or tamoxifen prevents a woman from developing breast cancer?) and the terms of the trial's positives and negatives (if a woman dies of tamoxifen-related endometrial or liver cancer, does this count as a tamoxifen success in preventing breast cancer?).

It seems absurd, but why would the powers-that-be continue to promote a trial that promises to substitute one cancer for another in otherwise healthy women? Once again, healthy women are targeted as the guinea pigs for a drug treatment that has already been proven to be a cause of a variety of cancers including breast cancer. In the case of tamoxifen, medical research has once again taken a back seat to profits. It is the population that is at risk. The cancer establishment would certainly be eager to prove a tamoxifen-prevention role, since it would then open up another huge, billion-dollar market.

It is widely believed that today's drugs are tomorrow's poisons. In the case of tamoxifen, tomorrow has already arrived.

now im thinking of tossing my nolva. what u guys thinK??
jeez!......there sure were alot of doctors involved in that book...

ive never taken nolvadex thank god
have u guys seen this its a first for me

Well, first step before taking a new drug is to read the package insert or check it in the PDR. All this is in there.

Of course, all drugs have crazy listed sides. My philosophy is to not stack a bunch of drugs unless you really need it for a good reason.

This tamoxifen issue has been discussed here many times before.
nolvadex is horrible. the clot risk is very dangerous. i'd never touch the stuff.
look at the source. Don't believe everything you read. Who is Sherrill Sellman? She doesn't have a degree. All-natural.com? That sounds like a vegan website that pushes holistic meds and/or homeopathy. Nexus magazine sounds like another crock, to me. There are a lot of docs -- that know about current research -- that encourage bbers to use nolvadex. Not to mention all the quotes from "doctors" (these aren't md's, by the way) aren't saying anything conclusive... they're speculating, or talking about polypharmacy and how it's a bad thing. There is the one woman from melbourne that says nolvadex use in women is akin to chopping off their breasts, but guess what, THIS ISN'T FOR MALE BBERS. The depression issue in women? Where's the source? Can we have a source, please? How about retinal damage? Again, can I see it in JAMA, first? This is a bunch of bullshit. Don't believe everything you see from "all-natural.com" or "Nexus" magazine.
Last edited:
nolvadex causes nutsack cancer... true story
I think the use of AAS can cause similar irritation to blood vessels and lead to clots. Did not know about nolva though. Thats something I really didnt use leading up to my almost deadly blood clot.
did nobody else notice this article is more than 10 years old, and from an "all natural" healing site? I'd take what they say with a grain of salt.
I love network(multi-level) Marketing and have made millions in it. I am an MLM consultant for Legacy for Life and LifeWave and have thousands of reps in each one. That site all-natural.com in like a who's who of scam companies.

Unless you know the inside like me this is not the time to find an MLM and join it. On the internet it is literally 99%
scams. Underdosed supplements. fake resveratrol, bullshit juices you name it! PM me if you want me to check out a company for you. Hell if it checks out I might join you!
I am looking, like a needle in a haystack to find one that won't fuck you over. One friend of mine Greg opened up Korea and had millions of volume in his group there and the company just said "The economy is bad so we are not paying overseas commissions on your sales, Suck it up.

That being said, Nolva is like the worst to use. Like putting Statin drugs in your system. I hate the way it makes me feel all depressed and weepy.

I'm sure all of you have seen those drug ads where they list all the possible side effects of the drug. some of them being stroke, death yadda yadda yadda.....

They have to list ANYTHING that has happened or that can happen. No matter how rare it could be. I'm not saying the info isn't credible, but just saying take it with a grain of salt.

Anything abused is not good. Besides....it really doesn't get specific as to what dose they were taking and how long they were taking it! They could be talking about weeks, months, years?? Have no idea. I hate supposed "factual" reports like this b/c of how vague they are.
look at the source. Don't believe everything you read. Who is Sherrill Sellman? She doesn't have a degree. All-natural.com? That sounds like a vegan website that pushes holistic meds and/or homeopathy. Nexus magazine sounds like another crock, to me. There are a lot of docs -- that know about current research -- that encourage bbers to use nolvadex. Not to mention all the quotes from "doctors" (these aren't md's, by the way) aren't saying anything conclusive... they're speculating, or talking about polypharmacy and how it's a bad thing. There is the one woman from melbourne that says nolvadex use in women is akin to chopping off their breasts, but guess what, THIS ISN'T FOR MALE BBERS. The depression issue in women? Where's the source? Can we have a source, please? How about retinal damage? Again, can I see it in JAMA, first? This is a bunch of bullshit. Don't believe everything you see from "all-natural.com" or "Nexus" magazine.
Thank you for your post, it's refreshing to see.
Im sure there is a write up somewhere about diet soda or air conditioning with 10x the side effects that nolva has. Another prob with these studies is the cant narrow everything down. They can take an obese powerlifter and say that juice caused his heart attack but they wont even factor that weighing 330lbs at %30 b/f could have had something to do with it.
I knew about the carcinogenic properties, but not the rest, good read.
BB'ers have been using nolvadex for decades. I havent heard of anyone having any problems.


i personally have been on nolva a yr and a half straight and havent had anything that remotely resembles a side.

closest thing to a problem i have had is the month i had to stop taking it (work ua).. i decided that estrogen is evil and im shocked there arent more female serial killers

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